Monday War News: Molotovs, Firebombs Hurled at IDF During Shechem Terror Arrests, Arabs Toss Rocks at Autos, Bus in Hevron-Har Hevron, Bodies Found in Taxi Near Tsfat


Parsha Matos 5768: (Revisited) Remaining “In Peace” During a War of Survival


by, Moshe Burt

In Parsha Matos, Sh’vatim Gad and Reuven approached Moshe Rabbeinu regarding their desire to graze their flocks and settle their families on the East side of the Yarden. To this, Moshe Rabbeinu replied, “Shall your brothers go off to war, and shall you sit here?” (Sefer Bamidbar, Perek 32, posuk 6)

Moshe was quite angry at the two Sh’vatim. He was concerned lest Gad and Reuven would avoid taking part in the wars for Eretz Yisrael, that other Sh’vatim might follow suit and B’nai Yisrael might be condemned to wandering in the desert another 40 years. read more


Friday War News: “Israeli-Arab” Al-Qaeda Cell Nabbed, 13 Terrorists Nabbed Near Shechem

IDF Arrests 13 Wanted Terrorists in Shechem Area

Israeli Arab Arrested on Suspicion of Planning to Kill Bush, by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)


Four Israeli Arabs from east Jerusalem and two from Nazareth have been indicted for allegedly setting up an Al-Qaida cell in the capital and offering their services to Global Jihad elements, security officials announced Friday.

One of the suspects allegedly made contact with those elements in an attempt to assassinate US President George W. Bush during his visit to Israel in May. read more


Learning From The Teflon PM: Deception on Cost of Livni’s Trip



Amidst the various and myriad corruption, graft and influence-peddling scandal accusations against prime minister Ehud Olmert, including
cash-stuffed envelopes, $4,000 a night hotel-rooms allegedly paid for by wealthy American financiers and more; it appears that Kadima’s leadership heir-apparent, who presents herself as Ms. Politically Clean, may have taken a corrupt leaf from her former mentor’s repertoire. MB

Check out this piece below;

FM Livni’s Spokesperson Attempted to Deceive Press About Expense of Her [France] Trip, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA) read more


Regev, Goldwasser IDs Confirmed; Kuntar, Hezbollah POWs to Lebanon


Well, this horrendous terrorists for body-bags “deal” is going forward. The only thing that remained was for the IDF to confirm that the remains in the two caskets were indeed Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser and that Israel wasn’t being zoomed by Hezbollah. Confirmation of identities took place Wednesday afternoon and the “deal” goes forward with Hezbollah, Hamas and the entire Islamic terror structure gleefully celebrates the humiliation of Israel.

Our condolences go out to the Regev, Goldwasser families; “HaMokom Y’nacheim etchem b’toch Sha’ar Aveilei Tzion V’Yerushalayim.” read more


The “New Israel”: Trading Terrorists Rather Than Rescuing Soldiers


Below is Caroline Glick’s contrast between Colombia’s steadfast struggle against the terror and subversion of Chavez nor pro-Chavez forces and the “new Israel” of one-sided “cease-fires” and dishonorable, disrepectful deals freeing terrorists to kill and maim more Jews in exchange for a single captive and/or 2 other captive body-bags.

Glick notes succinctly;

It is a failure of will rather than a failure of capacity that has brought Israel to its current cowed and humiliated condition where its media… ignores completely the very notion that he [Shalit] can be rescued. read more
