Hamas Victory in “pa(sic)Elections”: Israeli Political Spins …

Hamas Claims Victory in Elections

Hamas apparently wins at least 70 of 132 parliament seats, Qureia, Cabinet Resign.

Hamas Wins PA Election


“A Likud Party statement: ‘The Hamas victory is a direct result of the Disengagement, and the realization of the Palestinians that the use of terror and violence is the way to achieve diplomatic gains from Israel. The plans of Kadima and Labor for another widespread withdrawal, for nothing in return, shows us their total blindness in viewing the security reality.'”

Former IDF Central District Commander Maj.-Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan, head of a small new anti-corruption political party, said, ‘This shows we have no one to rely on except ourselves. We must compete the partition as quickly as possible and withdraw from Judea and Samaria.’

Other Israeli Political Spins from MK Ehud Yatom (Likud), Former Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, MK Effie Eitam (National Union), Shimon Peres.

In a different link, Uri Ariel emphasizes that Disengagement Strengthened Hamas.


The Likud and Uzi Dayan statements show starkly and literally the polar opposites of the struggle enjoined for Israel’s survival on Jewish Land based on the survival security level. Giving away something for nothing shows weakness, lack of resolve and lack of belief and principle that the Land of Israel is Jewish Land. And so, as the Sharon quote in New Yorker previously posted to this blog goes;
“Even in order to live in Tel Aviv, we need a root in Hebron.” Taken further, Tel Aviv is no more Kodesh than is Chevron, Beit El, Shilo, Eli, Kever Yosef, Kever Rachel, etc.

Since Ehud Olmert is too tired, we must give him a long rest and elect a Party and a leader more responsive to the Nation’s survival and future. MB


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