Ehud Barak’s Smoke and Mirrors Regarding Withdrawals From JEWISH Land



Aside from the given, that Ehud Barak makes no bones about his lust to seperate Israelis from anything Jewish and to sever all connections with the Jewish roots of the land, does it faze him in the least that the kinds of rocket blitzes we saw in Gush Katif, and now see in S’derot and the communities surrounding Gaza would inevitably be felt in Tel Aviv, K’far Saba, or Beit Shemesh?

Does he realize that anti-missile systems can’t defend against massive missile bombardments? Does he even care? He might as well be peering through Amir Peretz’s capped binoculars. MB

DM Barak Advocates to Withdraw Even if Rockets Will Fall, by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz (Israel National News)


Defense Minister Ehud Barak said this week that major Israeli population centers would be threatened by Palestinian Authority rockets if Israel relinquishes Judea and Samaria. Israel must first acquire and implement an effective anti-missile defense system, and only then hand over control.

That, however, is no reason not to carry out such a withdrawal, according to the Defense Minister, but rather to quickly equip Israel with a defense system against attacks from those very areas.

PA control over Judea and Samaria would place Israel’s major population centers, such as Tel Aviv, within Kassam rocket range, Minister Barak explained during a Tuesday meeting with IDF reserve officers. Therefore, Barak emphasized, Israel must first acquire and implement an effective anti-missile defense system, and only then hand over control of the territory to the PA. He said he saw the development of such technological defenses as a precondition to any further substantive territorial withdrawal.
