Parshat Breish’t 5785: Eitz Hadat: Communication Breakdown? — A Second Look a Year Later!

Shalom Friends;

Our Breish’t vort is being sponsored by Benyamin and Barbara Lemkin and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh and dedicated to the Jewish heros who fight Amalek in accordance with Torah values as well as for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To the Lemkin family, many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued kindnesses. read more

Simchat Torah – V’Zot HaBracha 5785: Moshe’s Final Bracha to Kol Am Yisrael, and the War of Simchat Torah

Shalom Friends;

Our Simchat Torah vort is being sponsored by Simon and Aliza Baum and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh who dedicate this vort Lilui Nishmas in honor of Simon’s Parents: Chaya Miriam Bas Boruch and Simcha ben Yehuda Leib and for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To the Baum family, many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued kindnesses. read more

Succot 5785: Simcha, Man’s Inclination and Our Ongoing Milchama Shel Torah

Shalom Friends;

Our Succot vort is being sponsored by Haim and Danit Kalb and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh Lilui Nishmas for Haim’s Dad, Mordechai Yosef ben R’ Efraim, his Mother, Feigye bat R’ Mordechai and for the Yahrtzeits of Haim’s Grandfathers R’ Efraim ben R’ Mordechai and Mordechai ben David as well as for the Yahrtzeit of Danit’s Father Avraham Avigdor ben Aba Yehuda and for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. . To the Kalb family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses. read more

Yom Kippur 5785: Contrasting The Kohen’s Gadol’s Ground Incense, and Our War of Simchat Torah

Shalom Friends;

Our Yom Kippur vort is being sponsored by Yossie and Elisheva Schulman of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated l’zecher nishmas Elisheva’s Grandmother, Zemira bas Yehuda Leib and her aunt, Rivka Necha bas Moshe Yitzchak and for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To Yossie, Elisheva and the Schulman family, may you all be inscribed and sealed for only simcha, success, good health, nachas from your children, and only good things in the year to come and to at least 120 years. Many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued multitudes of kindnesses. read more

Parshat Ha’azinu 5785: Can Hashem Still Trust Us in Light of the Sins of Our Generations?

Shalom Friends:

Our Parshat HaShavua Ha’azinu is being sponsored by Eliyahu and Shuli Gherman of Ramat Beit Shemesh to commemorate Eliyahu’s Bar Mitzvah Parsha and dedicated for Refuah Shleima for the cholim of Am Yisrael, for Hatslucha for the Gherman family in Eretz Yisrael and for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm. . To the Gherman family, many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued kindnesses. read more

Rosh Hashana 5785: Our Re-Coronation of Hashem as Our King and Creator of All, and Our Existential War

Shalom Friends;

Our Rosh Hashana vort is being sponsored by Avraham and Miriam Deutsch of Efrat who dedicate Special L’Shana Tova wishes for our brethren, the former residents of Gush Katif, as well as L’Shana Tova for Zahal and Kol Am Yisrael and prayers for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm. To the Deutsch family, many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshiyot Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5784: Seeking Strength, Humility and Unity in Am Yisrael, Governance and High Military Leadership

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShavua, Nitzavim-Vayeilech is being sponsored by Benyamin and Tracy Skriloff of Ramat Beit Shemesh Lilui Nishmas Benyamin’s Mother, Chana bat Benyamin and dedicated for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To the Skriloff family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses and good wishes
You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring (or as the case may be, co-sponsoring) a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Ki Tavo 5784: Upholding and Performing the Words of Torah, and the War of Simchat Torah?

Dear Friends;

This year’s Parshiyot Ki Tavo vort is being sponsored by Rabbi Eliezer and Esther Brodt of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To the Brodt family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Ki Teitsei 5784: Fighting and Winning a Milchemet Shel Torah

Dear Friends;

This year’s Parshat Ki Tetzei vort is being co-sponsored anonymously dedicated lilui nismas Devorah bat Yechiel Michel Of Blessed Memory and co-sponsored by Reuven and Leah Goldman and family. Both co-sponsors dedicate the vort for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To our two co-sponsors, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses. read more

Parshat Shoftim 5784: Judging With Justice vs the Judicial State

Dear Friends;

This year’s Parshiyot Shoftim vort is being sponsored by Dr. Ari and Judy Mosenkis of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated n honor of Shoftim being Ari’s Bar Mitzvah Parsha and for the safety of the Chayalim and the liberation of all remaining hostages and their return home without experiencing any further harm, as well as for the good health and security of kol Am Yisrael. To the Mosenkis family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more