Interior Minister Sheetrit Uses Office in Attempts to Stifle Religious Aliyah


As is so often the case, Barak of IRIS hits the mark again with the post ‘Israel Should No Longer Grant Automatic Citizenship to Jews.’

In speaking before a Jewish Agency Board of Governors meeting in Jerusalem, Sheetrit was not merely addressing the issue the B’nei Menashe from India. He called for a five-year waiting period for citizenship.

He explained that “Israel should become like every other country. I want to see that [the immigrant] is not a criminal, that he’s learning Hebrew; that he’s here for five years before getting citizenship.” read more


Me’ir Sheetrit: Israel’s Uncle Tom



Definition: Uncle Tom;

Uncle Tom is a pejorative for an African American who is perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to White American authority figures, or as seeking ingratiation with them by way of unnecessary accommodation. The term Uncle Tom comes from the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, although there is debate over whether the character himself is deserving of the pejorative attributed to him.[1]

It is commonly used to describe black people whose political views or allegiances are considered by their critics as detrimental to blacks as a group. read more


Mean Me’ir: Another Regime Lackey Passing the Buck at Expense of Sderot Residents

For context on Me’ir Sheetrit, click here.

Minister Attacks Gaydamak


At the weekly Cabinet meeting, Housing and Construction Minister Meir Sheetrit denounced an offer by Russian-born Israeli business tycoon Arcadi Gaydamak to provide fortification for 1,300 housing units in Sderot, calling the idea “ridiculous.”

Minister Sheetrit had equally disparaging words for complaints by residents of the rocket-battered city who have accused the government of neglecting to repair, upgrade and increase the number of bomb shelters in the western Negev town. read more


Mean Me’ir’s Perk, For Doing Absolutely Nothing …

He’s Back, but Refugees Have No Home By Ido Efrati (Ynet)


Meir Sheetrit, he of the mean, nasty, divisive mouth, the boorish bully who is confused about his identity, roots and ideology gets rewarded with a 2nd ministry, Justice, in addition to the Housing Ministry in which capacity he utterly neglected the citizens of the north.

Meir Sheetrit has not a hint of clue as to what “Tzedek, Tzedek tierdof…” (‘Justice, justice you shall pursue…’) means. MB read more

Mean Meir — Justice Minister?

PM Appoints Sheetrit Justice Minister


The third posuk of our Parsha reads and emphasizes; “Tzedek, Tzedek tierdof…” Righteousness, righteousness (also rendered Justice, Justice) you shall pursue that you may live and inherit the land which the Lord, your G’d gives you.” (Sefer Devarim, Perek 16, posuk 20)

This posuk follows immediately after the opening of our Parsha; “Judges and officers shall you appoint in all of your cities — which Hashem …gives you — for your tribes; and they shall judge the people with righteous judgement. You shall not pervert judgement, you shall not respect persons, neither take a bribe, for a bribe binds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.” (Sefer Devarim, Perek 16, p’sukim 18-19) read more


Meir Sheetrit Seems to Have a Problem With ‘Convergence’…

Minister Sheetrit: Terror Will Continue After Consolidation Plan

Aaron Lerner’s IMRA captures this quote from Sheetrit in Hebrew language Ha’aretz.


Although Mean Meir has a problem with the continuation of terror after ‘convergence’, dimes to dollars that his obvious blind hatred for religious Jews, anything Jewish and Eretz Yisrael would blind him to all of the dangers if or when it comes to voting time on ‘convergence.’ No profile in courage here! MB read more


Former Interim Education Minister, Meir Sheetrit: “This Country Belongs to Two Peoples.”

“The rudeness and arrogance demonstrated by the interim education minister appears to have been driven by a deeper motivation.”

The Quiz and the Education Minister


One of the most distinctive events of Independence Day is the International Bible Quiz for Jewish youth held every year in Jerusalem. I am moved each time to watch the splendid representatives of so many Diaspora communities, and Israel, demonstrating their impressive knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.

At this event, the Bible – the glue that holds all Jews together – unifies the younger generation from all over the world who come to Israel’s capital to display their mastery of our nation’s formative text. read more

Kadima Party, Leaders: Conceived and Born in Sin


431 Vote Difference in Tainted Party Primary NOT National Mandate


For those not too young, timid or politically equivocal to remember the truth; the Kadima Party was conceived in evil and formed by the 2 1/2 year comatose former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a Super-Party shelter and safe-haven for all of main facilitators of the August 2005 expulsions of Jews from their homes, assets, communities and Shuls in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns.

And who were the chiefs among these facilitators of the August, 2005 expulsion besides Sharon who shared his vision of consolidation, convergence, realignment; synonyms for using the Gush Katif model for making Yehuda and the Shomron Yudenrein and handing biblical Jewish land and heritage to the enemy? read more


The Day After; Annapolis Absurdities Revealed



There are at least four stories out of Annapolis or related to the conference which point up the gathering’s absurdity, waste of time, waste of hot air and why Israel’s concoction of the idea was absurd from birth.

Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA (Independent Media Research and Analysis) writes about a question posed to Mr. Saleh Nazal, Director, Minister’s Office -PA Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs in his weekly commentary;

“the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence” Letter From Yasser Arafat To Prime Minister Rabin: September 9, 1993 read more

Olmert, Barak, Livni, Ramon, etc. — Israeli System of Governance, Institutions; Indictable for Subversion, Seduction Against the Jews?



This author has just finished learning Gemara Sanhedrin Chapter 11 — Cheilik, that is; to learn who is worthy of Olam Habah, who is not and who goes from this world to Gehennom for their deeds.

The final Mishna cited in Perek Cheilek deals with the Subverted or Seduced City (Ir HaNidachas). This Mishna takes up the last two pages of the chapter 11. And without going into specific cases regarding witnesses, exact circumstances, whether the subverters were defined by halacha as citizens of the city or outsiders, ownership of property or possessions which resided either inside or outside of the city, the Mishna parallels posukim in Wikepedia’s rendering of the pertinent posukim of Parsha Re’eh; read more
