Potholes, Pits and Pandemics …

This article was emailed recently by my friend Evelyn Haies, the Head of “Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation” where a Sefer Torah was installed on 7 July, 2005 through the efforts of The Sefer Torah Recycling Network.

In Memory of My Father Shaul ben Chaim ben David Solomon
on his 22nd Yahrzeit, MarCheshvan 28, 5766
by Evelyn Hayes, author of The Plague Series.
(c) November 27, 2005

And it was all because they knew not Yosef, their Jewish brother with roots, rights and respectability. So it was that they dis-engaged from the ways of their forefathers, the midos of the Imaot, the borders of their family of Israel.

Yosef delighted in being Jewish, a descendant from the finest, an ascendant with the sturdy roots of survivors. And his brothers were disturbed by Yosef’s delight in the little things gifted by Hashem that were so very much. They could not understand his simcha from a rainbow, even after Noah and the flood, even after all the sorrows from listening to the Big Lies of the snakes.

And Yosef said, “Don’t shame and blame.” It was HASHEM who made it so. If we are servants of HASHEM we will not be slaves.

And it was when they knew not Yosef, cared not for Yosef that the Peace Now/Please Now was cohorting with the nations in Durban who pontificated hate, collaborating with evil for the sake of gold and the majority at the Durban hatefest. Those bereft of the wisdom of their people instigated against their people the stone throwing by Arabs over the Olive Tree and their “Oslo Tree” hatched the professing of terrorists trained by the CIA and thus made an Armada out of an Intifada. A massive jihad advanced by ship, tunnel and road gap beginning with the attack on the Oslo protected Kever Yosef (the Oslo II Amendment signed and sealed on the Whitehouse Lawn on September 28, 1995,to protect 29 Jewish Holy sites with Kever Yosef, Shalom Synagogue, Maarat HaMachpelah and Kever Rachel always to be in Jewish control) completely violated. And it was because they didn’t want to know Yosef, Yaakov,Yitzchak and Avraham and Sarah, Rivka, Leah and Rachel and what agreements they signed that they disregarded their handshakes and crashed forward towards worse and worse

And it was because of the potholes in Oslo that they worshipped a Road Map that had Road Gaps and they threw Kever Yosef to the destroyers, into the pit, the sink hole of Oslo that stinks of suicide from without and from within.

And Yosef is not alone in the pit. Gush Katif is in the pit and the scorpions have turned greenhouses into weapon factories, secured borders into Road Gaps for the infiltration of jihad, prime-evil anti-dhimmi-ism with heavy weapons for massive destruction.

So it is a time of crying, confusion but no illusion that Israel needs a rainbow, a unity of the many colors of the settled against such unsettling.

And Gush Katif is the rainbow of all the Jews of Israel, the Biblical, the old immigrant, the new immigrant, the past carrying the future, all Yosef’s in their unity and determination. As these Jewish Maccabbees rekindle their strength and advocate against the “mean” years, the nation will raise itself with teshuva, love and concern for the losses, the shame, the suffering, then they will be the pillars no matter the polls. From the potholes, they will make aliyah from the pit.

So as a minority of Unilateral Dis-Engagers create a New Israel Kadima, forward marching to scorch more of Jewish holiness, Yosefs, Jewish heroes, patriots, producers, survivors will Re-Engage with what was Gan Eden and there will be no more Dis-Engagement, Destruction and Death . From the potholes, the pits, the world plagues, the pandemics, there will be a bigger and better Gan Eden, not just in Gush Katif south of Israel, not just in the Shomron Northern Israel but thoughout Israel.

Remember Yosef, the soldier said, No, I will not take the Mezuzah off the wall of a Jewish home and there were a Unity of NO-s from the Private to the General, from one to include many, Shema Yisrael was a Party against departing, still not strong enough to say NO to Potholes, Pits and Pandemics.

Remember the tears, the destruction, the replacement of good with evil, and it happened in Gan Eden, and it happened after Solomon and it happened in the Golden Age of Spanish Jewry and it happened in the age of reform because of re-forming the Pathways of the Torah, the ideal, for evil deals.

Remember the first victim of Death by Dis-Engagement, a student from the London diaspora and the threat of an autopsy. It wasn’t the uprooting of bones of those in Gush Katif,. The hareidi didn’t even attend the re-burial of our finest, dreamers and victims, actualizers and the steadfast believers in the miracles of Hashem. It was the pot in their face, not the whole of the plagues but the pin prick that rallied them to riot and make the streets of Meah Shearim slippery.

Does anyone one want abrasions on a raw wound? The torture is there are wounds on the wounded and they are planning to wound the wounded more. And Klal Israel is angry and will not go forward with Sharon’s False Kadima into Auschwitz borders against the better advice of the realistic, into the pit to suffer worse plagues. The Kadima of Sharon is legless, heartless, mindless, sightless, heedless and not leading an advance but backsliding into decadence for a pandemic.

The pain of unilateral destruction is not healing; the expelled are still displaced; jihad is getting closer and meaner.

Dis-Engagement was an ugly divorce from unity, love, longevity, legitimacy, legalities, production, paradise. Dis-Engagement is having an ugly affair with disunity, hate, existentialism, lawlessness, destruction, barbarianism, outlaws, murderers, jihad, death.

RE-Engagement will remember Yosef, rectify Jewish roots, rights and realities.
Re-Engagement will raise Klal Yisrael out of the pothole, the road gaps, the pit, the plagues, the pandemics.

Remembering Yosef will be a blessing to those who are worthy and a curse to the unworthy.

The probability will not be in the polls but in the actualization of the Re-Engagement of all Yosef’s brothers within Yaakov and Rachel’s spiritual, physical and emotional borders.

And it will be by the Will of Hashem that it will be so.

At this time approaching Chanukah, let the rainbow of Klal Yisrael be from the light of the Maccabbees with Jewish neshamas sparkling, spreading good for greater good with wisdom of the past , unity in the present and strengthened for the future. The roots of the past are the foundations of the future. No plants grow without roots. There is no forward without a past.

As the mirage of madmen presents insanity as sane, the truth is Israel is an ancient people with an eternal harmony and with all the miracles re-creating His magnificence, the realizations of Yosef after the pit will be actualized and there will be Redemption Now.

And it will be because Klal Yisrael elected to fill the potholes with the pathways of the Torah, chose to get out of the pit with the wisdom of our forefathers and fight the plagues with the help of Hashem with love like Ima Rachel’s, in unity as when the world knew Yosef, with Torah as presented by Moshe Rabbeinu, with the tehillim of David, with the wisdom of Solomon, with the koach of the Maccabbees and the miracle of light. Gan Eden, Gush Katif was pruned and now we must be like dreamers so that our greater dreams will be actualized. Amen


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