Another Fine Mess …

Another Tack: Stan Laurel’s Smile, by Sarah Honig


Israel’s Diaspora-born founding fathers ironically knew how to stand up to the world’s highest and mightiest. They could – and often did – send foreign potentates and their emissaries packing. But not so the progeny they reared, ostensibly unconstrained by degrading complexes. Pragmatic Sabras endlessly calculate the odds and are serially overwhelmed by them.

Pressurable and pliable Rabin, Barak, Sharon and Olmert – all products of our local insular upbringing – don’t remotely measure up to the stick-to-itiveness of Ben-Gurion, Golda, Begin or Shamir. Sabras may swagger but they’re fretful. They posture as tough unsentimental moral relativists, but they lack resolve, conviction and – pardon the untrendy term – pride. read more


The Avi Biebers, Hananel Dayans You don’t Hear About …


There are undoubtedly many more Bieber, Dayan-like stories which regarding the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif and the Shomron which have not yet surfaced. Here’s one thanks to Naomi Ragen;

The Taxi Driver, by Naomi Ragen


“I worked for the Ministry of Defense. I was a security guard.”

We spoke a little more, and I began to realize that I was in the presence of one of the men from those select units who protect the lives of our most powerful citizens, including our former prime minister. read more


War News [or Concealment Thereof] from Thursday Night Thru Saturday AM …


The Regime’s Systematic Dumbing-Down and Brainwashing of Unerudite Israelis …

Column One: Israel’s Premeditated Market Failure, by Caroline Glick


One of the foundations of the free market is rational choice theory. That theory assumes that private individuals generally make decisions that maximize their profits and utility and do so far better than any collective organization or bureaucracy. Rational choice theory stands or falls on the availability of information. Without the free flow of information, people are unable to make rational choices.

In Israel, as the country’s steady economic growth and high placement on just about every significant global economic index shows, the economic liberalization reforms enacted by former prime minister and finance minister Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu have been a complete success. The Israeli economy is the envy of a Europe that suffers from stagnation and decline. read more


Hardhearted Olmert on “Realignment”: “Nothing Will Stop Me” …

Olmert: Realignment in One Step


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he wanted to carry out West Bank withdrawal in one single step, which he believes will be less traumatic for the Israeli public.

In an exclusive Shavuot interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, Olmert said: “I want to clarify that I am opposed to dividing the realignment into stages. This process will be difficult and painful even if it goes smoothly. I think carrying it out in stages will traumatize the public, and I have mentioned before that I am opposed to this.” read more

The Olmert Regime’s Ongoing Plots to Deny Access to Israelis of the Truth …

Ex-CIA Head: Gaza Pullback was “Worst,” Olmert’s Plan Even Worse


James Woolsey, a former CIA Director, explains succinctly why Ehud Olmert’s second disengagement plan is a bad idea.

Woolsey sums up Olmert’s plan as follows: “The withdrawal of 50,000 to 100,000 Israeli settlers from 90% to 95% of the West Bank and major portions of Jerusalem,” together with a redeployment of the IDF near the security fence currently under construction.

He objects to the plan for the following reasons: read more


Why Does Arutz-7 Place Headlines Seemingly Accepting Expulsion as a Fait Accompli? Why Deal in Negativism At All?

How To Expel Jews: Three Opinions

Preparing the Way for the Next Expulsion?

Yesha Talking with Gov’t on Outposts


This author has, like many, been supportive of Arutz-7 down through the years. However, this question must be asked and addressed; Why does Arutz-7 place headlines seemingly accepting expulsion as a fait accompli? Why deal in negativism at all? Shouldn’t we be spending our energies developing the ways to fight, defeat and eradicate this Chillul Hashem?

We CAN and WILL prevail if religious Jews, ALL religious Jews unite against this Gezeira Rah. But alas, because the Chareidim may again join with the perpetrators for they have not yet extrapolated the consequences for Kiryat Sefer of their benign neglect of their Jewish brothers of Yehuda and Shomron; because Dati Leumim Rabbis are divided against themselves, many lacking p’sak reflecting attachment to Eretz Yisrael, thus compromising p’sak so as to give justification for the convenience of soldiers who value their own future work connections above feelings for their fellow Jews. And so, religious Jews, in their disunity and p’sak of convenience, allow the Sharons and the Olmerts to DIVIDE AND CONQUER. MB read more
