The Likud Political Sharks Closing In?

Girding for PM Exit, Likud Top Brass Eyes Leadership


Katz and Livnat join MK Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and MK Uzi Landau, who have all shown an interest in taking over as Likud chief should Sharon decide to quit to start a new party.”

“Most senior Likud figures, including ministers, reportedly believe that Sharon is planning to leave and split the party. Contributing to this opinion were reports of encouraging messages from potential supporters for a new Sharon party.”

“If general elections are held in March, Likud primaries will likely be in February.”


The more, the merrier — the more chance that Feiglin’s got to at least make the run-off. The problem here though is: A February Primary with elections due in the second part of March, does not leave the Likud leader with much campaign time while Sharon and Peretz will have hit the ground campaigning having a huge edge over late-starting Likud.

The situation seems too fluid at present such that nothing is carved in stone. MB
