Barak News Conference: Jig Up for Olmert, or Another Fade-Away Promise?



Labor Party leader Ehud Barak promised the party that he would call for Olmert’s resignation in the period prior to the final Winograd report. But then he backtracked and Olmert remained.

It is interesting, in light of the above, that while he claims that Labor will quit the coalition of Olmert does not resign, he commits to no timetable as to an Olmert resignation or leave of absence.

The question is, are Barak’s threats shallow and meaningless, or will he carry through? read more


Olmert’s Words on Holocaust, Actions in Direct Contradiction



The righteous-appearing comments of prime minister Olmert on the Holocaust are nothing more than shallow, self-serving rhetoric. Olmert reveals with these words not the least comprehension of the implications and true meanings of words he mutters, were these words to have been spoken by a true leader of the Jewish people.

But Israel’s Spirit with which “no power… can contend” seemingly appears, in Olmert’s view of actuality “too tired to fight, too tired to win… “ These very words will be repeated again, and again, and again to bear witness against Ehud Olmert and his ilk as long as he and they remain they government in power; as long as Olmert remains in politics. read more


Clinton on Iran Attack of Israel; NOT Words of Ally



During the heated campaign between Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama for the Democratic candidacy for US President, Clinton has made a number of statements specifically directed toward the Jewish vote, particularly during the run-up to Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary. This author takes great issue with one of these statements in particular.

Before the masses of American Jews take Hillary Clinton’s recent statement; If Iran attacks Israel, the US could ‘totally obliterate them’ as a great achievement and an expression of unshakable alliance with Israel, this author feels compelled to harken back to the great American actor/comedian Jimmy Durante, who during his act, would grab his hat, shake that monstrous nose and bellow; read more


Olmert Regime’s Appeasement Concessions Demoralize IDF


The Olmert-Livni-Barak regime’s “confidence-building” appeasement concessions to Abbas and the Palestinian Authority impairs and demoralizes IDF counterterror capabilities thus setting in place yet another self-fulfilling prophesy, such as in Gaza where the regime states that “there is no defense against the rockets” which translated means that they lack the moral strength, courage and resolve to completely vanquish it’s enemy.

Ehud Olmert has been cited numerous times on this blog as stating; read more


Merkel’s Knesset Speech: Olmert Regime Goes Along With Farce


Near the end of Caroline Glick’s article below, she suggests three things that Israel do to express a power game; Use of her economic leverage by virtue of technological prowess, impressing on the Germans and the other Europeans that Israel possesses considerable military power (despite the Lebanon fiasco of two years ago) and will use it to defeat its enemies and exposition of “Europe’s humanitarian and pro-peace rhetoric as a hypocritical sham” meant to cover over both their long-engrained disdain, if not outright hatred for Jews, as well economic and diplomatic appeasement of the Islamic world. read more


Will Olmert Regime Back Down on Givat Ze’ev, Stiff Shas?


There is a type of “convergence” of several major stories of this time into one;

Olmert, facing pressure from “the nations” coupled with self-hatred for Jewishness and overwhelming lust for perpetuation of his prime ministerial power, will back down on Givat Ze’ev just as sure as he backed down on mounting a credible invasion of Gaza, just as he backed down on connecting Ma’alei Adumim to Jerusalem, just as he invaded Lebanon hodge-podge, not to win, in July 2006. read more


The Nations’ Inevitable Compassion: Only Epitaphs for Murdered Jews



Israel must use and depend on ONLY her military and spiritual strength to defend herself, regardless of world opinion, for the world only shows compassion for Jewish gravestones, if even then. The superpower is NO substitute for Shemayim. Israel must act on her own behalf at ALL times; “If not for one’s self, who else will be?” MB

Bush: Jerusalem Attack `Barbaric, Vicious’


US President George W. Bush told Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday that the United States stands with Israel, hours after a gunman’s attack on Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav Yeshiva that killed eight and wounded 11. read more


Dual Standard: Protexia Olmert Sends Others to Fight While Sons Evade


While nearly every other previous Israeli prime minister, defense minister, etc. who had sons sent them to fight the nation’s wars alongside their fellow Jews, Ehud Olmert is truly the paradigm protexia-class leader who sends his sons to evade their national duty. How dare he therefore refer to those who settle the land and who are willing to fight for it a disgrace! We have a prime minister who is an abject disgrace — boastful, incompetent leadership and total lack of moral leadership. He psychologically projects his own disgrace onto those of the governed who oppose him. MB read more


Olmert Regime Ill-Conceived Gaza Aims, Goals



Just short of two weeks ago, this blog questioned the Olmert Regime’s apparent goals, third party insertion of multinational forces rather than total victory — eradication of rocket attacks, weapons smuggling and terror, in a Gaza conflict with the Hamas sector of the Pa. Why the phraseology; Hamas sector of the Pa? Because, in the final analysis, all segments of the Pa. are unified as to the same end — the destruction and eradication of the Jews.

Further indications that this is so is found both in Dr. Aaron Lerner’s commentary below and Calev Ben David’s piece, “Deja` Vu for Olmert?” as well as the related article and commentary below. read more


Another Group of Politicians’ Lame Balks About Jerusalem Divide


This blog cautions against undue optimism regarding these 11 Kadima MKs and their faction meeting of yesterday. Don’t expect them to be any more serious about their so-called “red lines,” Kadima’s platform and a united Jerusalem under Jewish control, than Shas has been about theirs [If they start talking about, no make that continue to talk about dividing Jerusalem…]. Israel’s political, governmental leaders — it’s all about enhancement of personal power, spoils and self-aggrandizement, while blantantly ignoring the nation’s security and well-being. MB read more
