Olmert’s, Livni’s Clouded Distinctions; Jerusalem and Yesha by Words and Actions


Har Homa


Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA succinctly asks a crucial question; “Also Ramat Eshkol?”

But hasn’t Ramat Eshkol always been considered a “concensus area”, as has Gilo and Ramot? The point is that it wasn’t Bush or Rice who opened pandora’s box, it was none other than Olmert, Livni and company, and Sharon before them, and their collectve deJudiazation Israelization plan. It was protexia-class governance which opened up this can of worms and the modern-day Stanley Laurel who has gotten us into this fine fix. read more


The Fix That Olmert’s Regime Has Gotten Us Into


“That’s another fine fix you’ve gotten us into!”


This author can’t think of a more appropo expression of the state of affairs which Olmert and his protexia cronies have gotten into thanthis movie classic: Oliver Hardy’s classic exasperated berating of Stanley Laurel; “That’s another fine fix you’ve gotten us into!”

Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA Director writes that Israel’s democracy is able to yet escape the diplomatic corner into which the Olmert regime has placed Israel. read more

The Jewish heart and Blood, for Islamic Voting Rights?


Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA (Independent Media Reseach and Analysis) nails regime rationale on the head. Olmert and his mob spin
“divided Jerusalem” and a “PA state (sic)” as unavoidable despite the
demographic proofs (information withheld from Israelis) to the contrary. To the protexia-class regime, the Jewish heart, and Jewish blood are expendable in their destructo mission. MB

PM Olmert in JP Interview Indicates Pal State Not for Peace or Security – but Voting Rights, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA) read more


An Army’s Ability to Instill a Government With Confidence and Courage


Journalist and author Uri Dan, of blessed memory, who was niftar one year ago, wrote the piece excerpted below commemorating the 30th anniversary of the rescue at Entebbe less than 6 months before passing away.

Dan’s assessment nearly 1 1/2 years ago seems as valid today as it seemed then, despite the Olmert regime’s fiasco in Lebanon and ongoing snafu regarding protection of the southern towns from Kassam, mortar and possible Katyusha bombardments and the rooting out and eliminating the terrorist threat. read more


Gov’t of Israel: For Shame; A Jew Does NOT Abandon Another Jewish Brother



Rav Shmuel Eliyahu repeats yet again what this blog has reiterated numerous times; the systematic betrayal of Jonathan Pollard, again and again, by sucessive ISRAELI governments and by establishment so-called “Jewish leaders.”

This author holds that it is the abandonment of Pollard which set in motion the precedent and mindset for the abandonment of South Lebanon, the Oslo “agreements”, the expulsions of Jews from their homes, communities and Jewish Land in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns. The abandonment of Pollard by the ISRAELI government paved the way down the step road of decay that has led to the absurdity and humiliation of Annapolis. read more


SATIRE: Regime Mentality; Run, Jew, Run — “This is Our National Heritage”


Satire: Israel Launches New Defense Plan For Sderot, by Baruch Gordon (Israel National News)


Following the Israeli security cabinet’s decision to refrain from a full-scale military retaliation against rocket attacks from Gaza, state leaders have announced a national defense policy aimed at increasing protection for the shell-shocked Israeli town of Sderot.

At a press conference held at a fitness gym, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak named the new defense strategy: “Run, Jew, Run!” read more


Parsha Vayigash 5768: Elusive Jewish Unity and The Boiled Lobster


By Moshe Burt

Parsha Mikeitz records the whole affair between Yosef and the brothers when they came to Mitzrayim to buy food and were accused by the Viceroy of being spies. We learned how after hearing their story and family history, Yosef demanded that they bring their youngest brother to him and incarcerated Shimon as insurance that the brothers would indeed return with Binyamin, their youngest brother. We learn that in the middle of Parsha Mikeitz, with the imprisonment of Shimon, the brothers recognized and attributed their predicament to the sin they had committed earlier by throwing Yosef into the pit and then selling him to the Mitzriyim. Yosef heard and understood their conversation and left their presence to cry silently. (Perek 42, posukim 21-24) read more

Ehud Olmert Reneges on “Our Existence as a Jewish State”: Is Anyone Surprised?


Two weeks ago, this blog posted an entry citing the absurdity of a ruling regime professing “it’s Jewishness” while pursuing the actualization of divestment of Israel, and Israelis of any and all vestages of Jewishness by any and all means, even at the peril of the entire nation. The post included a discussion of Jeff Jacoby’s Boston Globe piece as summarized by Israel National News; Is Israel a Jewish State?

And just before the Annapolis conference got under way, Manhigut Yehudit head Moshe Feiglin echoed this very point. read more


Is Ehud Barak’s Residence on Arab-Owned Land?


Ehud Barak’s Ritzy Akirov Towers Residence — Owned by Arabs?


While the minister of defense lusts for the removal of Jews from Peace House in Hevron and for “compensating” hundreds of thousands of Jews for expulsions from the Land of Israel, it now emerges that his protexia-class status entitles him to ownership of a ultra-ritzy Akirov Towers pad on what may have been, or perhaps still is Arab-owned land. MB

Baruch Marzel: Evacuation Without Compensation for Ehud Barak, by Efrat Weiss (Israel National News) read more


The Day After; Annapolis Absurdities Revealed



There are at least four stories out of Annapolis or related to the conference which point up the gathering’s absurdity, waste of time, waste of hot air and why Israel’s concoction of the idea was absurd from birth.

Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA (Independent Media Research and Analysis) writes about a question posed to Mr. Saleh Nazal, Director, Minister’s Office -PA Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs in his weekly commentary;

“the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence” Letter From Yasser Arafat To Prime Minister Rabin: September 9, 1993 read more