Daniel Pipes, David Bedein Check in With Commentary
IDF COS, YESHa Head Outraged as Hilltop Youth Take Off “Kid-Gloves”
Hilltop Youth Condemned by IDF & Settlement Leaders
“Army soldiers involved in removing an unauthorized outpost near Elon Moreh during the predawn hours on Thursday were attacked by the youths, who beat them with their fists and threw objects at them. Deputy Battalion Commander Lt.-Colonel Benny Chick was struck in his face with a flashlight, resulting in swelling and a black eye. He was also attacked by a number of youths who tore his uniform and ripped his ranks off his epaulets.”
Beit Aryeh Residents, Do You Really Think That You’d ever See NIS 1 of Compensation?
Beit Aryeh Residents Decide to Poll the Township Regarding Voluntary Evacuation
So you feel like you are on the “wrong side of the fence”? So you feel that the Land of Israel is not worth the “hardships and dangers”? Well, here is the common denominator question; Do you really trust this regime to compensate you, when they are in gross violation of the very laws that they enacted regarding compensation for the Gush Katif and Shomron Evictees? You think that the regime will be any more truthful or just to you?? If you think so for even an instant, read this; With Barely Any Help from SELA: Ganei Tal and (Most of) Netzarim Begin Anew
Shalchevet Neighborhood, Chevron: Attempted Eviction Closer?
Hotel Reneged on Manhigut Yehudit; Undeterred, Meeting Held Elsewhere
Feiglin: Hotel Was Forced [by Regime] to Ban Caucus with U.S. Backers
Undeterred, the meeting was held elsewhere with equal beauty, ambiance and luscious food. MB
Pa Attacks, Bombings Continue/Israel’s “Broad, Unyielding” Responses: A Farce?
Has Israeli Deterrence Become a Farce?
Gaza [Arab] Residents Asked to Become Informants to Prevent Attacks on Israel
Dream On!! MB
Kassam Rocket Attacks Continued During the Sabbath
PA Pledges Crackdown on Illegal Arms
Check out this comment by Nasser Youssef, Pa. Interior Minister “We will not enter Palestinian houses to search for arms…”
How then do you expect to find and confiscate them??? MB
IDF Planes Strike Open Areas in Northern Gaza
I guess that this is what’s called “Broad and Unyielding”! MB
Young Child Joins Military Formation
Here is a picture, presumably shot shortly before the expulsion which only today made its way to my email log.
Gush Katif Evictee Families Rain on Meimad’s Parade
Who Will Sharon Fire Now??
Sharon Cannot Muster a Majority for Ministerial Appointments
Who will be the next Likud members to be strong-armed and intimidated?