Consequences of Israel Gov’t. Abrogation of Responsibilities; US Offcial: “Israel Won’t Bomb Iran”

US Official: Israel Won’t Bomb Iran


Iran’s nuclear facilities are too vast to be destroyed by a single air attack so Israel is unlikely to bomb it to forestall Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, a senior United States official said on Tuesday.

“This is a much more difficult problem militarily than taking on Saddam Hussein’s [nuclear] program,” he said. In Iran there are as many as 200 sites that are part of their nuclear program, although some are more important than others, he noted.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni concurred. Livni said that “control of the nuclear game was in the hands of the great powers.” She added, “I expect that the [key international players] will go for sanctions – and severe sanctions, not soft ones – for their own sake.


Is anyone in Israel paying attention to the Bushehr exception to a U.N. resolution imposing limited sanctions on Iran and to the strong indications that Iranian nuclear technology and ability to adapt lightly enriched uranium pellets to make weapons-grade uranium is far further advanced than predicted? Is anyone paying attention to the contention of Henry Sokolski, of the Washington-based Nonproliferation Education Center that “You’re talking about weeks, not months” before Iran has nuclear bombs?

Isn’t it time for the IDF and the Mossad to develop concrete, comprehensive and militarily complete plans to take out Iran’s nuclear program?

But alas, Israel’s corrupt leaders are too busy; too heavily invested in gay desecrations of Hashem’s name, in planning for the next expulsions of Jews from parts of Eretz Yisrael and in covering their respective posteriors and preventing a State investigation of the scope and dimensions of the Lebanon War loss.

Don’t expect “the superpower” to save our cookies. For all who have shown themselves to be beggars, shnorrers putting all of our cookies in the hands of our “ally” and in the hands of dubious 3rd parties, check out last night’s election results here and here.

Also, check this post from Barak of IRIS; Hezbollah Leader: “Like They Left Vietnam”.

The all-encompassing consequences of the abrogation of national responsibility and security by Israel’s corrupt regime is exposed for all to see, including and particularly the Arab/Islamic enemy. MB
