Fatah Kidnaps Israeli, Discover He’s American and Don’t Want Zarqawi’s End …

Palestinians Hand Over Kidnapped American Citizen to IDF


Members of an armed Fatah militia which claimed to have kidnapped an Israeli citizen Saturday transferred the individual in question, a U.S. citizen, to the custody of the Palestinian Authority before dawn Sunday.

The PA security forces subsequently handed the American over to the Israel Defense Forces. Defense officials believe once the militants discovered the person was indeed an American citizen, they took steps to end the matter quickly. read more


Lights, Camera’s, Action: “Hooray for Pallywood …” Open Season on Ashkelon as Amir, the Gullible Halts Artillery Response to Kassams …

Gaza Beach Carnage Footage Staged?


A terrible tragedy happened on the Gaza beach. A shell exploded and killed 7 men, women and children and injured others. Israel is investigating. But Mark Regev, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman who said that Israel believes such shelling of civilians to be unacceptable also told the BBC that naval or air shelling have been ruled out. Other possibities are explored. In the meantime Hamas vows to end the unilateral cease-fire with Israel.

But, please, watch this BBC report and tell me what were the cameramen doing on the beach at the moment the shell hit? CNN has the exact same footage. read more

All He needs is ‘Uncle Joe’s’ Handlebar Mustache??

Column One: Halutz’s Stalinist Moment, by Caroline Glick


This past April the IDF published its new military doctrine. A new classified field manual, The General Staff’s Operational Concept for the IDF, is the result of four years of serious study. It gives expression to the transformative changes the IDF’s way of thinking about war fighting and designing military campaigns underwent since the outbreak of the Palestinian terror war in September 2000.

Yet last week the IDF separated itself from those most responsible for leading its intellectual transformation. On May 30, the heads of the IDF’s Operational Theory Research Institute (OTRI), Brig. Gen. (res.) Dov Tamari and Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Shimon Naveh, were notified that they were suspended from their duties due to irregularities in their billing procedures. read more


Rav Ovadia: Is This What Shas Joined the Government For?? Chillul Shabbos??

IDF Violates Sabbath To Crush Hilltop Community

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Police and army soldiers forced youth out of a hilltop community at 1:30 early Saturday morning and demolished buildings on the site, near Kiryat Arab-Hevron. After being taken to the police station, the youth returned to the site and slept outside and then prayed and ate in the morning.

Knesset Members Tzvi Hendel and Uri Ariel (National Union) said that if the reports are true, the soldiers involved should be punished. “This is not a war” where Sabbath violation is necessary, said MK Hendel.” read more

Shabbos, Motsei Shabbos War News …

More than 25 Rockets, Shells Fired on Israel

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Arab terrorists backed the Hamas-led government have attacked Israel with more then 25 mortar shells and rockets since Friday afternoon, Two rockets exploded in the last hour near kibbutzim in the northwestern Negev.

No injuries were reported in the barrage, but at least one kibbutz building was damaged. The IDF continues to fire artillery shells in an effort to reduce the attacks. Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has said in the past that there is no practical way to completely stop Arab terrorists from attack Israel with rockets. read more


Israeli Gov’t Bureaucracy or, Just a Downright Mean, Hate-filled and Hard-Hearted Regime??

Evacuees: We Have Not Been Compensated


Residents of the former Gaza Strip settlement of Tel Katifa, who were evacuated last summer, claimed that the Disengagement Authority refused to compensate them because it does not recognize the settlement.

A special committee determined that Tel Katifa residents qualify for a lesser compensation, while in reality they received no compensation at all.

The special committee appointed for Tel Katifa evacuees was instructed by the Disengagement Authority to ignore the evacuees’ request to recognize Tel Katifa as a community. Ynet obtained documents which prove that the government did recognize Tel Katifa as a community. read more

Tekoa-Jerusalem Road Supporters Outsmart Border Police, Evade Police Stun Grenades …

Gush Etzion Protestors Dodge Police Stun Grenades, Skirt Barrier

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Hundreds of demonstrators Friday morning dodged four stun grenades thrown by border police as they demonstrated on the east Gush Etzion-Jerusalem road that the military has closed to Jews. The two crowds from Har Homa to the north and Tekoa to the south managed to break through barbed wire barriers and meet each other on the road, where the normal travel time to the capital is eight minutes.

Residents have been forced to use the Efrat-Jerusalem tunnel highway, where travel time in the morning rush hour takes up to two hours, partly because of army checkpoints and construction for the separation barrier. read more


Olmert “Caves in” to Bush But, Upon Return to Israel: “Nothing Will Stop Me” on Convergence …

Olmert Caves in to Bush

For context, click here.


Ehud Olmert did indeed receive a magnificent reception at the White House last month, and he must have been delighted when President George W. Bush signaled his intention to retain with him the warm relationship built up with Ariel Sharon.

In turn, Olmert acquitted himself with distinction, maximizing his communication skills. He delivered a magnificent address to the joint houses of Congress and his responses at the press conference were exemplary. read more


Overnight War News …
