Protexia Governance Views Sderot People as Economically Expendable


Among the ills of protexia-class governance is the penchant to line their own pockets while exhibiting outrageous miserliness toward those segments of the population which directly face war zones and whose physical and economic lives are harrassed and damaged daily.

The too-tired governmental adherents of distorted Western ‘turn-the-other-check’ “morality” (taking care for the lives of your enemy while that very enemy draws your blood endlessly) refuse to fight a winning war in defense of Sderot and the other southern Negev towns, just as they refused to fight to win in Lebanon. In the aftermath of handcuffed military efforts, those lacking financial resources to relocate from directly facing either war zone, and who are thus forced to remain stuck in an Israeli government-imposed war zone, are subject to the callous governmental refusal of any physical, military or economic assistance. MB read more

Parsha Tzav and Purim: Our Ketores — the Good and the Bad


by Moshe Burt

In writing a vort on Purim, this author thinks back to a theme addressed in an earlier Siyum on Mesechta Megillah from three years ago as well as another recurring theme on this blog.

The Jew separates and distinguishes himself from the rest of the nations through the Mitzvah of Bris Milah, even though many of our contemporary Jewish brothers would distance themselves from, or stand in denial of their Yiddishkeit. But many among our Jewish brethren would deny Hashem’s control of the world and seek to tailor Torah and their Jewishness to fit the ways of the nations rather than accepting Hashem’s reishut (command) over the world. read more


Thursday War News: Islamics Void “Ceasefire”, 15 Kassams Pound Sderot, Negev, Israel Hits Launch-Ready Rocket; Bethlehem Islamic Jihad Chief, 3 Other Terrorists Offed in Bethlehem; 12 Terrorists, 72 Illegals Nabbed, Buses Hit by Rock Throwers in North


As predicted on this blog; the current “ceasefire”, “hudna” inevitably lasted all of 3 days. A normal, non-disfunctional government would wise up to it’s enemy’s strategies and rouges after twice or three times being deceived.

However, Israel’s successive secular, anti-Torah regimes of too tired, “New Jews” can’t make a cogent argument for it’s own existence in any language and therefore percieves that it must accept the morality thrust upon it by the nations which says in essence that, between the lines, Jewish lives are cheap and expendable. MB read more


Parsha Vayishlach 5768; Yaakov’s Three Pillars vs Their Modern-Day Negation by a Protexia Medinat Yisrael


by Moshe Burt

As our Parsha begins, Yaakov sent melachim (angels), some render a translation of messengers, “… ahead of him to Eisev to the land of Seir, to the field of Edom… Thus shall you say … to Eisev, so said your servant Yaakov: ‘Im-Lavan garti’ (I have sojourned with Lavan) …” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posukim 4 & 5)

When the melachim, the messengers return, they inform Yaakov that Eisev “is also coming to meet you; and there a four hundred men with him.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 32, posuk 7) read more


The Dissimilarity of Feiglin to Olmert and Barak

Caroline Glick, who has written so well about the imperative for political and governmental change in Israel, has a problem.

Her problem seems to be an inability to take a leap of faith, a leap towards emunah in Our Creator, the leap which she, herself, again and again and again in her previous writings deems essential, imperative to Israel’s continued security and well-being.

Time and again, Ms. Glick regales us with prose like this;

Rather than direct our attention at Olmert, Israelis must turn our attention to his enablers. Yisrael Beiteinu head and Minister of Non-Existent Strategy Avigdor Lieberman and his buddy, Shas leader and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Something or Other Eli Yishai, as well as Shas’s religious leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef should become the objects of public pressure. They must be made to understand that if they desire a political future of any kind, they must abandon Olmert and allow the nation to elect a new government. read more

Olmert’s Arrogance and Disdain: ‘We Won’t Fortify Ourselves to Death’



As was previously posted on this blog, Olmert suddenly is talking offensively, rather than defensive protection of the citizens he governs. While he is very correct regarding the use of the term evacuation — in the context of causing a permanent retreat from a place, but what Olmert apparently means is forcing the citizens and children of Sderot, Ashkelon and other bordering locations to cower in their unreinforced homes and in their unprotected schools and ganim and in uninhabitable “bomb shelters” while Olmert commands the IDF to spend millions in bombing empty fields rather than bombing locations where the terrorists use human shield to protect themselves, their Kassams and other weapons and ammo. read more

Gaza Incursion: State Security Dictates an Operation Far More Massive than “Incursion” Via an Army Committed to WIN!

Former MK and defunct Shinui leader Tommy Lapid wrote an Op-Ed piece questioning whether or not an IDF incursion into Gaza should be ordered and opting instead;

If the Hamas government launches a new intifada, we will respond with unprecedented force. Not by means of an incursion, which would merely get us into trouble, but rather by bombing and shelling and cutting off electricity and a total siege – until they take the hint.

Seems that Tommy tamborine is more concerned with what hypocritical, western distorted “morality” will say about Jews with the guts to defend themselves. And what is ‘total siege’ if not invasion and every other strategic means to bring the enemy to it’s knees with complete victory? read more

Education Ministry: 59 Years of Leftist, Elitist Brainwashing of Israel’s Secular “Golden Youth”

Batya of Shilomuse posted a piece on Friday entitled; National Masochism about what systematic, institutional brainwashing
of generations of Israel’s Secular “Golden Youth” has wrought.

The results of this nurtured and inculcated brainwashing have manifested themselves at all levels from politians, soo lacking in any valid connection to their Jewish roots and thus, soo lacking in any kind of national or personal pride that they now consider Jerusalem as “marginal” to according their leftist, systematically inculcated vision of true Israel, to the youth of today and how “most Israelis only know Judea and Samaria and even our capital, Jerusalem, from army service.” read more


With An Incompetent Government and Biased, Opinionated MSM; Promote Private Initiative to Confront Jihad Head-On in the Arena of Ideas

Column One: Privatizing the War of Ideas, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“The Olmert government is simply incapable of conceptualizing policies capable of defending Israel.”

“Six years after the Palestinians launched their jihad, and five years after the jihadist attacks on the US, the governments of the free world remain deeply hesitant about engaging in a true ideological struggle with jihad.”


By the very title of this article, “Privatizing the War of Ideas”, Caroline Glick urges us, the citizens of Israel, to act privately in every possible venue, to “force our leaders to defend us publicly and to adopt policies based on reality that see victory rather than surrender as our best option moving forward. ” read more
