Sunday War News UPDATE: Operation Cast Lead — Day 9 — First IDF Fatality on Ground, 34 Others Wounded as Hamas Command-and-Control Disrupted



The results of the first day on the ground show that Operation Cast Lead will be anything but a cake-walk. Israel lost her first ground fatality;

St.-Sgt. Dvir Emmanueloff, 22, from Givat Ze’ev and of the Golani reconnaissance unit, was killed on Sunday by mortar shell shrapnel during clashes with Hamas terrorists near Jabalya.

Meanwhile, Ynet’s Roni Sofer reports Olmert’s comments to Tony Blair, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev regarding the goals of the operation. These comments leave more questions than they answered. read more


What and Who Drove Ex-IDF, Mossad Officials’ Video Supporting Obama?



This author has thought long and hard as to whether to blog on this travesty. Ordinarily, an election in the US seems not to be appropriate for blogging here, for the truth is that policy and actions undertaken here emanate here in Israel.

Further, there was a time when Israeli leaders stood up defiantly when America attempted to dictate policy as this recent Jerusalem Post report dating back to Prime Minister Menachem Begin indicates.

Regarding the issue behind the gyrations and machinations surrounding whether or not Israel hands over of land to her enemies and expells thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes, as they did to the Jews of Gush Katif and the four Shomron towns; the issue did not and does not emanate in Washington nor does Washington facilitate implementation of such actions. The handing over of Jewish Land, of Jewish Divine Inheritance is an issue evolving from right here in Israel — from a determined policy of de-Judiacizing Israelis by any and all means from brainwashing, to educational dumbing-down to police and IDF psychological training and regimentation as well as brutality toward their fellow Jews. read more


Olmert Parody on Barak: “I Will Do Everything…” [To Hold Power?]


Defense Minister Ehud Barak keeps saying things like “I will do everything to bring him [Gilad Shalit] back” or “Israel would do everything in its power to see the safe return of captured Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit.” It is highly questionable what the limits of that “everything” are. For instance, does everything include liberation by military means?

Meanwhile, we have watched Barak’s coalition partner prime minister Ehud Olmert complete his 2 year charade concerning deceased IDF soldiers Regev and Goldwasser which, as Evelyn Gordon seems to indicate in her commentary below; read more


Politics and Governance: Extensions or Mutual Exclusivity?



In a perfect political, governmental world, politics, i.e. the achievement of allies, of supporters, seems the action of campaigning, posturing, positioning one’s self or ones group toward achieving a goal; i,e, being hired, appointed, being deemed the best of any or all options for an appointment or an election to a position, an office which carries with it solemn national responsibilities.

However, it seems that the act of politicking carries with it a dual track; the one shown above as well as a track that lends itself to efficient, effective, moral and ethically just governance. read more


Olmert’s Ongoing Flip-Flop on Demographics



Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has often claimed in recent years, citing and cleaving to P.A. (sic) demographics data, that Israel must hand over lands to the Arabs out of fear that the Arabs will essentially destroy Israel by out-numbering the Jews. These claims have again and again been been found irrefutably overstated by at least 1.5 million by evidence presented by demographics experts Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid, Michael Weiss and Yoram Ettinger.

But, in doing a search of YouTube videos looking for different information, this author stumbled upon this Nightline interview which took place over 20 years ago with both then MK Ehud Olmert and Rabbi Meir Kahane, z’l. In that interview, Ehud Olmert attempts to refute Rabbi Kahane by saying that the chances of the Arabs outnumbering the Jews is remote. read more


Bibi: Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided



This would certainly be a neat trick if Netanyahu, who would not void Oslo when he became Prime Minister in 1996 and who in fact handed 80% of Hevron to the PA, not to mention his vote in favor of expulsion of his Jewish brethren, finally has the moral courage and backbone to void and totally expunge all record of any Abbas-Olmert agreement. MB

Netanyahu Says Any Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided, by Ezra HaLevi (Israel National News)


Likud Chairman and former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu says any agreement reached between PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is null and void. read more


Olmert Regime’s Appeasement Concessions Demoralize IDF


The Olmert-Livni-Barak regime’s “confidence-building” appeasement concessions to Abbas and the Palestinian Authority impairs and demoralizes IDF counterterror capabilities thus setting in place yet another self-fulfilling prophesy, such as in Gaza where the regime states that “there is no defense against the rockets” which translated means that they lack the moral strength, courage and resolve to completely vanquish it’s enemy.

Ehud Olmert has been cited numerous times on this blog as stating; read more


While Olmert Appeases, Abbas Honors Killers of Jews



The Olmert-Barak-Livni regime continues to appease “Mr. Moderate(sic)”, Mahmoud Abbas while Abbas, in truth, will lavish honors on those who aided and abetted the bomber of Sbarros. How interesting that Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar notes;

A recent history of doublespeak from Abbas, which, Sa’ar said, presented different Palestinian intentions and narratives when speaking to Arab crowds and when addressing Western diplomats.

This author would love to know what Sa’ar’s perspective on “recent” is. One can measure Abbas’s history of doublespeak in terms of years, probably at least since Oslo. MB read more


Dropping Checkpoints: Putting “Store Keys” in Hands of Thieves??


Defense Minister Ehud Barak has lifted several Yesha checkpoints and is considering handing control of the Gaza crossings to Pa/Hamas Arabs. He states that Israel is taking “calculated” risks.

Once again, the protexia-class elitist Olmert, Barak, Livni regime plays Russian Roulette with Jewish lives — as numerous Jewish victims who have lost loved ones to PA terror say; “the next terror attack ‘a matter of time.'” MB

IMRA’s Dr. Aaron Lerner explains why; read more

Merkel’s Knesset Speech: Olmert Regime Goes Along With Farce


Near the end of Caroline Glick’s article below, she suggests three things that Israel do to express a power game; Use of her economic leverage by virtue of technological prowess, impressing on the Germans and the other Europeans that Israel possesses considerable military power (despite the Lebanon fiasco of two years ago) and will use it to defeat its enemies and exposition of “Europe’s humanitarian and pro-peace rhetoric as a hypocritical sham” meant to cover over both their long-engrained disdain, if not outright hatred for Jews, as well economic and diplomatic appeasement of the Islamic world. read more
