Celebrating Alternatives to Olmert’s “Too Tired” Surrender

Weekly Commentary: Continuing the Struggle, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA)


Time and again retreat proponents have claimed that the people are tired and cannot sustain the struggle when in truth it was the leadership that failed a public willing to endure great sacrifices. A public that has no illusions about the viability of instant or even permanent solutions but instead realizes that the struggle for freedom is an ongoing exercise worth the battle.

Could Operation X, no matter its scope, put a permanent end to the terror threat in the Gaza Strip? read more


Olmert, Israeli Post-Zionist Mindset: Deliberate Ignorance of What’s Not at Doorstep, Why Fight? “I’m too Tired …”

Column One: Ilan Halimi and Israel, by Caroline Glick


“…There is one more aspect of the case that bears note. That is Israel’s reaction to the atrocity. In short, there has been absolutely no official Israeli reaction to the abduction, torture and murder of a Jew in France by a predominantly Muslim terrorist gang that kidnapped, tortured and murdered him because he was a Jew.

No Israeli government minister, official or spokesman has condemned his murder. No Israeli official has demanded that the French authorities investigate why the police refused to take anti-Semitism into account during Ilan’s captivity. No Israeli official flew to Paris to participate in Ilan’s funeral or any other memorial or demonstration in his memory. The Foreign Ministry’s Web site makes no mention of his murder. The Israeli Embassy in Paris – which has been without an ambassador for the past several months – only publicly expressed its condolences to the Halimi family on February 23, 10 days after Ilan was found. This, when the French Jewish community considers Halimi’s murder to have been the greatest calamity to have befallen it in recent years; when aliya rates rose 25% last year; and when Ilan’s mother has told reporters that her son had planned to make aliya soon and was just staying in France to save money to finance his move to Israel. For its part, as Michelle Mazel pointed out in The Jerusalem Post yesterday, the French press has noted that the Israeli media has not given the story prominent coverage. Halimi’s murder has not appeared on the front pages of the papers or at the top of the television or radio broadcasts.” read more


Olmert Parody on Barak: “I Will Do Everything…” [To Hold Power?]


Defense Minister Ehud Barak keeps saying things like “I will do everything to bring him [Gilad Shalit] back” or “Israel would do everything in its power to see the safe return of captured Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit.” It is highly questionable what the limits of that “everything” are. For instance, does everything include liberation by military means?

Meanwhile, we have watched Barak’s coalition partner prime minister Ehud Olmert complete his 2 year charade concerning deceased IDF soldiers Regev and Goldwasser which, as Evelyn Gordon seems to indicate in her commentary below; read more


Olmert’s Ongoing Flip-Flop on Demographics



Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has often claimed in recent years, citing and cleaving to P.A. (sic) demographics data, that Israel must hand over lands to the Arabs out of fear that the Arabs will essentially destroy Israel by out-numbering the Jews. These claims have again and again been been found irrefutably overstated by at least 1.5 million by evidence presented by demographics experts Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid, Michael Weiss and Yoram Ettinger.

But, in doing a search of YouTube videos looking for different information, this author stumbled upon this Nightline interview which took place over 20 years ago with both then MK Ehud Olmert and Rabbi Meir Kahane, z’l. In that interview, Ehud Olmert attempts to refute Rabbi Kahane by saying that the chances of the Arabs outnumbering the Jews is remote. read more


Olmert’s Words on Holocaust, Actions in Direct Contradiction



The righteous-appearing comments of prime minister Olmert on the Holocaust are nothing more than shallow, self-serving rhetoric. Olmert reveals with these words not the least comprehension of the implications and true meanings of words he mutters, were these words to have been spoken by a true leader of the Jewish people.

But Israel’s Spirit with which “no power… can contend” seemingly appears, in Olmert’s view of actuality “too tired to fight, too tired to win… “ These very words will be repeated again, and again, and again to bear witness against Ehud Olmert and his ilk as long as he and they remain they government in power; as long as Olmert remains in politics. read more


Leftist MSM “Too Tired to Win” IDF Casualty Myth


Columnist Evelyn Gordon comments about the myth of losing public support for a conflict due to casualty level. This myth is one of the pillars holding up the leftist, “too tired,” surrenderist Jewish divestation policies of the Olmert, Barak, Livni, Ramon regime — from Gaza, to Yesha, to the Golan, to Jerusalem.

But hopefully, as Gordon surmises;

THIS is why a majority of Israelis currently support a major ground operation in Gaza. They are not fools; they know the likely price is dozens of dead soldiers, with their own sons, brothers and husbands possibly among them. But they also know that countries must protect their citizens, so ending the rocket fire on Sderot is the army’s duty. read more


Shall Olmert, Incompetent Hacks Continue for Our Silence?


Will Olmert and his corrupt, graft-ridden group of incompetent, political hacks in unison with their leftist-msm partners continue to dictatorially rule Israel after Winograd? Or will the masses of Jewish public awaken, get their backs up and force Olmert and his lazy, protexia-ridden, surrenderist regime to collapse?

Will the people compel deconstruction of the governmental instruments which enable an Olmert and money-grubbing coalition partners to gain power?

The three excerpts from the longer version of the excerpted Caroline Glick commentary below, speak volumes; MB read more


Olmert: No Intention of Providing Maximal Protection to All Residents of Gaza Periphery


Once again, we hear the latest variation on Olmert’s general theme; “I’m too tired to win” which translated shows again the the extent of elitist Olmert’s callous disdain for the Negev towns, including Sderot, and for the entire people which he governs. Maximal protection? The people of the Southern Negev towns, including Sderot have NOT even been minimally protected as indicated here, here and here despite Olmert’s empty and worthless pledges and promises. MB read more

Olmert’s Strategic Incoherence = Israel’s Perceived Strategic Irrelevancy

For context, click here and here.

Column One, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“…Since last summer’s war, the Americans and Europeans no longer give weight to Israeli statements…. The Arabs and Iranians have also stopped taking us seriously. This unacceptable and dangerous state of affairs will end only after the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government is voted out of office.”


IDF’s head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the cabinet on Sunday, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and the Palestinians are all openly preparing to go to war against Israel and the US this summer. read more


Olmert Regime and the Rule of Law: Two Must Reads [With a Few Thousand Grains of Salt Re: Motivations of the Writers]

Paz-Pines: Olmert Weakening Rule of Law, by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post]


Labor leadership candidate Ophir Paz-Pines launched his campaign on Wednesday by accusing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of being corrupt, Defense Minister Amir Peretz of causing damage and his party of being “addicted to power.”

“Olmert saying that he had no agenda was one of the worst things a prime minister has ever said, especially at a time when mothers are sending their children to war,” Paz-Pines said, referring to a statement Olmert made in September. read more
