The “Fine Print”: “Security Hiatus” in Gaza?

Did Israel Agree to “Security Hiatus” For 2005 Harvest in New Agreement?


Shlomo Dror, spokesperson for the Coordinator of Activities in the Territories, told IMRA today that during the calm years 600 to 650 trucks passed through Karni a day because Israel was able to ease security inspections. At this time Karni is not operating 24 hours a day but even if it did it would not be possible to reach such a volume.

According to Dror, given the equipment available at this time (Palestinian attacks destroyed some scanning equipment that is now on order) the volume of trucks crossing Karni could be increased substantially by easing such security measures as: read more


The Likud Political Sharks Closing In?

Girding for PM Exit, Likud Top Brass Eyes Leadership


Katz and Livnat join MK Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and MK Uzi Landau, who have all shown an interest in taking over as Likud chief should Sharon decide to quit to start a new party.”

“Most senior Likud figures, including ministers, reportedly believe that Sharon is planning to leave and split the party. Contributing to this opinion were reports of encouraging messages from potential supporters for a new Sharon party.” read more


Perfidy Among Some US Jewish “Leaders”?

N.Y. Jewish Leaders Lobbied Rice on Gaza Border Deal


“New York Jewish leaders encouraged U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to intervene aggressively in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute over the Gaza border crossings, telling her this would gain the support of American Jews, according to sources affiliated with the community’s liberal wing.”

“In particular, the sources said, they urged her to take a tough line against Israel, especially on issues such as a settlement freeze and dismantling illegal settlement outposts. The sources said several leading New York Jews held talks with Rice recently at which these issues, as well as the impasse over the border crossings, were discussed.” read more


Exposing Sharon’s Expulsion Fraud …

New National Mission: Employment for Expellees


“An article on describes the sorry situation:

‘Today, three months after the terrible expulsion, many of those who were thrown out of their homes have no home, no work, and no income. People who were used to getting up early in the morning to go to work, now find themselves walking aimlessly around, ashamed to look into their children’s eyes and tell them they have no money because for three months they have been living in hotel rooms or in temporary homes supplied by the government without a place of work or income… ‘” read more


Russians, US Helping to Make Gaza a Terrorist Camp Armed to its Teeth …

Israel Allows Russian Helicopters for PA


“Israel previously refused to allow a Russian offer to give the PA two upgraded medium transport helicopters and armored scout vehicles, which security officials feared would be used against Israel. PA police last week wrote a letter to chairman Mahmoud Abbas stating that it would use weapons only against Israel and not against terrorists.

The PA also is scheduled to receive from Egypt half a million bullets, donated by the United States, the China News Agency Xinhua reported.” read more


The Selling of the Next Expulsion?

Ghost Town

MB: A clear example of blatant Anti-Jewish bias in Israel’s leftist dominated media.


“A first visit to Hebron after almost 20 years. A strange feeling prevails when one exits the gate of Kiryat Arba, descends in the direction of the Cave of the Patriarchs. It wasn’t Shabbat, it wasn’t a Muslim holiday, it was noontime, the weather was glorious, and the streets were empty. Along the road from Kiryat Arba to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood, a kilometer and a half of road that winds among old houses and market streets, we saw perhaps two Palestinians walking.” read more


Election News …

Vote on Knesset Dispersal Bill to be Held Wed.a>

Going for Broke

Interesting political editorial. Will there be Peretz’s sequal in Likud — a Feiglin victory in a Sharon-less Likud? Stay tuned! MB

Lieberman Urges Right to Unite to face Sharon


“National Union leader Avigdor Lieberman proposed Saturday afternoon that Likud, National Religious Party and the National Union merge into a single right-wing bloc in the upcoming general elections, if Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decides to quit Likud.” read more


Expulsion: in Retrospect, Continuing Consequences …

The IDF’s New Image


“The new image of the IDF is not a pretty one. Who can trust future governments to refrain from again using the army to expel other citizens from their homes without due process of law? The future of the IDF has been compromised by misuse and involvement where it should never have been used. The supposedly democratic nature of our society is shown to be a sham when superior force is used to quell civil disobedience. The use of the military for this purpose is never appropriate and measures need to be taken to see that it does not happen again. Concurrently, the leadership of the military and police, members of the Knesset, and the Supreme Court and other public figures involved in supporting Ariel Sharon’s evil and criminal plan need to be replaced or retired. This calls for new elections and reform in our whole system of government and all its institutions, some of which need to be abolished and replaced with institutions that serve the public with compassion and humanity, and reflect long-held Jewish beliefs, traditions and values.” read more

Beautiful Neve Dekalim, Now a Terror Training Camp — Hamas, al-Qaida, ???

Jewish Gaza Capital ‘Hamas Terror Camp’


‘Like making a holy place into total filth’

Al-Zahar warned Hamas would launch terror attacks to drive Israel from the West Bank, and ultimately from the entire Jewish state.

That Hamas is in control on the ground in Neve Dekalim shows the Palestinian Authority is too weak or unwilling to fight the terror group, a spokesperson for Israel’s foreign ministry told WND.

The news of a Hamas terror camp in their former city saddened expelled Jewish residents of Neve Dekalim. read more
