Tuesday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 11 — IAF Hits Home of Hamas Rocket Chief as Tuesday Rocket Count Hits 20, 2 Apparent Friendly Fire Incidents Kill 4, Injure Others, Olmert Says No to EU Ceasefire Attempt With Wary Eye to North; 16 PA Terrorists Nabbed, Rocks at Vehicles and 7 Molotovs at Soldiers


Parsha Chukas 5768: Tefillot for Tikkun: Generational Demarcation Point?

by Moshe Burt

The placement in Torah of our Parsha Chukat and the Parah Adumah raises questions as to why the Parah Adumah and it’s Halachot are mentioned here in our Parsha; only after Korach’s rebellion and after the continued murmuring of the Am against Moshe Rabbeinu, and after the plague which killed thousands only ending with Aaron’s carrying an incense pan amongst the people (upon Moshe’s instruction), and after the story of the rods.

“Rabbi Artscroll” presents one answer to the question of placement in a commentary in The Stone Chumash on the words at the beginning of our Parsha “…el Moshe, v’el Aaron” [1] The answer speaks of the symbolism of the Parah Adumah (the Red Heiffer) coming to atone for the sin of the Eigel Zahav (the Golden Calf) “… as if to say let the Mother come and clean up the mess left by her child…” read more


Thursday War News


Restoration of Care, Kindness and Responsibility for/of Am Yehudi

Parsha Ki Teitsei 5766: Restoration of Care, Kindness and Responsibility for/of Am Yehudi

By, Moshe Burt

Parsha Ki Teitsei discusses Marriage and choosing the correct Marriage Partner as well as marital chemistry issues, Chalitza (ceremony regarding a childless widow whose deceased husband has a surviving brother) and Halachot concerning dissolution of a marraige and the “Get” (Jewish Halachic divorce). It also covers the double-portion to be inherited by the Bechor (the first-born son), the rebellious son, as well as numerous Mitzvot such as; returning lost items to their rightful owners, loaning money to one’s fellow Jew free from interest, what one is permitted to or prohibited from taking from another Jew as loan security, Shatnes (wool and linen together), Tzitzit, dealing fairly and truthfully with one’s fellow Jews in business and to remember, for all time, the actions of Amalek who attacked B’nai Yisrael when they were weak while blotting the rememberance of Amalek from the earth. read more


Olmert’s Malicious and False Propaganda Regarding Gush Katif Refugee Compensation …

The topic of the Gush Katif Refugees, why they fought to the end by all means short of armed confrontation against expulsion; why they, and many of us, begged, cried and wailed against it may seem redundant to some, but it is very much in need of repeating in light of the continuing campaign of systematic propaganda and dehumanization conducted against them by the regime to this day.

This continuing campaign of malicious and false propaganda is exemplified by Ehud Olmert’s recent deliberate blantantly false and bogus assertion, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, that “80 percent of the evacuees who asked for compensation have received it, at an average of NIS 1.4 million per family.” read more

To Have Normal Life, Just Like All of the Nations: Ehud Olmert’s Major League Chutzpah …

Address by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert – The Knesset: Translation 17/07/2006

Selected Excerpts;

1/ “Normal Life, like … any other Nation and any other state.”

Thanks to you, our enemies come up against a united nation, which fights together, shoulder to shoulder. We do not surrender and we do not panic. We believe in the justice of our cause, because there is no battle more just or moral than ours – a battle for the right to a peaceful and normal life, like any other human being, any other nation and any other state. read more

Hamas Victory in “pa(sic)Elections”: Israeli Political Spins …

Hamas Claims Victory in Elections

Hamas apparently wins at least 70 of 132 parliament seats, Qureia, Cabinet Resign.

Hamas Wins PA Election


“A Likud Party statement: ‘The Hamas victory is a direct result of the Disengagement, and the realization of the Palestinians that the use of terror and violence is the way to achieve diplomatic gains from Israel. The plans of Kadima and Labor for another widespread withdrawal, for nothing in return, shows us their total blindness in viewing the security reality.'” read more

Potholes, Pits and Pandemics …

This article was emailed recently by my friend Evelyn Haies, the Head of “Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation” where a Sefer Torah was installed on 7 July, 2005 through the efforts of The Sefer Torah Recycling Network.

In Memory of My Father Shaul ben Chaim ben David Solomon
on his 22nd Yahrzeit, MarCheshvan 28, 5766
by Evelyn Hayes, author of The Plague Series.
(c) November 27, 2005

And it was all because they knew not Yosef, their Jewish brother with roots, rights and respectability. So it was that they dis-engaged from the ways of their forefathers, the midos of the Imaot, the borders of their family of Israel. read more

Blockbuster: Convergence Disguised as “Peace Agreement” Being Secretly Prepared by Olmert Regime to Be Sprung on the Jews