Treatment Center: No Treatment for Child Victim of Terror Living at Ir Haemuna

State of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities
Report #12, October 24, 2005 — No Treatment for Special Needs Children

There are three families currently living in Ir Haemuna who have young children who have special needs, and who received regular treatments, paid for by National Insurance, in Neve Dekalim, the “capital” of Gush Katif, before the disengagement. One of the children, a 5-year-old boy, is recognized as a victim of terror, and receives treatments as a result of a mortar injury he suffered when he was only a year old. Since the families did not know how long they would be in Ir Haemuna, they began to arrange for the children to receive treatment shortly before Rosh Hashana. read more


Katsav to Sign Over Parts of David’s Tomb to Vatican


Operative Quotes from Ellen W. Horowitz, author :

“An official Vatican newspaper has reported that during his upcoming visit to the Vatican, President Moshe Katsav will sign an agreement giving parts of David’s Tomb over to papal control.” (Israel National

“The Times reported that Israel will hand over control of the reputed room of Jesus’ last supper, in a building on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In return, a historic synagogue in Toledo, Spain, which became a church after the Inquisition….” (The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles) read more