Gay Bash a Bust, But Watch for Precedent

Today’s gay march in Jerusalem was, B’H a bust. While litigants from both sides spent most of Wednesday and Thursday wrapped in Supreme Court petition arguments, there were many more police and many more religious counter-demonstrators than there were fruity marchers. And the Big Deal; it came down to a march of a several hundred yards. One of Ryan Howard’s well-struck blasts travels further than the length of the parade.

Haaretz reported on the parade route; read more

Aharon Barak Puts Israel “on Fast Track to [Sodom] Recognize Gay Marriage”

Aharon Barak Does It Again, By Evelyn Gordon (Jerusalem Post)

For context, click here.

“Knesset could still legislate against gay marriage. Yet by ruling that existing law does not bar recognition of such marriages, the court has set a neat trap: Absent Knesset action, it will be free to declare gay marriages valid. But if the Knesset does act, the court will be free to declare the new law unconstitutional.”

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The High Court of Justice took a long step last month toward making Israel one of the few countries that recognize gay marriage – in defiance of the legislature and executive. read more


Court Ruling on Gay Marriage Registration: MK Gafni: “Sodom & Gomorra Also Had High Courts.”

Gay Marriages Can Now be Registered

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Less than two weeks after the violent protests that turned the planned Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade into a smaller, closed event at the Hebrew University stadium died down, the High Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday that couples who marry in same-sex ceremonies abroad can be registered as married couples in Israel’s Population Registry.

In a vote of 6-1, Justice Elyakim Rubenstein being the sole dissenting vote, the court decreed that homosexual couples who marry abroad will enjoy the same status in the Interior Ministry as heterosexual couples who marry in civil ceremonies outside of Israel. read more


Gay Display and Israel’s Discriminatory Legal System…

Perverted Sensibilities, by Evelyn Gordon (Jerusalem Post)

“Demonstrations in support of a left-wing cause – gay rights – are important enough to outweigh both religious sensibilities and threats of bloodshed, but demonstrations in support of a right-wing cause – Jewish rights on the Temple Mount – are not important enough to outweigh either.”

“Faith in the legal system, by enabling disputes to be resolved peaceably, is the glue that holds society together…. If… large segments of society become convinced that Israeli law does not grant them a fair hearing, many of their members are liable to conclude that they have no recourse except the law of the jungle: brute force.” read more


In the Aftermath of the Gay Display, Such as it Was, Will the Lessons Carry Forward to the “Outposts”, to “Convergence?”

We Could Have Saved Gush Katif and Northern Samaria, by Nadia Matar (Israel National News)


The strong responses from the ultra-Orthodox public has had an impact. This can already be considered a success.

First, the unity in the ultra-Orthodox camp is praiseworthy. All the communities, all the factions, all the rabbis sent out a single, clear message: “All of us, as a single person, are mobilized to prevent the ‘Abomination Parade’, at any cost.” Tens of thousands of fliers were distributed to the ultra-Orthodox community to instruct them what to do if and when they were to be arrested and sent to jail as a result of their protest. The message broadcast by the leaders of the struggle is clear: this parade is to be stopped, with determination and without sensitivity, even at the cost of sitting in prison. read more


Awaiting HCJ Ruling on Gay Display; Postponement Possible Due to Security Alert…

UPDATE: Closed Event to Replace Gay Parade in Jerusalem on Friday

“Parade organizers announced that the parade was officially cancelled, and pending final logistical arrangements the gay pride event will no longer consist of a march through Jerusalem’s streets, rather a closed event at the stadium at Hebrew University’s Givat Ram campus.”

High Court Expected to Give Ruling on Gay Parade Today, by Dan Izenberg (Jerusalem Post)


If the court allows the parade to take place, the event will begin on Friday at 11 a.m. and end 45 minutes before Shabbat. The parade itself is expected to last 30-45 minutes. read more


Protesting the Gay Desecration: Hypocritical, or A Message to Regime as to Religious Unity?

Is Marching as a Gay the Greatest of Sins? By Shmuley Boteach (Jerusalem Post)

“Where were the haredi demonstrators when they were needed to protest disengagement?”

“Yarmulke-wearing men and boys were dragged, and pregnant women with their hair covered were torn from their homes. And even today, as so many of the residents of Gush Katif continue to live in makeshift housing, I know of few great ultra-Orthodox authorities who call what happened by its proper name: an abomination.” read more


Foreign Ministry Efforts to Reinvent Israel as Liberal/Gay-Friendly…

Column One: Truth in Advertising, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“One of the primary target audiences that the Foreign Ministry is trying to attract is the homosexual community. Ministry officials view gay culture as the entryway to the liberal culture because, as he put it, gay culture is the culture that creates ‘a buzz.'”

“The so-called liberal Left are the ones who call Israel “that shi**y little country” at fancy dinner parties.”


Israel is trying to reinvent itself. Last week Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni hosted a conference where she launched a new multimillion dollar project to “rebrand” Israel. As Livni put it, since coming into office, she has been struck by the disparity between the vibrant, liberal, free Israel she knows and Israel’s image abroad. read more

Gay March and Other Such Public Gay Displays Must Be Banned — Permanently!

With the planned Gay Abomination only a week away, there are some points which need to be put out in blogosphere and digested, intellectualized and internalized.

Many years ago back in Chutz L’Aretz, this author learned early on after becoming Ba’al Teshuvah that Jewish history is cyclical. And so, this gay atrocity thrust upon Jerusalem, Eretz Yisrael and B’nai Yisrael is due for Erev Shabbos Vayeira whose Torah portion teaches about the two malachim whose task it was to save Lot and his family and to bring about destruction of the wicked, depraved and abominable Sodom. read more

Gearing Up to Battle the Gay Parade…

Haredim: J’lem Gay Parade may Lead to Another War, by Neta Sela (Ynet)

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox protest at Jerusalem’s Sabbath Square against holding of 2006 Gay Pride Parade in city; ‘war in Lebanon broke out as soon as the parade was announced,’ haredi man says. Head of Eda Haredit rabbinic court: We did not succeed in Lebanon due to promiscuity in Holy Land.


Thousands of ultra-Orthodox protested at Jerusalem’s Sabbath Square Wednesday against the holding of the 2006 Gay Pride Parade in the city, with most of them linking the parade to the recent war in Lebanon. read more
