Parsha Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5769: Communal Responsibility and Hashem’s Covenant of Unity

by Moshe Burt

Parsha Nitzavim begins:

“Atem Nitzavim HaYom…Today you are standing before Hashem, your Lord… You are thus being brought into the covenant of Hashem, your Lord, and [accepting] the dread oath that He is making with you today. He has established you as his nation, so that He will be a G’d to you…” (Devarim, Perek 29, posukim 9-12

L’l Mode U’Lamed comments on these first few p’sukim of Nitzavim noting;

That all members of Klal Yisrael, from the greatest of leaders to the simplest woodcutter, stood together as equals before Hashem…. Thus the poor woodcutter who is devout in his ways and who raises his children as true Jews is elevated to the same level as the wealthy supporter of Jewish causes. No man should consider himself too insignificant to be a partner in the covenant between the Jews and Hashem. (L’l Mode U’Lamed on the Weekly Parsha, Parsha Nitzavim, page 183) read more


State Comptroller’s Report: More Cover-up of Israeli Government Criminal Negligence Regarding Pollard


The months of pre-publicity regarding Israel State Comptroller Lindenstrauss’s investigation and report regarding what the government of Israel did or did not do on behalf of Jonathan Pollard were not promising and the accounts of the investigation report bear out the previous impressions.

This author is not even so surprised at the sham report as regarding the comments of Jonathan’s Israeli representation attorney Nitzana Darshan-Leitner as published in the Jerusalem Post: read more


If Bibi Only Had Nerve…


Manhigut Yehudit’s US Program Director, Yocheved Seidman, recently wrote a piece citing a recent lead editorial on Israel from “The Economist” magazine. Seidman views the magazine, perhaps like president Barack Hussein Obama, as presenting a perception of “the elected prime minister of Israel as an irrelevant article.”

As this author read Seidman’s entire piece, it brought to mind the Cowardly Lion from from the theatrical and movie productions of “The Wizard of Oz” who sang a song about lacking courage; “If I Only Had The Nerve.” One can only hope that Bibi gains nerve, gains courage, gains emunah in The Creator very fast or is replaced quickly by someone who has the above. (MB) read more


Bibi’s Greatest Weakness; Inability to Withstand US Pressure: May Again Prove Downfall


Elyakim Haetzni, noted lawyer and champion of Jewish residence throughout Ereat Yisrael writes the piece below noting prime minister Netanyahu’s serial weakness against US pressure. He notes that Bibi mistakenly has no such fear of domestic pressure fear similar domestic pressure, “nowing that the ‘National Camp’ will refrain from again toppling a “rightist” government in favor of a party such as Kadima.”

It is important to note Haetzni’s observation: read more


Wednesday Thru Friday War News: 5 Mortars Hit Western Negev, IAF Bombs a ‘Kidnap Tunnel’ Near Gaza Border; Chemical Weapons in July Explosion of Hezbollah Arms Cache; IDF Nabs 6 Terrorists, Police Nab 3 Terrorists, Rock Attacks Near Ramallah, Hevron, North Shomron


Monday, Tuesday War News: Gaza Kassam, Mortar Attack; Hezbollah Plot Against Ashkenazi Foiled, Yeshiva Hit by Hezbollah Computer Hackers, IDF Nabs 19 Terrorists, Police Nab 97 Illegals in Tel Aviv, Arab Rock Attacks, Pipe Bomb Disarmed at Bus Stop


Shabbos, Sunday War News: Gaza Border Heats Up With Rocket and Mortar Attacks, IAF Responds; Stones, Molotovs Thrown at Jewish Autos Near Bethlehem, Yitzhar, Shechem, Kalkilya, IDF Nabs 8 Terrorists


Parsha Ki Tavo 5769 — The Merit of Acting Quickly on a Mitzvah

By Moshe Burt

Parsha Ki Tavo continues in the same theme track with last week’s Parsha Ki Teitzei, as well as the string of previous Parshiyot in discussing Mitzvot which teach kindness, compassion and attentiveness to others.

Ki Tavo begins with the Halachot of Bikkurim — the first fruits which were brought to the Kohen as both thanksgiving and rememberance of Pharaoh’s cruelty and Hashem’s deliverance of B’nai Yisrael from Mitzrayim to a land flowing with milk and honey. Our Parsha then enunciates the laws concerning Ma’aser and it’s declaration regarding the required tithes. read more


Wednesday, Thursday War News: Gaza Mortar Short of Target, Negev Residents Prepare for Attacks; Pipe Bomb Found in Shechem, Bomb Explodes Near Ramallah, IDF Nabs 14 Terrorists, Arabs Toss Molotovs at Jewish Cars, Karp Murder: 9 [Arab?] Suspects


Redeeming Jonathan Pollard: What Will YOU Say in Shemayim?

As we enter Elul with the Chaggim; Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur 3 weeks away, our Dear Brother Jonathan Pollard remains incarcerated for going on 25 years.

This Thursday night, Kehilla Beis Tefillah Yona Avraham in Ramat Beit Shemesh is again, as we have each month, dedicating a Thursday night Mishmar learning L’Zehut Yehonatan ben Malka (Jonathan Pollard) — may he soon return home to Eretz Yisrael to join his Jewish brethren! B’Ezrat Hashem that Jews throughout Israel, the U.S. and worldwide will join us in learning L’Zehut Jonathan Pollard. And this blog encourages everyone to take part in a 40 Days at the Kotel segula L’Zehut Jonathan Pollard. read more
