Now you can help to keep Katif.net online putting out the facts
about the Jewish communities of Gush Katif as well as staying on top of Gush Katif news while helping to finance the mission of The Sefer Torah Recycling Network simply by clicking on the above link and noting that you saw the link on www.sefer-torah.com .
Support Sefer Torah Recycling Network as You Shop Online
InstantHebrew.com: Learn to Read Hebrew in just 2 Hours with online video course
Israel Catalogue: Clothing, Jewelry, Hebrew Learning Tools and Software
The Sefer Torah
Recycling Network is priviledged to have affiliation
with with Artscroll
as well as Soncino
publishers. Now you can help to finance our mission simply by clicking on
the links above or on the banners below to purchase S’forim online from these
It is anticipated that The Sefer Torah Recycling
Network will announce affiliation with
at least one other Judaica publisher as well as with online merchants of a
number of other Judaica products.
English-speaking Yeshivot in Israel, here is a way of helping
Sefer Torah Recycling Network’s fundraising efforts by promoting purchase of Artscroll
S’forim. When students click on the Artscroll links from this website in order
to purchase S’forim, The Sefer Torah Recycling Network will earn a commission
from each such purchase. The Yeshiva can benefit financially as well once sufficient commission
volume levels are reached.
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network is proud to announce its Affiliation with
Now you can order CD Shiurim of these Rabbonim;
Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Akiva Tatz, Rabbi Herschel
Schachter, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger and more and support
The Sefer Torah Recycling Network as well.
CDTORAH.COM – Torah Lectures on Audio CDs
Learn Biblical Hebrew Online
We market made-in-Israel products with a Jewish orientation.
Israel-Media.com has the best selection of Israeli & Jewish music, software &

Manufacturers of hand made laminated plaques and gift boxes

Kosher By Design Picture-perfect food for the Holidays and every day By Susie Fishbein
The Schottenstein Ed. Siddur: Sabbath & Festivals Prayers With an
Translation – Ashkenaz White Leather Edition
By Rabbi Menachem Davis |
Stone Edition Chumash – 1 Volume Travel -size – Ashkenaz By Rabbi Nosson Scherman |
of Kings / Megillas Ruth: Commentary and insights on the Book of Ruth
By Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg |
The Schottenstein Edition Talmud
SPECIAL; For those learning Daf Yomi, the current Mesechta Menachos (3 Volume
set) is available:
Volume 1 ,
Volume 2,
Volume 3, as well as a
Standing order of every volume of the Daf Yomi Size Schottenstein Talmud as they are Published.
Rabbi Berel Wein’s Pirkei
Avos: Teachings for Our Times

Sapirstein Edition Rashi – 5 Volume Slipcased Set Student Size
The Torah with Rashi’s commentary translated, annotated, and elucidated
By Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg
Bircas Kohanim / The Priestly Blessings (Hardcopy), By Rabbi Avie Gold

Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Set / 2 Volume Slipcased Set, By Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
Gateway To
The Talmud:
A Rosh Yeshivah introduces the history, development and principles of Torah
She’b’al Peh – from Moses to the Besht and Vilna Gaon. By Rabbi Meir Tzvi
Women in
the Talmud
An anthology of the Talmud’s stories about women, from Seder Zeraim and Moed, as
explained by the classic commentators. By Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt
For a history of what The Sefer Torah Recycling Network has done to date and what we hope to achieve in the future, please click below:
Sefer Torah Recycling Network
here for Photos
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, the fast-growing Web Host of Jewish Religious organizations, business
and e-commerce sites.
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Torah scrolls, Torah Scroll Restoratation, Sefer Torah restoration, Sefer Torah transfer, Israel, Eretz Yisrael, Mokom Torah, Mekomot Torah,
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needy locations in Israel, Memorials in Israel Mission: Acquires donations of Sifrei Torah and raises funds to restore them to a Kosher state for transfer to needy locations in Israel.
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