Will Israeli Politicians Allow Olmert to Remain PM?



Caroline Glick, in her column excerpted below, corroborates the math presented here and adds one more factor; the possiblility of 11 Kadima rebels who could constitute “the final hammer blow” which destroys Olmert’s regime and forces new elections.

The big question is; do Israeli politicians have the overriding courage to drive new elections even though, for many, it could mean lost seats? When will the term political courage become more than a laughable oxymoron on the Israeli political scene? MB read more


Olmert Engages in Psychological “Projection” of Word — Disgrace



Michael Freund puts Olmert’s word “disgrace” in real perspective. The question is; who is a disgrace? The youth who love and cleave to Hashem’s legacy to B’nai Yisrael — the Land of Israel? Or an etrogized power-abusive Prime Minister lacking elective mandate and who races to place the nation in dire, mortal and territorial peril in order to evade legal judgement for his own dereliction of leadership (Lebanon conflict) and his personal, political corruption, graft and moral turpitude? MB read more

More Terrorists to Go Free Before Annapolis While Olmert’s Recognition “Pre-conditions” Come Only After



Ehud Olmert, in his continuing futile, national self-demeaning and perilous efforts at “confidence-building” and at propping-up Mahmoud Abbas in the face of rival (spelled ally) Hamas, will release 300 to 400 more Palestinian prisoners before the Annapolis summit which is slated to begin on 25 November. The transparent leftist charade of Abbas’ “readiness for peace” goes on.

Of course these, like all of their predecessors, will have to sign that worthless piece of paper pledging that they will hand in their weapons and refrain from future terror attacks. And everybody with a grain of intelligence and common sense knows that this batch of 300 or 400 releasees, like their predecessors, will be back planning and preparing to carry out the next terror attack, rocket attack, molotov cocktail, road ambush, etc. before the ink on the no-terror pledge is even dry. read more

Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit Confront Olmert’s and Ramon’s Plans and Schemes to Divide Jerusalem Sovereignty With Abbas


Recently Bitterlemons.org conducted an interview with Palestinian Waqf supervisor Adnan Husseini. Here is the text of the point he made;

Husseini: We want a city with two sovereignties, open to each other and with full recognition between the two sides. There will certainly be technical issues that will need practical resolution, but nothing to do with the fundamental issues of land sovereignty.

The holy places are a closed file. This is not negotiable. The Aqsa Mosque is not something that can be compromised on, nor is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This is a closed file. The Old City is the heart of East Jerusalem, and everything else is the natural extension of this city. read more


Why Likud Under Bibi is Part of the Protexia Class, Does Not Merit to Lead



Hopefully, the article below and it’s related reports will disabuse those who still hold expectations that Netanyahu would be a part of the solution — new leadership, rather than an exacerbation of the problem; the protexia class and their mindless hate and disdain for Torah and Judaism and their lust to separate Israelis from Torah, Jewish roots and Jewish history. MB

‘Likud Could Allow Muslim Country to Run Temple Mount’, by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post) read more


Olmert’s Meaningless, Bogus Denials of an Agreement with Abbas

Click here for the previous post on this story.

Olmert Denies Formulating Declaration of Principles, by Herb Keinon and Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday denied reports that Israel and the Palestinians were very close to signing a declaration of principles.

“We are talking about a joint statement which we hope will be the focus of the international summit in November. When we reach a statement, I will bring it to the government. I don’t plan to hide it. There is a difference between a declaration of principles and a statement,” Olmert said at a Kadima and Gil Pensioners ministerial meeting. read more

Not Just Olmert Must Go; Livni, Kadima MUST Resign From Political, Governmental Leadership — Permanently!

PM Livni? Are We Crazy?, by Uzi Landau (Ynet)

Foreign Minister lacks independent worldview; we cannot afford another experiment.

“Livni, with all due respect, is there by coincidence. She was able to jump on the right bandwagon at the right time. She has no independent worldview. She zigzagged with her positions based on political benefits to be gained at the time. And while she’s finishing up her one-year internship at the Foreign Ministry, she’s already rushing to do some basic training at the Prime Minister’s Office, at the expense of the public.” read more


Spin Doctors Spinning Barghouti Release

Report: Media Preparing Ground For Barghouti Release, by Ezra HaLevi (Israel National News)

“Although Israel’s media routinely refers to those convicted of rape as rapists (“The rapist Benny Sela escaped from police custody”) and murder as murderers (“The murderer Yigal Amir applied for the right to have a conjugal visit from his wife”), Barghouti is never referred to as a murderer on either Kol Israel government radio or Army Radio.”

For previous reports related to Marwan Barghouti, click here. read more

Olmert’s Strategic Incoherence = Israel’s Perceived Strategic Irrelevancy

For context, click here and here.

Column One, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“…Since last summer’s war, the Americans and Europeans no longer give weight to Israeli statements…. The Arabs and Iranians have also stopped taking us seriously. This unacceptable and dangerous state of affairs will end only after the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government is voted out of office.”


IDF’s head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the cabinet on Sunday, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and the Palestinians are all openly preparing to go to war against Israel and the US this summer. read more


Olmert Negotiations with Abbas, Arabs “Based on Proposition that Israel… Has No Right to Exist.”

Our World: Lame Ducks and Sitting Ducks, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

Related analysis: Politically-Correct Pundit’s Web Space Fillers: All About Leftist Spin

Analysis: To Invade or Not to Invade Gaza?

Peres: ‘Saudi Plan Good, But Needs Negotiating’

“Olmert was happy to lie to the public and claim that Abbas had agreed to end the rocket attacks on the Western Negev, he knows full well that he won’t.”


Last November 26, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered the IDF to withdraw its forces from Gaza. Sounding oddly triumphant, Olmert announced that he had reached a cease-fire with the Palestinians. The strangeness of his statement became apparent when just hours later Sderot absorbed yet another bombardment of rockets from Gaza. read more