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In December, 1994 "B'H", while attending a Singles Melave Malka in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn, I was placed in position to play Shadchan for a Sefer Torah and a Yishuv - BAT AYIN in Gush Etzion. On that Motzi Shabbat, instead of meeting my bashert, I met a couple who spoke about the need for a Sefer Torah for Yishuv Bat Ayin. I responded that I make no promises, but that I'd see what I can do back in Philadelphia.
The rest is history, five months later, Bat Ayin had its Sefer
Torah. In the years since then, Sifrei Torah have been donated toYishuvim Shvut
Rahel, Ma'alei Chaver, Tapuach , and in February, 1999, shortly before I made Aliya, to Kehilla Chasdei Avos in Kiryat Arba.
At the end of March, 2004,shortly before Pesach, a Sefer Torah was placed in theGivat Nof Harim neighborhood of Yishuv Eli . On Sunday evening 4 July, 2004 a Hachnasat Sefer Torah celebration was held in Yishuv Shi-rat HaYam in Gush Katif .
An 8th Sefer Torah, one of two donated by Phil Chernofsky of the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem, was placed with a joyous Hachnasat Sefer Torah Celebration on 25 November, Thanksgiving Day, in Yeshiva Re'uta which is located on Moshav Carmel just south of Chevron. Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schilit of Beit Shemesh covered the cost of the repairs in placing the Sefer Torah in the Yeshiva where their son is an Avere'ich. The moshav has around 60 families and the yeshiva has around 50 boys, single and married, learning there, mostly after army service.
The 9th Sefer Torah, donated and funded by a local group from Beit Shemesh and facilitated through The Sefer Torah Recycling Network, has been placed in the newly completed Chasdei Shimrit Community Center in Neve Dekalim . A Gala Hachnasat Sefer Torah Celebration took place on Shushan Purim, Sunday, 27 March 2005. (When the terrible expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif took place in mid-August, 2005, both Sifrei Torah placed in Gush Katif were secured in good hands. David Bonfeld now resides in a Caravilla in Nitzan as do many of the Kehilla which he served in Neve Dekalim. The Sefer Torah is being used in one of the Caravillas which serves as a Beit Knesset. The Shi-rat HaYam Sefer Torah currently resides with a family of a former resident of Chevron, pending the former Shi-rat HaYam residents securing a permanent communal situation. To follow developments regarding the expulsion and it's aftermath; please click here and here.) A number of Rabbonim in Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Eretz Yisroel have given their support to this project. Their names and phone #'s are available upon request. The goal of The SEFER TORAH RECYCLING NETWORK is to satisfy a need of many Shuls throughout all of Israel to become MEKOMOT TORAH, to make them whole & to give Chizik to our brethren through ACHDUS & AHAVAS YISRAEL.
This Community Center, built by David Bonfeld in memory of his daughter Shimrit who was niftar from a rare blood disease several years ago, will serve as a multi-purpose learning center with regular weekday and Shabbos davening as well as providing regular daily shiurim for the community.
A 10th Sefer Torah, the second of 2 Sifrei Torah donated by
the Gross family of the Park Heights neighborhood in Baltimore, was restored and iand placed in the Rachel's Children's Reclamation Foundation complex adjacent to Kever Rachel IY'H in early July, 2005 (Rosh Chodesh Tammuz). The Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation , led by it's President, Evelyn Haies who has built a complex next to the Kever, including a Beis Medrash and living quarters, seeks a Sefer Torah as part of it's ongoing efforts to educate Israel's youth about Rachel Imeinu.
An 11th Sefer Torah, the second of the Sifrei Torah donated by Mr. Cherofsky, was placed, upon completion of repairs, in a new Junior Senior High School Yeshiva in Beit Shemesh which opened open in September, 2005. The Hachnasat Sefer Torah is planned for between Purim and Pesach 5766.
A 12th Sefer Torah was officially installed in Yishuv Adura on May 31, 2007 in memory of 5 residents who were terror victims, 4 of whom were killed by terrorist infiltrators onto the Yishuv in April, 2002 and a 5th resident who was killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem a couple of months before the attack on the Yishuv.
The Sefer Torah Recyling Network celebrated it's Bar Mitzvah Sefer Torah (#13)
when a Sefer Torah owned by a Ramat Beit Shemesh family was placed in an Anglo community in Yishuv Neve Daniel, down the hill from the Yishuv's main Shul, in August, 2007.
With the tragic and despicable actions of the government of Israel in expelling over 10,000 Jews from the homes, neighborhoods, Shuls and Yeshivot in Gush Katif, in the 4 Shomron towns and the handing of parts of Eretz Yisrael over into enemy hands, the 2 Sifrei Torah placed in communities in Gush Katif remain in good hands. The Sefer placed in Neve Dekalim is in David Bonfeld's hands and being used in the new Beit Knesset in the Caravilla town of Nitzan. The Sefer placed in Shi-rat HaYam is being held by a family living south of Chevron pending the permanent relocation of the Shi-rat HaYam Community to the former IDF base in Maskiot in the Jordan Valley.
We've placed 13 Sifrei Torah to date, each one of them has it's own unique story. For example, I delivered the Sefer Torah for Yishuv Ma'alei Chaver myself and had the great experience of having it used in laining at Naitz davening on Monday, June 30, 1997 aboard Tower Air at 37,000 feet.
In late August, 1998 an article about "The Sefer Torah
Recycling Network" appeared in B'Kehilla
Magazine, then a Supplement to the Jerusalem Post.
I want to express great thanks to Ms. Ruth Beloff and to Gil Hoffman,
both of The Jerusalem Post (formerly of B'Kehilla Magazine) for a wonderful, most professional article.
We locate donors of Sifrei Torah, see to their restoration and transfer them to
needy locations in Eretz Yisroel.
We seek to assist many other needy locations through Israel in acquiring Sifrei Torah, that one day soon, everywhere in Israel needing a Sefer Torah will have that need fulfilled. It is said that one is truly connected to a place only when that place is a Mokom Torah through the ownership of it's own Sefer Torah. As one lover of Eretz Yisrael to another, I'm sure that you share my wish that the many other needy communities throughout Israel soon become Mekomot Torah. And imagine
the level of Kedusha when all of the neshamot who have lained from, touched and
kissed a Sefer Torah in the past, back in it's previous venue, unite with all of the
neshamot yet to lain from, touch and kiss the Sefer Torah here in Eretz Yisroel.
It is vital that The Sefer Torah Recycling Network receive seed-funding as well as ongoing cash donations and a constant influx of Sifrei Torah. For this reason, we seek philanthropic "Angels" who recognize the need for an ongoing clearing house where Sifrei Torah can be donated or acquired, restorations completed and placements of Sifrei Torah made to the many needy locations throughout Eretz Yisrael.
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network is offering Founding Sponsorships to Philanthropic 'Angels' who donate $10,000 or more. A Founding Sponsor will have
his/her name and/or the name and logo of his company or organization included as a Founding Sponsor on The Sefer Torah Recycling Network's printed publicity pieces, brochures, email newsletters, etc.
The sponsor's name, link and logo (or banner) of his business, chesed foundation, organization or family's website will also be listed on a separate page of this website entitled "Founding Sponsors" accessable via link from the front page as well as from the Sponsorship Donations page.
Until now, the method of operation has been via word of mouth, some occasional media exposure and via internet exposure. Through influx of substantial funding ($25,000 - $100,000), I would hope to accomplish an increase in exposure via all media; internet, telephony as well as active fund raising overseas in order to develope a financial donor base and also increase the number of donated Sifrei Torah. It is envisioned that the project will
provide an ongoing parnossa for Sofrim in Israel who are in dire need of regular work. It is also envisioned to bring an in-house checking capability to the project via scanning hardware and software. All of this, in addition to day to day office, computer/telephone/ Internet expense takes funds.
At present, The Sefer Torah Recycling Network has arrangements in the US and Canada with two organizations which provide donors with tax deductibilty on their donations. An influx of funds is necessary in order to set up either an Amutah or a Non-Profit company in Israel, a 501-C3 Non-profit organization in the US and to establish "The Sefer Torah Recycling Network" in it's own right, as an ongoing, serious project providing placement of Sifrei Torah in many of the hundreds of needy locations throughout Israel who cannot afford to acquire their own Sifrei Torah.
I hold that donating a Sefer Torah, or donating the funds necessary in order to facilitate placement of Sifrei Torah in many of the hundreds of needy locations throughout Eretz Yisrael, enabling them to become mokomot Torah, is to tangibly act to possess
Eretz Yisrael as your own.
Thanks for your consideration. Tizku L'Mitzvot.
Below is a tally of locations which I've become aware of over
the past 8 years which are in need of Sifrei Torah throughout Eretz Yisrael.
Descriptions and backgrounds on the various locations will be emailed
down the road on UP CLOSE & PERSONAL Text.
Community Nusach - Sifrei Torah at Present:
*Eli - Ashkenazi |
0 |
*Kfar Adumim - Ashkenazi |
0 |
*Shilo - S’fardi |
0 |
*Michmas (Yeshiva) - Ashkenazi |
0 |
*Mizpe Yericho (Yeshiva) - Ashkenazi |
0 |
Kiryat Sefer - Beit Yosef |
3 |
Cochav Yaacov - Ashkenazi |
1 |
NachlielH’ari, z"l |
1 |
Ateret- Ashkenazi |
1 |
Talmon- S’fardi |
1 |
Talmon Tsafon – Beit Yousef |
1 |
* No Owned
Sifrei Torah. Top Priority.
Next, there is Ramat Mamre, where there are 5 minyanim, and Yeshiva Or Chevron -- all in need of Sifrei Torah. Yishuv Adura, with it's 46 families, is located near Chevron and Kiryat Arba and is where 5 residents were killed and 2 others injured when Arabs infiltrated the Yishuv disguised as IDF soldiers to perpetrate a terror attack in May, 2002.
On the next mountain from Yishuv Ma'alei Amos is Yishuv Meitzad, the home of Rabbi Goldstein, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Diaspora Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. They are in need of a Sefer Torah.
Then there is Sprawling Yishuv Beitar Illit, where there are at least three Kehillot in need of Sifrei Torah.
One of these Kehillot is a Russian Community whose Beit Knesset,
Ohel Avraham is in need of a Sefer Torah. It's Minyan numbers 50-80 regular, active members. The Beit Knesset also doubles as a Yeshiva. Some of the Shul members have sons who are av'reichim learning in Yeshiva Ohel Avraham. The community was established 5-6 years ago and, at present, there is no official Rav of the Kehilla. Most of the Kehilla are avreichim in Yeshivot Mir, Har Ram and other Yeshivot in Beitar, J'lem while some of people work or seeking work. Most of the people are 25-35 years of age. Some are over 35 years old and most are married with families. In the evening, the Beit Knesset houses a Night Kollel for Ba'alei Batim as well as Chaverusas of av'reichim who receive pay from the Kollel. Four Ba'alei Batim are over age 70. Some of the av'reichim have Chaversas with these elderly men.
In Herzliya, near Tel Aviv, there is a fledgling Observant Kehilla in need of a Sefer Torah. And in central Tel Aviv, between the Dizengoff Center and the Dizengoff Agam Fountain, 7 minutes from the beach, there is the Kehilla Yama v'Kedma Shul in need of a Sefer Torah.
In the Shomron, in Yishuv Ma'aleh Adumim, there is a shul, called "Machanayim." This Kehilla of recent olim from the former Soviet Union in need of a Sefer Torah.
Yishuv Bar Yochai is a 'National Religious'
community of 117 families close to Meron Junction and the grave of the Rashbi.
The 'Ashkenazi' minyan (nusach Achid) has received the blessings of the
community's religious council to form a minyan, but is struggling and has no
benefactors. They do have the use of an Ashkenazi Sefer Torah, but desperately
need a Second Sefer.
And believe it or not, in Yerushalayim there are a number of locations in need of Sifrei Torah. First, there is Yeshiva Machon Meir which has but two Sifrei Torah and who need an Ashkenaz Sefer Torah. There is a fledgling Chabad Kehilla in Har Nof which previously davened at the Chabad Shul just outside of Har Nof in Givat Shaul but who have established Chabad Minnion closer to home inside Har Nof and need a Sefer Torah.
In Ramat Beit Shemesh "Aleph", Beit Knesset Kehillat Beis Tefillah which currently davens and learns during the week in an enclosed area in back of an apartment building on Nachal Dolev and on Shabbos in the basement of their new Beit Knesset (currently under construction) on Nachal Refaim, needs it's own Sefer Torah as the two S'forim in their Aron HaKodesh are both on loan.
Yeshiva Zichron Dovid with it's 30 Bochurim, also located in Ramat Beit Shemesh, is in need of a Sefer Torah for it's High School Beis Medrash.
Also in Ramat Beit Shemesh "Aleph", Kehillah Ahavat B'Simcha, a Carlebach Minyan is in need of a Sefer Torah.
As short distance away from Ramat Beit Shemesh is Tzur Hadassah, a Yishuv of 2,000 people which lacks an Ashkenaz Sefer Torah. It is populated mostly by Secular/Traditional, but has a small, but growing religious population. They have S'fardi, joint Ashkenazi-S'fardi and Ashkenaz Minyanim. The Ashkenaz Minyan which is in need of a Sefer Torah is a mix of Olim (incl US, Australia, UK, Swiss, Belgian, France) as well as veteran Israeli, all leaning towards Dati Leumi of one type or another.
In Ra'anana, there is a Carlebach-style kehilla in need of a Sefer Torah. And some 10 kilometers north of Ra'anana is Yishuv Tel Mond where it's young Kehilla need a Sefer Torah.
This list consists of scores of locations in need of at least one Sefer Torah.
As you can see, the demand is great and the supply is very small. We need the help -- eyes, ears and yes the voices of all of you subscribers when you look for or hear of excess Sifrei Torah or Posul ones at your Shul, Yeshiva, among your friends or acquaintances or in your family. Be a part of this great Mitzvah of making EVERY NEEDY LOCATION Mekomot Sefer Torah.
To facilitate donations to fulfill the mission of The Sefer Torah Recycling Network, a Sponsorship donation program has been initiated.
Coverage of recent Sefer Torah Recycling Network activities:
Gush Katif Community to Receive Restored Torah Scroll
Gala Torah Scroll Ceremony in the Mountain Horizons of Shomron
Recycling Torah Scrolls To Israel
For the convenience of all donors, you can now donate on-line through the use of your paypal account and/or your credit card. Simply copy the email address; <mosheb@sefer-torah.com>, then click on the
, paste the copied email address into the "Recipient's email" field, enter the amount of your donation, type in your desired note and send. No paypal account, no problem! Just send your donation via your credit card.
you for your help and consideration.
If you have any
questions or want to offer assistance, please
contact me at;
Email Address; mosheb@sefer-torah.com
Hotslocha Rabbah and Tizku
Moshe Burt
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The Sefer Torah Recycling Network is proud to announce its Affiliation with
Now you can order CD Shiurim of these Rabbonim; Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz, Rabbi Paysach
Rabbi Akiva Tatz, Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger and more and support
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network as well.
CDTORAH.COM - Torah Lectures on Audio CDs
English-speaking Yeshivot in Israel, here is a way of helping The Sefer Torah Recycling Network's fundraising efforts by promoting purchase of Artscroll S'forim. When students click on the Artscroll links from this website in order to purchase S'forim, The Sefer Torah Recycling Network will earn a commission from each such purchase. The Yeshiva can benefit financially as well once commission certain volume levels are reached.
Link to The Sefer Torah Recycling Network:
Just type in the following code: <a href="http://www.sefer-torah.com"><img alt="Magen David" src="http://www.sefer-torah.com/images/magen.gif" border="0" align="middle" width="60" height="64"> <b>The Sefer Torah Recycling Network</b> <img alt="Magen David" src="http://www.sefer-torah.com/images/magen.gif" border="0" align="middle" width="60" height="64"></a> |
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needy locations in Israel, Memorials in Israel Mission: Acquires donations of Sifrei Torah and raises funds to restore them to a Kosher state for transfer to needy locations in Israel.
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