Gush Katif Refugee News …
The Disintegration of N’vei Dekalim
MK Kara: Likud ‘Loyalists’ Will Oppose Budget Due to Disregard for Expellees
My guess is that the budget won’t pass until new elections and will be re-worked, assuming that neither Sharon or Bibi make the Superbowl … A new broom will sweep Likud clean. Remember, you heard it here first! MB
Omri, The Gig is Up …
Israel Caving in on Security at Gaza Crossings?
Gaza Hothouse Success Hinges on Passage Accord
“It will be a disaster for the Gaza hothouse project if the Palestinians cannot export within two weeks produce grown on the 2,000 dunams of agricultural infrastructure purchased this summer from Israeli farmers, Palestinian Authority Finance Minister Salaam Fayad told The Jerusalem Post Monday.”
“The two men spoke Monday night in Jerusalem at an event organized by the Israel Council on Foreign Relations. They talked about the importance of an agreement over the passage of goods and people in and out of Gaza for the peace process and the economic viability of a future Palestinian state.”
Follow-up on Jordan Valley story;
Following up on the Jordan Valley story of yesterday, this
text appeared on my email log this morning;
Anybody who wants to know what Israel is planning for the Jordan
Valley just needs to drive to the Galil via the Valley. Just south of
Bet Shean, more or less on the Green Line, is one of the massive 30-
odd border crossings being quietly constructed. It’s almost on par
with Machsom Erez in size and sophistication.
One of the arguments for Israel “not needing” the Valley is the peace
agreement with Jordan – there is indeed a lot of security cooperation
with them, but the day is bound to come when the Hashemite Beduin
regime is overthrown by the Palestinian majority (which comprises 60-
80% of the Jordanian population, depending on whose stats you
Other News…
Omri Sharon to Confess to Charges Against Him
“Letter to a Draftee” to Be Distributed Sunday
Israel to Ask U.S. Jewish Communities to Fund its Foreign Aid Projects
And what about Israel’s Jewish Poor? The Gush Katif and Shomron Refugee Families? What about the Yeshivas? The Terror Victims? What about Jews — First? But just like the Limosine Liberal, Self-Hating Jews, Stooges of the Israeli Government that the Jewish federations are, everyone else’s crisis and hardship take precedence over Jews. MB
Election Run-up News …
Labor Ministers Sign Resignation Letters
Report: Likud Rebels, Central Comm. to Unify Party
“According to the reported plan, MKs Uzi Landau and Binyamin Netanyahu would not vie for party leadership in exchange for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s promise to seek approval for all policy decisions from either the Likud or via national referendum.”
C’mon guys! If you believe that Sharon will adhere to this, I’ve got a bridge to sell you cheap! MB
Justice Written on an IDF Bullet …
Parents of Victim of Hinawi Terror ‘Waited 10 Yrs for Justice’
Finally, justice written on an IDF bullet. Let’s hope for more! MB
Photo Essay on Rachel Emeinu’s Yarhtzeit 5766
Photo Essay: Visiting Mother Rachel Behind the Big Wall
Praying in the Rachel’s Tomb Yeshiva, located in a former Arab souvenir shop purchased by Jews.
More Still on President Katsav, the Vatican and Mt. Zion — David HaMelech’s Kever
There is more to report on the Mt. Zion Affair.
Three days remain until President Katsav meets with Pope Benedict in the Vatican.
The following questions have arisen which should be framed in letters to President Katsav. The suggested letter is below;
Please keep sending inquiries.
Dear President Katzav,
The Committee to Save Mt.Zion appreciates and takes note of the denial which was issued by your spokesperson, Mr. Avi Granot, regarding the rumors of a swap of properties with the Vatican.