New Stamp Honoring Gush Katif: Symbolism Over Substance?


American radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has continually used the phrase “symbolism Over substance” in illustrating cases of governmental lip-service toward a principle or issue.

We find, with the Gush Katif stamp, a classic example of “symbolism Over substance.” While large numbers of former Gush Katif residents have suffered, and continue to suffer directly-related psychological trauma, as well as continuing, in large part, to live limbo without permanent resettlement, lack of compensation and lack of parnossa, the Gush Katif stamp means nothing other than the regime throwing them a worthless, meaningless bone for all of their suffering. A stamp is meaningless payback for their persecution and for the loss of of their beloved Gush Katif due to their Jewishness! When do Jews stop settling for their epitaphs? MB read more


Parsha Vayeishev 5768: Yosef and the Pit and Our Gush Katif Brethren — Miracles for All Time


by, Moshe Burt

Two years ago, just before Chanukah, a short article appeared on the INN website entitled; “Mortar Shells Filled With Chanukah Light” told about the Menorah made from some of the spent Islamic mortal shells which were launched on Neve Dekalim over the years.

Reading about this special Menorah which was lit at one of the Jerusalem hotels which temporarily housed many former Neve Dekalim residents, took me back in time to Philadelphia, in “the “old country” and to a point made by Rav Yehoshua Kaganoff about the pit in which Yaakov was thrown. The point bears repeating. read more


Persecution of Former Gush Katif Residents Non-Ending; Expelled Soldier Ordered to Expell Hevron Jews

Katif Expellee Ordered to Expel Hevron Jews

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According to Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, the head of the hesder yeshiva in Elon Moreh, one of the soldiers sent to expel Jews from their homes in Hevron on Tuesday was expelled from his home in Gush Katif in 2005. “Is it logical,” Rabbi Levanon asked, “to ask a young man who lives in [caravan city] Nitzan and whose family was expelled to expel people from their homes?”

The general public would agree that the young man should not have been required to participate in the expulsion, Rabbi Levanon said. He called on IDF officials to investigate the incident. If a soldier tells his commander that he is unable to fulfill an order because it goes against his ideals, Rabbi Levanon added, “that is not refusing orders.” read more

Haaretz’s Apparent Pre-Meditated Inaccuracies, Misrepresentations Regarding Compensation to Former Gush Katif Residents

For previous posts to this blog regarding the mistreeatment and persecution of the former Gush Katif residents by the Sharon/Olmert regimes and by the Disengagement Authority, click here.


Haaretz published a scathing editorial attacking the already repeatedly put-upon former Gush Katif residents. The editorial was, in the opinion of this author, chock full of deliberate, pre-meditated lies, misrepresentations and inaccuracies.

As a former resident of Gush Katif who is active within the community of Katif expellees and in a position to know the true facts, Dror Vanunu explains that the “claim in left-wing paper Haaretz that each former Katif residents had received $500,000 was completely inaccurate.” read more

2nd Take: The Likud Primary, Moshe Feiglin and the Likud Gush Katif Referendum


Quite a few people have told me over this campaign that they can’t perceive of Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit winning this or any Likud primary.

There are comments like; He’s too unknown, He has no legislative background or experience, Manhigut Yehudit is too small a movement, he could never win national election — that Likud would end up with less seats in Knesset than now, even single-digit numbers.

But, guess what people; victory seems waiting for us on Primary Day. It’s like “the Tugger used to say; “Ya Gotta Believe!” read more


The Likud Primary, Moshe Feiglin and the Likud Gush Katif Referendum


One of the things which really gets this author’s ire is the chutzpadik attitude of the Likud party towards it’s voters.

Consider the recent attempts by the Likud and it’s current party leadership to oust one of the current principals in the race for Likud leadership with the Leadership primary to tke place on 14 August, merely 15 days from now.

What are some of the rationale’s being used to justify ousting Manhigut Yehudit and it’s standard-bearer Moshe Feiglin? read more


Expulsion of Jews From Gush Katif, Shomron; Sequel to Altalena?


In 59 years since Israel’s modern-day statehood, perhaps things have remained the same. Sarah Honig writes a powerful and devastating analogy between the rhetoric of the Altalena period and the rhetoric of the expulsion from Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns.

Palmah soldier Uri Yarom;

“…. I’ll never forget that fellow wearing a blue shirt done up with a white cord [the Hashomer Hatza’ir uniform], who directed the snipers to their targets and pointed to each head that bobbed above the water’s surface. His eyes flashed with hatred as he egged the sharpshooters on with his shouts, spotted their quarry and encouraged them to get the swimmers. My heart shuddered within me. Before my eyes was waged a war between brothers! Jews are shooting Jews – in order to kill!” read more

Former Gush Katif Residents Victimized: Vindictive Regime and Typical Ethic — Gouge Thy Brother

Expellees Receive Power-Struggle Eviction Notices, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)


It seems like some of the former Gush Katif families have had to endure the ongoing long-term abuse of being caught between a disdainful regime and Israelis whose only ethic is to gouge, shake down and victimize their fellows.

It would not be surprising if we were to find out that both the regime and Kibbutz Carmiya were in cahoots persecuting these families and making their lives intolerable. read more


Former Gush Katif Residents to Regime: Keep Your Compensation Promises!

Ex-Gaza [Former Gush Katif] Farmers Want Compensation, by Yaffi Spodek
(Jerusalem Post)

“‘The government is acting inhumanely toward the residents of Gush Katif,’ said MK Zevulun Orlev…”

For previous related posts on this blog, click here.


Former Gaza farmers rallied on Sunday to demand that the government fully reimburse them for the land and money that they lost when they were evacuated from their homes two years ago.

Saying the government has failed to keep promises to fully compensating them for the loss of their farms, hundreds of protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office in Jerusalem. read more


Unrelenting Eviction Threats, Harrassment for Ousted Former Gush Katif Residents


It seems very little has changed since the weekly hotel eviction notices and daily Kassam attacks. To view previous posts regarding the plight of former Gush Katif Residents and the callous indifference of the Government of Israel, click here and here. MB

Katif Jews Receive Eviction Letters

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Hundreds of Jews who were expelled from their homes in Gaza in 2005 have received eviction letters from their current landlords. The former Gaza residents had been renting apartments with government assistance. However, the government aid is due to end in August, leaving the renters without a home. read more
