Obama’s Cairo Speech, Policies and the Jews



I am dispensing with the 3rd person “this author” on this one. America’s president Barack Hussein Obama has made his Cairo speech. Aside from the questions of what it’s decipherings, implications and deeper meanings and analysis could mean to Israel and to the Jewish world, the question is; What Should Hussein Obama’s Cairo ingratiation to Islam mean to a Jewish state of Israel, to a real Jewish governance, and to the Jewish world?

What I see Obama’s speech meaning is that at long last, Israel must once and for all be weaned off the bosom of slavery to American aid and American approval. What it shows is that Israel MUST shake mentality of dependence (thus enslavement) and return to self-reliance of her modern-day-statehood-founding and of her Six-Day War resourceness — with home-bred talent, ingenuity and self-reliance which goes along with it, as well as reliance upon Hashem. What it proves is what I have been writing for years, that Jews are obligated to but One Ultimate Authority — Hashem in Shemayim. And when earthly Jewish leaders are NOT L’shem Shemayim, but are about L’shem their own self-interests, agendas, prejudices, their own self-enrichment and self-aggrandisement, self-affectionation and self-perpetuation of their own power and influence; they are clearly not worthy to lead the B’nai Yisrael. That is what sets apart Moshe Rabbeinu, Aaron HaKohen and certain other select Jewish leaders down through history from the Yudenrat: Real Leaders vs Corrupt, Evil Pretenders. If Jews and Jewish leadership act like Jews, then we are impervious to the Obamas, Clintons or, you name it srom successive previous American governments, read more


Monday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 10 — Will Israeli Government Squander Possible IDF Achievements?



IMRA’s Dr. Aaron Lerner notes that the current regime, the Olmert, Livni, Barak Troika are aiming to emulate, in Gaza, the Lebanon cease-fire model which columnist Caroline Glick recently described.

Dr. Lerner cites Roni Sofer’s report; Israel Examining International Treaty to Isolate Hamas which follows up his (Sofer’s) report of Sunday, noted on this blog, where he lists Olmert’s conditions to end the conflict.

Lerner comments;

There is a fairly straightforward explanation for PM Olmert’s interest in an international force: The Olmert-Livni team adamantly claims that the Second Lebanon War was a fantastic success because it concluded with the introduction of the grossly ineffective international force…. They thus see their reputations tied to the validity of using international forces. read more


The Golan and Leftist Abuse of Language and Morality


Caroline Glick writes a damning indictment of the Left’s hypocrisy in assaulting language and, as a result, legality, morality and Jewish land and sovereignty. This post deals only with the hypocrisy regarding the left’s assault on legality, morality and Jewish land and sovereignty, although Glick drives home her point citing everything from feminist Education Minister Yuli Tamir’s advocacy of clitoridectomies in the Moslem world to the US presidential race where American feminists have “employed pornographic… and unabashedly chauvinist” invective against Republican VP candidate Governor Sarah Palin for her anti-abortion views. read more


Judaism, Torah and Israel’s Security Ditched by Israeli Governance


In case this blog’s readers haver wondered about the dearth of commentary here, it is increasingly difficult to churn out thoughts regarding the myriads of ways in which religious Jews are being undermined and degraded and the ways in which Israel’s security and sovereignty is being damned by leftist elites and their cronies and stooges of Israeli governance. MB

Here is a selection reports and commentaries making that very point;

Olmert’s Parting Blows, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post) read more


Kadima: Not One Honest, Moral Candidate Among Them


This blog has boycotted discussion of today’s Kadima vote and the four Kadima candidates facing primary vote today for there is not one of them worthy of any high office. The Kadima party, since the comatose chief of Expulsion formed it, has been the migrated home of every politically corrupt, morally perverted deviate and has not one honest, personally moral candidate with any degree of honesty among them.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but they have totally corrupted and and subverted Israel’s governance by divide and conquer and numerous other rouges such that roughly 75,000 party members will dictate to over 6,000,000 who will govern the nation. These comments in no way negate the complicity of other political alignments; Shas, Labor, Mafdal, Gimmel and yes, the Likud too — all of which have ducked confrontations with Kadima which, at any point could have consigned these Kadima masters of moral turpitude to political oblivion. read more


Have Israelis Forgotten Biblical Jerusalem?


Noted Philadelphia Jewish activist Moshe Phillips writes about the erroneous term “East Jerusalem” noting that it is this designated place which is referred to in Torah, in Chumash as Jerusalem, i.e. “If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem…”

Also assembled are a number of related articles and commentaries on Jerusalem and the rush of Israeli governance to divide it. MB

If I Forget Thee, East Jerusalem, by Moshe Phillips (Israel National News)

Full Text;

My heart is in the east….” – Rabbi Yehuda Halevi (1075-1141) read more


Israel, the US and Russia’s War on Georgia


Caroline Glick dispels the dangerous, outrageous myth promulgated and inculcated by successive Israeli governments unto the governed that Western or UN forces “will unburden the country of the need to protect itself.” Those of us, however, who pay close attention to history recognize Israel’s founding doctrine that “international legitimacy, peace treaties, alliances and common interests only matter in the presence of the hard power of military force” is as valid today as when Ben-Gurion conceived it. MB read more


Regime Posturing and Backing Down: It’s Beyond Embarrassing



The repeated saber-rattling of the Olmert-Livni-Barak regime has long-since passed way beyond embarrassing. Each episode of saber-rattling, of talking the talk, is inevitably followed shortly thereafter by these incompetent, self-serving political hacks backing down out of fear, intimidation by, and subserviance to the superpower. Without a belief-based rooting, these irreligious so-called “leaders” are thus disabused of “walking the walk.”

And so what results is, as with the Lebanon conflict, a hodge-podge, hit-or-miss set of aims and goals far beneath TOTAL Victory and vanquishment of the enemy sworn to vanquish and decimate us. As this blog has repeatedly noted, the goal of the regime is to bring international forces to Gaza, as with Lebanon. And, as any thinking person knows; international “peacekeeping” forces lack total credibility based on past record. read more

Final Winograd Report to be Delivered to Snow-Covered Jerusalem


Wednesday, 30 January, 2008, the long-awaited day of the release of the Final Winograd Report, has arrived.

The report is slated to be delivered to Prime Minister Olmert in a snow-covered Jerusalem at 5 PM with a public news conference to be held at Jerusalem’s International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha’ooma), at 6 PM.

Here are some must read reports from Caroline Glick and Dr. Aaron Lerner which will provide perspective on today’s events. MB

Grimacing to Victory and Grinning to Defeat, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post) read more


“Lawyerization” Handcuffs IDF Warfare or, How to Lose a Win-able War


The evolution of “international law’s” selective enforcement is both prejudicial and detrimental toward Israel’s sovereignty and inalienable right to protect itself and its citizens against the Islamic enemy bent on our destruction. But worse still, is the national peril of the Israeli judicial system’s hiding and cowering behind “international law” to mask its true intent; the disconnection of the State from all Jewish religious law.

Meanwhile, the Islamics mock us and hide behind “international law” just as their terrorist murderers have hidden behind civilians since before Israel’s modern-day statehood and prior. read more
