My Beit Knesset’s learning program has recently featured a 1 hour daily Torah Ulpan for learning conversational Iv’rit in a contect of learning the Rambam’s Hichos Teshuva.
During one of the first classes, we discussed the concept of sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and the will to change one’s ways. This discussion brought to mind the contrast between sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and superficial “regret.”
The recent expressions of regret by a female former soldier for her role in the expulsion, as stated in an email, contrasts with expressions by Israel’s governing leaders, i.e. words of former Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer who basically admits that the expulsion was a mistake, but who still “hopes Israel will leave territories as soon as possible.” read more