Olmert’s Strategic Incoherence = Israel’s Perceived Strategic Irrelevancy

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Column One, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“…Since last summer’s war, the Americans and Europeans no longer give weight to Israeli statements…. The Arabs and Iranians have also stopped taking us seriously. This unacceptable and dangerous state of affairs will end only after the Olmert-Livni-Peretz government is voted out of office.”


IDF’s head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the cabinet on Sunday, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and the Palestinians are all openly preparing to go to war against Israel and the US this summer. read more


Olmert Regime and the Rule of Law: Two Must Reads [With a Few Thousand Grains of Salt Re: Motivations of the Writers]

Paz-Pines: Olmert Weakening Rule of Law, by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post]


Labor leadership candidate Ophir Paz-Pines launched his campaign on Wednesday by accusing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of being corrupt, Defense Minister Amir Peretz of causing damage and his party of being “addicted to power.”

“Olmert saying that he had no agenda was one of the worst things a prime minister has ever said, especially at a time when mothers are sending their children to war,” Paz-Pines said, referring to a statement Olmert made in September. read more


The Mattot Arim, PSI, WIG Joint Statement: American Jewish Responses

On Sunday, this author posted The Mattot Arim, PSI, WIG Joint Statement calling for Jews in Chutz L’Aretz (Diaspora) to Lobby against the creation of a terror state in Yehuda and the Shomron.

This piece was posted with some trepidation, with pictures of our Israeli Dumber and Dumber… as well as with this author’s personal caveat.

The trepidation was based on anticipation and expectations as to how some would respond from thousands of miles away, as they sit snug and smug in what they perceive as their own safe, secure property in the US, not believing for an instant that they, like the Jews of Europe of the late 1930s and 1940s, could someday be delegitimized and dehumanized. read more

Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Israel Aumann: “Panicked Longing for Peace… Endangers Our Very Existence”

Prof. Aumann: Post-Zionism Greater Threat Than Nukes, by Ezra HaLevi (Israel National News)

“Motivating ourselves is the most important thing, and the thing we are losing the most. Without motivation, we will not endure. What are we doing here? Why are we here? What are we aspiring to here? We are here because we are Jewish, we are Zionist, because of our ancient bond to this land; we aspire to realize our 2,000-year-old hope of becoming a free nation in our land, the Land of Zion and Jerusalem. Without this profound understanding, we will not endure. We will simply no longer be here; post-Zionism will finish us off.” read more

Halutz; Leave Now and Spare Israel, the IDF the Agony and Down-Time…

The Halutz, Peretz Show – Slip, Sliding Away, By Anshel Pfeffer (Jerusalem Post)

“Halutz can spare himself the humiliation by preempting its conclusion.”

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The consensus is that Chief of Staff Dan Halutz is on the way out.

He might be talking about his plans for reform in the army and learning the lessons of the Lebanon War, but the advice he has received lately from trusted advisors is that in order to rescue what is left of his honor, he should wait for the last internal reports to be published – and after an interval of a few weeks, at the most a couple of months – decide the timing of his departure. read more


Soros Moves on Israel: MoveOn.com and Resurrection of the Leftist “Victim’s Syndrome”

Column One: Soros Moves on to Israel, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“To rebuild American political support for Israel and to enhance the US-Israel alliance, it is imperative that Israel be capable of understanding the nature of this support. This understanding begins by making distinctions between our many friends and our foes and acting on these distinctions. Not all of our friends are Jews and not all Jews are our friends.”


US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s speech at the American Task Force for Palestine’s inaugural dinner in Washington on Wednesday evening was but the latest sign that America’s alliance with Israel is weakening. read more


Government/Military Command Incoherence, Incompetence Gone Wild in Lebanon…

Our World: Israel’s Strategic Rot, By Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“Order of Battle, by Division 91 Commander Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsh: ‘a massive infiltration with a small signature, charge, quick deployment in the commanding territories and the creation of cataclysmic contact with the built-up areas while inducing shock and awe.'”

“Division 91’s operations are being reviewed by none other than Brig.-Gen. Hirsh – who has asked to extend his command.” read more


State Controller Can Blow Olmert’s Attempts to Deflect Responsibility Out of Water…

War Committee to Begin Probe Monday By Herb Keinon (Jerusalem Post)


The Winograd Committee, created to probe the war in Lebanon, is expected to start its work on Monday, following a tortuous route, whereby it took almost as long for the government to set up a committee to investigate the war as it did to fight the war itself.

The cabinet on Sunday approved the establishment of the Winograd Governmental Investigative Committee by a vote of 20-2, with Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) abstaining. read more


Usurpation of Executive, Legislative Authority: Legacy of Barak Court…

Our World: Shimshon Cytryn and Aharon Barak, By Caroline Glick(Jerusalem Post)


Sunday Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy presided over a hearing on a petition submitted by one Shimshon Cytryn requesting to be released from Dekel prison and placed under house arrest. Justice Levy deferred his ruling to a later date.

Cytryn, 19 a yeshiva student from the community of Nachliel in the Binyamin Region, is accused of attempted murder.

Last June 28, two groups of teenage boys pelted one another with rocks on the Muwassi beach area in Gaza adjacent to the Israeli community Shirat Hayam without IDF intervention. The Israeli press set up shop near the boys and sprang into action. Channel 1 filmed a series of narrow lens video clips which showed only the Israeli youths – including Cytryn — throwing rocks. Television and radio news broadcasts led with stories about the “lynching” carried out by “right-wing extremists.” They reported that the Palestinian “victim” was hospitalized in Gaza and fighting for his life. read more


Blind Eye to Islamist Axis: Israel Depending on US, Ignoring Military Situation …

Column One: The Rise of the Islamist Axis


On Monday, Russia’s Novaya Gazeta newspaper reported that part of Ukraine’s Soviet-era nuclear arsenal may well have found its way to Iran. With the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainians agreed to transfer the Soviet nuclear arsenal that remained in Ukraine after its independence to Russia. According to Novaya Gazeta, some 250 nuclear warheads never made it to Russia and are thought to have been sent to Iran instead. The report further noted that the warheads will remain operational until 2010. read more