Parshat Ki Teitsei 5773: Collective Kindness, Unity and Responsibility vs Acquiescense to Evil –Amplified

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua is being sponsored by Matis and Marla Sklar of Ramat Beit Shemesh. To the Sklar family, many thanks for your sponsorship and continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring (or as the case may be, co-sponsoring) a Parshat HaShevua.

Please be in contact with me with any questions, or for further details. read more


Parshat Korach 5773: What Do We Learn from the 250 Who Brought Incense and Died by Heavenly Fire?

by Moshe Burt

Yehuda Nachshoni’s “Studies in the Weekly Parsha” (pages 1032-1033) on our Parsha Korach cites Ramban’s view that the cause of the rebellions: Korach, Dasan and Aviram and the First Born’s was:

The spies’ severe punishment, which brought death to the generation of the desert and plague to its princes. It [the punishment]… brought to the surface all of the accumulated bitterness of the dissatisfied, who until now had not dared to come out against Moshe. Now they took advantage… to settle accounts. read more


Parsha Ki Teitsei 5772: Collective Kindness, Unity and Responsibility vs Acquiescense to Evil

by Moshe Burt

Parsha Ki Teitsei teaches numerous Mitzvot such as; returning lost items to their rightful owners, loaning money to one’s fellow Jew free from interest, what one is permitted to or prohibited from taking from another Jew as loan security, Shatnes (wool and linen together), Tzitzit, and dealing fairly and truthfully with one’s fellow Jews in business. We also learn of Mitzvot such as sending a mother bird away before taking the young or the eggs and helping one’s fellow Jew load and unload a burden, fencing in a roof area and not harnessing together different species of animals on the same yoke. read more


Parsha Ki Teitsei 5771: Kindness, Unity and Collective Responsibility vs Acquiescense to Evil

by Moshe Burt

Parsha Ki Teitsei teaches numerous Mitzvot such as; returning lost items to their rightful owners, loaning money to one’s fellow Jew free from interest, what one is permitted to or prohibited from taking from another Jew as loan security, Shatnes (wool and linen together), Tzitzit, and dealing fairly and truthfully with one’s fellow Jews in business. We also learn of Mitzvot such as sending a mother bird away before taking the young or the eggs and helping one’s fellow Jew load and unload a burden, fencing in a roof area and not harnessing together different species of animals on the same yoke. read more


Parsha Korach 5769-A: Was Dying by Heavenly Fire Worth the Incense?


Commentary by Moshe Burt

The legendary Jeff Seidel sent around this Parsha HaShevua Korach to Facebook subscribers:

Parshat Korach relates the story of Korach, Datan, Aviram and 250 members of the shevet (tribe) or Reuven challenging Moshe’s choice for Kohen Gadol (high priest). The end result was that the 250 members were burned by a heavenly fire, and the other 3 were miraculously swallowed by the earth. From a motive perspective, Korach makes the most sense, because he felt slighted for not having been chosen himself. But why would 250 people follow him to their certain death, with apparently little to gain? read more


“Disengagement” Authority Still Covering Up Abuse of Evicted Former Gush Katif Residents


The State Commission of Inquiry formed to probe the treatment of “evacuees” has begun hearing testimony. This blog has referred and will continue to refer to the former Gush Katif residents by the more accurate terms, the expelled, the evicted, the former Gush Katif residents, rather than the regime politically correct term of “evacuees from the disengagement” because what happened in Gush Katif in August, 2005 was NOT a disengagement and the former residents were NOT “evacuated”, i.e. “evacuated from danger.” The people of Gush Katif had made homes, communities, had built businesses, society, communal and religious life there and had made a disaster area BLOOM. read more


Ehud Barak’s Smoke and Mirrors Regarding Withdrawals From JEWISH Land



Aside from the given, that Ehud Barak makes no bones about his lust to seperate Israelis from anything Jewish and to sever all connections with the Jewish roots of the land, does it faze him in the least that the kinds of rocket blitzes we saw in Gush Katif, and now see in S’derot and the communities surrounding Gaza would inevitably be felt in Tel Aviv, K’far Saba, or Beit Shemesh?

Does he realize that anti-missile systems can’t defend against massive missile bombardments? Does he even care? He might as well be peering through Amir Peretz’s capped binoculars. MB read more


Former Gush Katif Residents Victimized: Vindictive Regime and Typical Ethic — Gouge Thy Brother

Expellees Receive Power-Struggle Eviction Notices, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)


It seems like some of the former Gush Katif families have had to endure the ongoing long-term abuse of being caught between a disdainful regime and Israelis whose only ethic is to gouge, shake down and victimize their fellows.

It would not be surprising if we were to find out that both the regime and Kibbutz Carmiya were in cahoots persecuting these families and making their lives intolerable. read more


Why Do Israeli Officials Think They Know Better??


Why do Israeli officials think that they know better? Why do they think they’re sooo smart — especially when they’ve been proven wrong soo many times? Must readers be reminded; the Yom Kippur War intelligence failures, the withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000, the Oslo accords, the Wye Agreement and 2 years ago, Expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif and 4 Shomron towns which was supposed to end terror emanating from Gaza.

And let us not forget about these so-called smart experts and their agreement with Egypt about monitoring the Gaza Crossings, the total unpreparedness in last summer’s Lebanon conflict of all levels of Israeli military and governance and these smart guys’ dependence and reliance upon upon 3rd party forces and “guarantees” during the past year subsequent to the conflict. read more


Moetsei Shabbos War News
