Bibi Wins Big in Likud Primary, Feiglin Doubles Previous Vote Result

This is a difficult post to write. Tuesday’s primary vote was accompanied by expectations that a faith-based candidate would finally win out and lead Likud, or that the vote count would reach to the mid-30s %. This author is digesting the results of the primary, with great digestive difficulty.

But, it seems apparent that the typical Likud member, emblematic of the typical Israeli, still lacks the equipment, the erudition to see beyond the brain-washing, the dumbing-down, political-orientation and is incapable of stepping outside of his current lifestyle, stepping outside of his insatiable lust for convenience and privilege to battle for change from rot, corruption and protexia. Major, radical surgery is required on Israel’s leftist bureaucratic institutions, educational systems and governance which is out of control, anti-Jewish, anti-Torah. Jews must once again care for each other and unify for the collective security and good of the nation. read more


Olmert’s 4-Pronged Attack on Jewish History, Connection With and Control of Eretz Israel


Once again Caroline Glick nails the bullseye. But it’s a pity that the masses of Yosef Q. Israeli are either too lazy, too scared or too intimidated to rise and do something about it. MB

Our World: The Olmert Government’s assault on Zionism, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“The Olmert government is actively facilitating the destruction of the cultural, religious and physical heritage on which Jewish identity… is founded.”

Full Text;

Jewish history throughout the ages has proven incontrovertibly that … assertion of Jewish rights and control over the Land of Israel and the affirmation of Jewish national identity, is the solution to most of the problems that have beset the Jews… In the Land of Israel, as a nation of free men and women willing and able to assert and defend ourselves, the Jewish people flourish on every level. read more


Olmert Regime and the Rule of Law: Two Must Reads [With a Few Thousand Grains of Salt Re: Motivations of the Writers]

Paz-Pines: Olmert Weakening Rule of Law, by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post]


Labor leadership candidate Ophir Paz-Pines launched his campaign on Wednesday by accusing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of being corrupt, Defense Minister Amir Peretz of causing damage and his party of being “addicted to power.”

“Olmert saying that he had no agenda was one of the worst things a prime minister has ever said, especially at a time when mothers are sending their children to war,” Paz-Pines said, referring to a statement Olmert made in September. read more


Tossing Around Hot Potatoes


The blame game begins or continues between regime officials, each as evil as the other — including “Mean Me’ir.” The bottom line: for all of the blame and hot potatoes being tossed around, former Gush Katif residents continue to be without permanent resettlement, and the housing shortage in Yehuda and Shomron continues. MB

Sheetrit Accuses Government of Delaying Housing for Refugees

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Minister of Housing and Construction Meir Sheetrit accused “top government officials” of delaying the construction of housing for refugees from Gush Katif. According to Sheetrit, he has made several agreements to begin building permanent homes for the refugees, only to have ministers and other top officials back out at the last moment. read more


IDF Must Conquer Both Northern Gaza & the Egypt-Gaza Border…

More Calls to Conquer Large Parts of Gaza, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)

Col. (ret.) Moti Yogev: “The Kassam rockets are a direct result not only of the terrorists who fire them, but of the wantonness, lack of professionalism and irresponsibility of this government and its ministers. This includes Minister Sheetrit, who is talking nonsense… The government is not implementing the most basic effective measures to fulfill its basic responsibility to protect the citizens of Sderot and the western Negev.” read more


“Convergence Debate (sic)” Inside Kadima?

Commentary #1;

Here we have the “great debate” inside Kadima about the validity of realignment in view of the Gaza situation as Justice Minister Haim Ramon and Housing Minister Meir Sheetrit go pro and con on the issue.

Aaron Lerner of IMRA once again makes an eminently valid point;

It should be noted that when retreat proponents make the argument that thanks to the retreat from Gaza that the IDF is able to act without foreign pressure – this while they know full well that the IDF has been barred from launching a truly effective campaign out of fear of foreign pressure – that they are genuinely making the claim. read more


Parties Positioning and Strategizing on Coalition Negotiations …

Eitan Vows to Focus on Pensioner’s Issues

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Gil Pensioners Party Chairman Rafi Eitan, who led his party to an astounding seven mandates for the 17th Knesset, promised to focus on the issue that got him there.

“People chose for me for a specific issue, thus I have no choice but to concentrate on one thing, the pensioners,” he said in a Channel 1 interview Wednesday night.

“First we will take care of the pensioners, before anything else.”

Eitan was non-committal about coalition options, but said he believed that his party would not be a deciding factor. read more


Ein Breira: After Gush Katif, Amona, Too Tired, the Fire Has Left …, or How One Can’t Bring Himself to Support Kadima, Even in a Purim Shpiel …*

This author has been fighting with himself for weeks as to how to break this news to the readership.

On the heels of the catastrophic expulsions of the past six months, when one looks around at what’s out there to vote for in the coming election; a bunch of gutless, meaningless right wing parties (including the governing party who’s central committee didn’t go stark, raving mad when Sharon disregarded the Likud referendum), each of them who sat glued to their seats at crucial points when any of them could have voted against the expulsion and brought about the end of the government. read more


The Evil Schemes Planned if Kadima Wins …

An Olmert Victory Will Mark More Expulsions

Dichter Reveals Olmert’s Major Expulsion Plan

Full Text;

“Former Shin Bet director, Avi Dichter, who is vying for a Kadima Party Knesset seat, over the weekend revealed Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s master expulsion plan.

“Speaking to a Holon audience, Dichter spoke of the Kadima leader’s plan, the removal of most of the Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria.

“According to Olmert, the plan provides for a number of major settlement blocs and a small number of secondary settlement blocs, but most of the existing communities will be uprooted and their residents ousted. Olmert feels that without a Palestinian Authority (PA) partner, he is compelled to act unilaterally, following the example of his predecessor, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.” read more

Olmert, Israeli Post-Zionist Mindset: Deliberate Ignorance of What’s Not at Doorstep, Why Fight? “I’m too Tired …”

Column One: Ilan Halimi and Israel, by Caroline Glick


“…There is one more aspect of the case that bears note. That is Israel’s reaction to the atrocity. In short, there has been absolutely no official Israeli reaction to the abduction, torture and murder of a Jew in France by a predominantly Muslim terrorist gang that kidnapped, tortured and murdered him because he was a Jew.

No Israeli government minister, official or spokesman has condemned his murder. No Israeli official has demanded that the French authorities investigate why the police refused to take anti-Semitism into account during Ilan’s captivity. No Israeli official flew to Paris to participate in Ilan’s funeral or any other memorial or demonstration in his memory. The Foreign Ministry’s Web site makes no mention of his murder. The Israeli Embassy in Paris – which has been without an ambassador for the past several months – only publicly expressed its condolences to the Halimi family on February 23, 10 days after Ilan was found. This, when the French Jewish community considers Halimi’s murder to have been the greatest calamity to have befallen it in recent years; when aliya rates rose 25% last year; and when Ilan’s mother has told reporters that her son had planned to make aliya soon and was just staying in France to save money to finance his move to Israel. For its part, as Michelle Mazel pointed out in The Jerusalem Post yesterday, the French press has noted that the Israeli media has not given the story prominent coverage. Halimi’s murder has not appeared on the front pages of the papers or at the top of the television or radio broadcasts.” read more
