Another Ill-Conceived Conflict; Goal: Multinational Force, Not Victory


Will a Gaza conflict be a replay of Olmert’s 2006 summer Lebanon conflict? Has Israel’s military strategy of winning a war and vanquishing an enemy sworn to our destruction, so degraded in recent years to the point of fighting a conflict with the goal being introduction of international forces with their record impairing and further degrading Israel’s military capability as well as degrading Jewish national sovereignty? MB

IDF Exit Plan: Gaza Invasion Will Bring Multinational Force, by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post) read more

Olmert, Livni, Ramon Dividing Jerusalem, Disdainful of Shas



The body of evidence that the Olmert, Livni, Ramon troika is dividing Jerusalem at this very moment; as we speak, as we write, continues to grow. And take note that the Jerusalem Post, for some reason, has completely edited out of it’s earlier report these words below spoken by Jerusalem Councilman Nir Barkat in the report’s original form regarding Livni’s responses to his inquiry about secret negotiations on Jerusalem;

Barkat said: “Livni’s letter exposes more than anything the fraudulent peace process led by Ramon and the prime minister. Livni refuses to reveal the vital information she knows, of which I was informed by senior officials, that there is a secret channel led by Haim Ramon and Mohammad Rashid and not by the Foreign Ministry.” read more

Political Fallout From Olmert/Livni Jerusalem Division: Shas Stays Put



There is apparently no movement yet by the Shas party to leave Olmert’s coalition despite yesterday’s stark revelation of the truth, as posted here, that Olmert and Livni are brazenly dividing up Jerusalem in secret, behind closed, secure doors. One can only hope R’Ovadia reads the papers and is now able to see through the political con-job being perpetrated by Shas’ leaders. MB

‘Post’ Report on Jerusalem Talks Sparks Fury, by Gil Hoffaman, Khaled Abu Toameh and Talia Dekel (Jerusalem Post) read more

In Protexia Regime, Sderot Residents Not Equal to Tel Aviv’s


The unfortunate thing in Israel is that no longer do all Israelis see their fellows as Jewish brothers. There was a time when every man’s doorstep was like one’s own. But in successive leftist, Askenaz protexia regimes and even amongst a Shas coalition partner, the mindset of division, of asaf’suf which these regimes have promulgated amongst Israelis has negated selflessness among brethren. MB

Treat Sderot Like Tel Aviv, by Hanoch Daum (Ynet)

“This is the bitter truth: In this country we have citizens who are worth less, citizens who do not deserve the utmost effort in order to guarantee their safety.” read more


PM Olmert: Admit Damage You’ve Done to Israel and Resign


Hat tip to Manhigut Yehudit for picture.


Ehud Olmert has done devastating damage to the nation of Israel and yet struts around struts around extolling the virtues of the disaster which he and his other stooges; Livni, Peretz, Halutz, etc., and Arik Sharon before him, set in motion beginning with the Expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, the police riot in Amona, the kidnapping of the three young soldiers, the Lebanon conflict and the constant terror of Sderot and the Negev from Gaza. read more


Police Drag Feet on Olmert Violations of Jerusalem Law


If one does not already believe that Ehud Olmert is being etrogized due to continued talks with Abbas and growing list of concessions, as Sharon was previously regarding corruption and graft charges lodged against him and his sons, consider the failure of the police to undertake an investigation of his violations of the Jerusalem Law which prohibit transferring any part of Jerusalem to “any foreign political or governmental entity.”

We have previously witnessed the free passes Olmert has received in alleged personal corruption cases, regarding the ongoing bombardment of Israel by Gaza-based Kassams as well as the Winograd committee’s failure to sufficiently cast responsiblity upon Olmert for his Prime Ministerial mis-management of the July-Agust , 2006 Lebanon debacle. read more


Shall Olmert, Incompetent Hacks Continue for Our Silence?


Will Olmert and his corrupt, graft-ridden group of incompetent, political hacks in unison with their leftist-msm partners continue to dictatorially rule Israel after Winograd? Or will the masses of Jewish public awaken, get their backs up and force Olmert and his lazy, protexia-ridden, surrenderist regime to collapse?

Will the people compel deconstruction of the governmental instruments which enable an Olmert and money-grubbing coalition partners to gain power?

The three excerpts from the longer version of the excerpted Caroline Glick commentary below, speak volumes; MB read more


Haaretz of “Rape Israel”: “Olmert Unfit to Conduct a War”


Tucked deep inside the Haaretz news website and inaccessible to anyone looking for it from the front page or from the opinion page,
the Haaretz editorial below, author unnamed, echos what David Horovitz wrote yesterday and which
this blog posted, but in even more stark terms such that one has to wonder how it is that editor David “Wet Dream about the Rape of Israel” Landau permitted it to run. The piece obviously seems to run counter to his agenda.

And beneath the hidden editorial is a more accessable Haaretz piece delivering more of the same message. But the great mystery of life is
how Haaretz could be so stark in now calling for Olmert’s ouster. How does this editorial jive with Haaretz’s standing in the MSM which etrogizes Olmert as long as he remains a “good boy” and gives up everything — including Jerusalem. MB
read more


Shas: Playing for Olmert’s Funny-Money With Jerusalem On Line?



As we watch the time tick down to the 6 PM Wednesday release of the “final” Winograd report on the summer 2006 Lebanon conflict, there are three reports well worth reading for background as to whether or not the Winograd report will be the fatal blow to the Olmert regime’s continuance in power. Below are excerpts from each, but readers of this blog should read each report in total for possible perspectives in the days to come. Can Olmert be taken at his word? Is delaying Jerusalem until last placing it in a fait accompli situation? read more

As Olmert Meets Abbas, PA TV Incites Ethnic Cleansing of Jews



While the self-hating Ehud Olmert keeps meeting with Mahmoud Abbas to facilitate handing over of Jewish land: Yehuda and Shomron as well Jerusalem and Har Habayit, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s own PA TV continues it’s daily non-stop inculcation of it’s constituents in anti-Israel, anti-Semitic invective.

Only someone totally lacking in personal self-dignity would continue to meet with an enemy who preaches and endoctrinates its people to our destruction 24/7 while continue to bombard us with Kassams, mortars, Molotov Cocktails and rocks. MB read more
