Olmert: ” … Nothing to offer the Country, … Instead Exploit the Popularity of Kadima’s Comatose Founder …”

Tired of Fighting and Winning, by Evelyn Gordon


Kadima’s campaign spots, by highlighting Ariel Sharon and billing Ehud Olmert merely as his heir, send an unintentionally revealing message: that Olmert himself has nothing to offer the country, so he must instead exploit the popularity of Kadima’s comatose founder. And an analysis of Olmert’s recent statements confirms this conclusion: He indeed has nothing to offer – except lies, empty promises and evasion of responsibility. read more

Tuesday Election Politics …

Amir Oren: Corrupt Olmert is a Worthy Successor of Sharon


“Power, said Henry Kissinger, is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Kissinger used this to explain why an expert – with a thick German accent – in the convoluted nuances of nuclear deterrence became an object of desire for a Hollywood blonde. Power, one can add upon consideration of Israeli politics, is also the best antiseptic. Taking the reins of power retroactively cleans all the stains and smells along the way.”

The current model for this is Ehud Olmert, the frequency of whose meetings with the police rivaled that of a Civil Guard volunteer. Olmert, in keeping with the hymns of praise from his supporters, is indeed a worthy successor to Ariel Sharon. Both have the tendency to enter the thicket of criminal suspicions, as well as the ability to worm their way out of these suspicions even if they are smeared with harsh words that would have caused a sensitive citizen of good conscience to shut himself up in his home – but did not interfere with them climbing onward and upward.” read more


Why Does it Seem that EVERYONE ELSE is Responsible — for Worsening of PM’s Health While Olmert is Unopposed?

This author is no great fan of Education Minister Limor Livnat. But the vicious attack upon her by aides of PM Sharon (who termed her demand for investigation of the Schlaf case was “metaphorically speaking, accessory to murder”) was uncalled for and seems emblematic of a prevailing Kadima spin; “EVERYONE ELSE is Responsible.

PM Aides Blame Livnat for Worsening of His Health

Look at what this mindset has wrought regarding the police, the Justice System, the State Comptroller and the Likud, the former party of Sharon, of Olmert, HaNegbi, Mofaz, etc.; read more


Interesting Portrait of Arik Sharon’s Military/Political Life …

Arik’s Bus


“‘A bus is on the way from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” begins a story told by retired major general Israel Tal. “After Sha’ar Hagai, when the ascent begins, the driver stops the bus, turns around and says, ‘I can’t drive anymore, maybe there’s someone here who can continue until Jerusalem?’ Fifty passengers fall silent, look at one another, afraid to take responsibility. A bus is big and heavy and there are turns and cliffs, and 50 people have to get home safely. It’s complicated. But the moment a prime minister says ‘I can’t go on anymore,’ 50 people are candidates to replace him – because it’s only the premiership, you don’t need any special knowledge or skills, we’ll muddle through.'” read more


Parsha HaShavua — Lech Lecha 5766

Parsha Lech Lecha 5766: Aliyah — To The Jewish Big Leagues
By Moshe Burt

“Hashem said to Avram, Go for yourself from your land … to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…” (Breish’t, Perek 12, posukim 1 & 2) I call this the “Aliyah Parsha.”

Rashi writes on the posukim, “For your benefit and good. It is there that I will make you a great nation …” (Rashi on Breish’t, Perek 12, posuk 1)

Sefat Emet asks, “if G’d himself promised … that the move would be for his good and his benefit, why should this have been such a great test?” It seems that it was exactly because of Hashem’s promise to him that the test was of greater magnitude because when Avram actually went, he did so “as Hashem had spoken to him.” (Breish’t Perek 12, posuk 4) “In other words, he went purely because he had been told to do so by G’d, without any intention of deriving any benefit from his actions. The test … was whether, after all of these promises. he would still be able to fulfill G’d’s will without even the hint of any desire for any benefit for himself.” (Word and quotes attributed to Sefat Emet, Torah Gems, Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Lech Lecha, pge 97) read more
