Recent War News: Barak Backs Off of, Discounts Gaza Op Despite More “Truce” Violations, IDF Nabs 4 Attempting Infiltration From Gaza, 200 Shelters for Gaza Border Towns; IDF Nabs 8 Terrorists


Parsha Va’etchanan 5768 — Consolation After Expulsion, After the Cruelty, Arrogance of Israeli Governance?


by, Moshe Burt

The Haftorah for our Parsha begins, “Nachamu, Nachamu Ami yomar Elokeichem” — “Comfort, comfort my people — says your G’d.” (Yishaiya, 40:1) This sentiment seems to be silent, but yet a theme of Parsha Va’etchanan.

In the beginning of Parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu recalls for the B’nai Yisrael how he entreated Hashem for permission to cross the Jordan River but that his request was denied. Instead, he was consoled by viewing the Land from Mount Pisgah. (L’lmod Ul’Lamed – Parsha Va’etchanan, page 161) read more


Israeli Home Center Chain Offers Discounts: “For a …Minority”


Here’s a report that oughta knock your socks off and get your backs up. It has been learned that Home Center, a popular Israeli owned home wares chain has been offering preferential “secret” discounts to “people belonging to a certain minority.” For those thinking that Hareidim, Moroccans, Ethiopians, S’fardim, foreign workers or IDF soldiers could buy at Home Center and receive a 10% minority discount — NOT!

A customer at a Home Center branch recently observed a cashier scanning each item being purchased with the message popping up on the register’s computer each time; “Minority Discount” with the cashier clicking “no” each time. read more


Consequence of Expulsion: Israel’s Military Deterrence In Shambles


Evelyn Gordon writes about the shambles in which Israel’s military deterrence was left as a result of Israeli citizens being evicted from Gaza and as a result of the failed Lebanon conflict and the abortive Security Council Resolution 1701.

Gordon cites Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas leader in the “West Bank,” who stated;

“Members of the Israeli “peace camp,” those who spoke about ending the occupation and withdrawing, pushed us forward in our decision to continue the suicide attacks,” he said. “The cracks in your steadfastness encouraged us greatly and proved that this method is very effective. Ariel Sharon’s plan for disengagement from the Gaza Strip was also a great achievement that resulted from our activities. For us, one of the best proofs of the rift that suicide attacks had created in Israeli society was the phenomenon of refusal to serve in the army. We thought this rift should be deepened, and use of the suicide bomber weapon became a matter of consensus in our organization.” read more

The Gush Katif Remembrance Memorial Near Kisufim

This author was among the 3,000-5,000 people who attended the Gush Katif Remembrance event near the Kisufim checkpoint.

The event featured a number of speakers, both youth and adults who spoke about Gush Katif, interspersed with acappella negunim conveying a spirit of returning to and rebuilding Gush Katif.

This author visited with Rabbi Yigal Kamenetsky, the Rav of former Gush Katif residents as well as MK Tzvi Hendel and with a Rav who spoke 4 years ago at the Hachnasat Sefer Torah which took place on 4 July, 2004 at Shi-rat Hayam. read more


Wednesday, Thursday War News: Kassam Hits West Negev in “Truce” Violation; Hebron Roadblock Lifted as Massive Stonings Continue and Weapons Cache Found in Car Nearby, 14 Terrorists Nabbed Including Stone-Thrower and “Pal” With Large Knife, Regime Frees Hamas Terrorist Officials


Tuesday War News: Arab Stonings With Regime Complicity, Hezbollah Targeting Israelis in West Africa, 9 Terrorists Nabbed

Rock Attack [on Israeli Car] Near Shechem

Related reports;

Shomron Mayor: IDF Very Quick to Respond to Arab Claims, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)


“A Jewish youth from Yitzhar was arrested on Friday for throwing a rock that injured two Arabs…

Shomron Regional Council Mayor Gershon Mesika feels the IDF decision is just another indication of the government’s policy of making life difficult for Jews in Judea and Samaria. ‘Where was the IDF all these years whenever we complained of rock-throwings?’ he asks.” read more


Jews Violently Denied Access to Kever Rachel Under False Pretense



As has repeatedly occurred in the past, police again seem to be denying Jews access to pray at Rachel’s Tomb in the days leading up to Tisha B’av, ostensibly under the guise of a “security situation.”

It would seem highly likely that the government, through permitting Arabs to reside in proximity to the Kever and then walling it in to facilitate attempting to close down access or, to enable turning access on and off at will, are attempting to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of creating conditions (i.e. fear of visiting the Kever and it’s resultant neglect) for a repetition of the regime’s previous Kever Yosef abandonment. MB read more


Pollard Moves to Expose Regime Lies About Compensation



It seems that successive Israeli regimes have institutionalized MSM (mainstream media) dissemination of blatant lies and deceit regarding not only the extent of compensation actually paid to former Gush Katif residents and businesses, but also regarding bogus and deceitful representations of financial support for Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard and his wife Esther Pollard.

Pollard’s suit against the Israeli government, which is being handled by Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, seeks to flush out the truthful facts concerning the regime’s false representations about Israel’s [non-existent] support of her imprisoned agent and his wife. read more


Monday War News: Iran Tests Sea-Based Missile With 300 Km Range, Knife Attack at Ma’arat HaMachpela Thwarted, Jews Denied Access to Kever Rachel Under False Pretenses, 4 Terrorists Nabbed
