The Gush Katif Expulsion: The Fruits of the Hitnatkut, The Gift Which Keeps On Taking!

The Gush Katif Expulsion: The Fruits of the Hitnatkut, The Gift Which Keeps On Taking!

by Moshe Burt

On Wednesday afternoon, 26 July, 2018 , this author set out by autobus from Ramat Beit Shemesh traveling to Petach Tikva, no easy feat on 3 buses and a taxi, to the Shiva House of Mishpachat Levi — the family of Staff Sgt. Aviv Levi z”l, struck down by a Hamas terrorist sniper’s fire last Friday, 20 July.

As I rode, memories of the Gush Katif Expulsion of thirteen years ago again came to my mind: The words of then-prime minister Arik Sharon to the IDF Chief Rabbi (as reported on Israel National News years ago) about “forty years of peace,” Bibi’s voting hand raised high in approval in Knesset despite a Likud party referrendum which voted it down, the bodily removal, expulsion and herding onto buses of my fellow Jews, the destruction of hundreds of homes owned by Jews by police and Yasamnikim as well as the burning down to the ground of the main Shul of Neve Dekalim by Hamas, the burning destruction of thousands of dunams of agriculture by Hamas after wealthy Europeans and Canadians acquired them for the Arab Gaza residents and much more. The nine-thousand Gush Katif residents removed were replaced by years rocket and mortar onslaughts on S’derot and the other border towns, multiple wars with usage of civilians as human shields as well as attacks of recent vintage — drones, kite and balloon bombs and snipers. “Forty years of peace,” Yeah, right! More like, the fruits of the Hitnatkut, the Israeli gift which keeps on taking which, last Friday, took the life of Staff Sgt. Aviv Levi. read more


Parshat Va’etchanan 5777: Consolation? Maintaining Hope and Persistence After Amona and Twelve Years After Gush Katif Expulsion and Governmental Deceptions?

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parshat Va’etchanan is being sponsored by Ari and Rifka Stern of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated for the success of their children in all their endeavors. To the Stern family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses and good wishes.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate the Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more


Parshat Vayigash 5777: Have We Learned and Internalized National Unity From the Brothers, From the Gush Katif Expulsion?

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua Vayigash is being sponsored by Dr. Pinchas and Penina Klahr and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh lilui nishmas Pinchas’ father Nosson Karpel ben Shmuel Zanvil Tzvi and P’nina’s father Matisyahu ben Yaakov. To the Klahr family, many thanks for your sponsorship and your continued kindnesses.

Friends, you can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more


Tisha B’av Message From Rabbi Shalom Gold Days Before Gush Katif Expulsion

And four years later, we live with the pain of the Korban done by Jew against Jew. Rabbi Gold’s words are poignant. (For those who cannot view the video from this blog, click here. ) Also poignant are the photos and words on the Jew against Jew Expulsion from Gush Katif written by David Morris on his Tzedek, Tzedek blog. MB

To view additional videos related to the Expulsion of our Jewish brthren from Gush Katif, click here

Hat tip to Israel National News.


“Disengagement” Authority Still Covering Up Abuse of Evicted Former Gush Katif Residents


The State Commission of Inquiry formed to probe the treatment of “evacuees” has begun hearing testimony. This blog has referred and will continue to refer to the former Gush Katif residents by the more accurate terms, the expelled, the evicted, the former Gush Katif residents, rather than the regime politically correct term of “evacuees from the disengagement” because what happened in Gush Katif in August, 2005 was NOT a disengagement and the former residents were NOT “evacuated”, i.e. “evacuated from danger.” The people of Gush Katif had made homes, communities, had built businesses, society, communal and religious life there and had made a disaster area BLOOM. read more


Wednesday War News Wrap-Up: Over 60 Rockets Hit Israel While Cast Lead Continues, Barak Extends ‘Special Situation’ Range Now at 40 KM, Regime Sends Former Gush Katif Residents in Nitzan Sewer Pipe “Shelters”


Another regime slap-down of former Gush Katif residents: Concrete Sewer Pipe Shelters??


There are those on the Right who hold that this Gaza ‘Cast Lead’ operation may just be all about politics and political edge merely 41 days before national elections.

And there are others on the Right who correctly assert that “those who forced Israel out of Gaza do not have the moral right to send our soldiers back there” and that “Israeli society must free itself of their despotic grip.” read more


Gush Katif Connection With Beit Shemesh Elections


I’m going to speak in the 1st person here.

Aside from the dirty tricks and “stinking manuevers” which marked the campaigns of 2 of the 3 Mayoralty candidates in Beit Shemesh; what irks me is that there seems a definite connection, like links in a chain, between the winning candidate, the parties who backed him, the lengths to which they went to bring about his election (with the possible resultant exclusivity partition of Beit Shemesh/Ramat Beit Shemesh) and what the religious parties, ALL of them — including Mafdal (on a national level) — an across-the-board indictment — regarding what none of them bothered to do to save their Jewish brethren formerly from Gush Katif. read more


The Gush Katif Remembrance Memorial Near Kisufim

This author was among the 3,000-5,000 people who attended the Gush Katif Remembrance event near the Kisufim checkpoint.

The event featured a number of speakers, both youth and adults who spoke about Gush Katif, interspersed with acappella negunim conveying a spirit of returning to and rebuilding Gush Katif.

This author visited with Rabbi Yigal Kamenetsky, the Rav of former Gush Katif residents as well as MK Tzvi Hendel and with a Rav who spoke 4 years ago at the Hachnasat Sefer Torah which took place on 4 July, 2004 at Shi-rat Hayam. read more


Regime to Former Gush Katif Jews: Arab Worker Claims “Your Problem”



Imagine being evicted from your homes, losing your businesses, your livelihood by a regime bent on making your land Yudenrein and handing it over to the nation’s sworn enemies.

Now imagine that your business employed indigenous Gaza Arabs and when the regime expelled you and forced closure of your business, the employees; the Gaza Arabs — some 10,000 people who worked in agriculture and related industries were made jobless.

Now imagine that the majority of former Gush Katif residents still find themselves unemployed, but yet the unemployed Arabs are suing their former Jewish employers, rather than the government of Israel, for “wrongful dismissal.” read more


Former Gush Katif Residents Threatened Yet Again


The Olmert regime-sponsored abuse, discrimination and persecution of former Gush Katif residents continues over 2 1/2 years after the expulsion. This time, it’s the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council attempting to seize the bank accounts of 500 families living in Nitzan for non-payment of property taxes regarding “temporary residential structures… exempt from property taxes all over the country.”

Click here, here and here for some of the history of Sharon, Olmert regime indifference, insensitivity, downright abuse, discrimination and persecution of former Gush Katif residents. MB read more
