Why I Can’t Change My Facebook Picture to Shalit’s



Although I want to see kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit freed, back in Israel with his parents, relatives and friends, and pray for it on ever occasion, I have a real big problem with the proliferation of Shalit pictures being posted to profiles on Facebook, MySpace and other social networking sites.

The problem I have is surely not with the act itself which I sincerely believe to be a genuine, sincere grassroots display of unity with and love for a a Jewish brother.

My problem is with the perception and message of these pictures alongside the Israeli government’s actions and mindset of appeasement, equivocation, lack of honor. read more


Israeli Government’s Shameful Behavior Toward It’s Allies


This blog has hammered home again and again the shame of the evolving cycle of Israel’s governance in abandoning soldiers on fields of battle, such as with Jonathan Pollard, failure to rescue or even attempt to gain obtain sufficient intelligence to plan rescue of the kidnapped soldiers and it’s abandonment in 2000 (under cover of darkness) of the very South Lebanese allies who fought against terror alongside IDf soldiers.

What Evelyn Gordon relates in her column excerpted below could be extended to Israel’s American legislative allies who continually have their wings clipped. There is a litany of instances of American legislators taking very pro-Israel positions only to have their legs taken out from under them by a leftist Israeli regime. Examples in point are the US Joint Chiefs of Staff map of Israel’s defensible borders which Olmert withholds from distribution to Israelis as well as Israel’s recent possible failure to facilitate receipt by US House or Senate committees of videos of Egyptian officials caught in the act of aiding arms smuggling to terrorists in Gaza. In this later, recent case, American legislative allies may have been denied a major weapon to deny Eygpt military assistance. MB read more

Gov’t of Israel: For Shame; A Jew Does NOT Abandon Another Jewish Brother



Rav Shmuel Eliyahu repeats yet again what this blog has reiterated numerous times; the systematic betrayal of Jonathan Pollard, again and again, by sucessive ISRAELI governments and by establishment so-called “Jewish leaders.”

This author holds that it is the abandonment of Pollard which set in motion the precedent and mindset for the abandonment of South Lebanon, the Oslo “agreements”, the expulsions of Jews from their homes, communities and Jewish Land in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns. The abandonment of Pollard by the ISRAELI government paved the way down the step road of decay that has led to the absurdity and humiliation of Annapolis. read more


Soros Moves on Israel: MoveOn.com and Resurrection of the Leftist “Victim’s Syndrome”

Column One: Soros Moves on to Israel, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“To rebuild American political support for Israel and to enhance the US-Israel alliance, it is imperative that Israel be capable of understanding the nature of this support. This understanding begins by making distinctions between our many friends and our foes and acting on these distinctions. Not all of our friends are Jews and not all Jews are our friends.”


US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s speech at the American Task Force for Palestine’s inaugural dinner in Washington on Wednesday evening was but the latest sign that America’s alliance with Israel is weakening. read more


Parsha Nitzavim 5766: Unity — Hashem’s Covenant with Klal Yisrael …

Parsha Nitzavim 5766: Unity — Hashem’s Covenant with Klal Yisrael …

By Moshe Burt

Parsha Nitzavim begins; “Atem Nitzavim HaYom…Today you are standing before Hashem, your Lord… You are thus being brought into the covenant of Hashem, your Lord, and [accepting] the dread oath that He is making with you today. He has established you as his nation, so that He will be a G’d to you…” (Devarim, Perek 29, posukim 9-12)

L’l Mode U’Lamed comments on these first few p’sukim of Nitzavim noting; “that all members of Klal Yisrael, from the greatest of leaders to the simplest woodcutter, stood together as equals before Hashem…. Thus the poor woodcutter who is devout in his ways and who raises his children as true Jews is elevated to the same level as the wealthy supporter of Jewish causes. No man should consider himself too insignificant to be a partner in the covenant between the Jews and Hashem (L’l Mode U’Lamed on the Weekly Parsha, Parsha Nitzavim, page 183) read more
