More on Kojak Omri’s Conviction …

Even if Convicted, Omri May Not Have to Resign from Knesset


“‘Due to the fact that determining whether an offense constitutes a crime of moral turpitude is an integral part of the ruling, the verdict handed down against the defendant cannot be seen as a final ruling,’ says criminal law expert Prof. Emanuel Gross. ‘A defendant can appeal just the issue of the turpitude, since this ruling is an essential part of the verdict. In other words, the issue of the turpitude must become final, and pending a final ruling on the matter of the turpitude, the lawmaker’s term in office cannot be terminated.'” read more


More Electioneering …

Landau Unwilling to Bow Out of Likud Race

PM Sharon Favors Early Elections

Lapid on Peretz’s Economics: No Free Lunch

Eidelberg Against Ichud Leumi and Mafdal

The Merger of Yamin Israel and the Jewish National Front

Replay of previous election minus Michael Kleiner and Herut. MB

Sharon Seriously Considering Launching a New Party

Sharon, Peretz Agree on February-March Elections


“‘I’m letting him choose a date in that period between the end of February and the end of March and whatever date he chooses is acceptable to me, the earlier the better,’ Peretz said. ‘(Sharon) was adamant that we need to go to elections as soon as possible.'” read more


BBC Interview on Plight of GK Refugees/’Evacuation Bonus’ for Police

BBC Interviews Sapersteins on Plight of GK Refugees

But Money Found for Police Junkets…

Police Get ‘Evacuation Bonus’


“Senior police officers who took part in recent pullout rewarded with trips abroad.”

“It pays to evacuate: Senior police officers who took part in the recent Gaza Strip and northern West Bank pullout are being rewarded with trips overseas at the police’s expanse, Israel’s leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.” read more

Israel and “Boiled Lobster” Prediction Coming True?

One of my emailers from yesterday emailed again to reiterate a section of that email; As indicated yesterday, “The Holy Land is being dealt away in bits and pieces rather than deJudaicized all at once. That’s the goal: the END of a Jewish homeland. Why? To prevent sudden, Israel-wide realization that specific local politicians are determined to end the existence of Judaism and its refined adherents.”

And of course, international politicians are part of the mix.

This got me to thinking. A number of years ago, my friend Jay Shapiro, another former Philadelphian, wrote a book on the Height of the Oslo era in the mid -1990s entitled, “The Government of Israel and The Boiled Lobster.” read more

Abbas in a Business Suit …

Abu Mazen, who financed the
Munich Massacre, in a Business Suit

Abu Abbas, the Murderer
of Achille Lauro, in 2003

Palestinians in Suits


I love it. Everyone’s now lifting my line. A couple of years ago when Abu Mazen first became PA pm, because of the confusion I had in some searches where I kept coming up with Abu Abbas (The Murderer of the Achille Lauro), I coined the expression about Abu Mazen/Mahmoud Abbas, “Abu Abbas in a Business Suit”. I’m glad others are catching on. What the heck, they’re both murderers even though one of them has been legitimized and made politically correct by Israel’s leftist effetes. read more
