Judaism, Torah and Israel’s Security Ditched by Israeli Governance


In case this blog’s readers haver wondered about the dearth of commentary here, it is increasingly difficult to churn out thoughts regarding the myriads of ways in which religious Jews are being undermined and degraded and the ways in which Israel’s security and sovereignty is being damned by leftist elites and their cronies and stooges of Israeli governance. MB

Here is a selection reports and commentaries making that very point;

Olmert’s Parting Blows, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post) read more


Yom Kippur 5769: As Kohanim to the Jews; The Jews to Mankind

By Moshe Burt

The Mussaf portion of any prayers; Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos represent the essence, the main point of that day.

On Yom Kippur, the essence of the service, the ikar is the avodah of the Kohen Godol. So much so is this the case that the Mussaf service centers around the order of the Kohen Godol’s service in the Kodosh Kodoshim (the Holy of Holies in the Beit HaMikdash). The service includes all of the preparations which the Kohen Godol makes prior to the service, the clothing he must wear at each step of the avodah, the number of times that the Kohen must bathe himself prior to each change of clothing and before each step of his service, the drawing of lots determining which goat is for Hashem and which for The Mountain of Azazel (the goat designated by lot to bear the burden of death to rectify B’nai Yisrael’s sins) and more. And by virtue of our being Hashem’s “most favored nation”, The Kohen Godol is to the Jews a paradigm of Hashem’s blueprint of what the Jews are to represent to the other nations of Mankind. read more


Sunday War News: Another “Pal” Caught With Pipe Bombs, 9 Terrorists Nabbed, Molotovs Tossed at Jewish Autos at 3 Locations, North Korean Weapons in Enemies’ Hands, “Hezbollah Brigades” Operate Amongst Palestinians


Friday War News: Jewish Family Run Down by Arabs Near Eli, 2 Terrorists Nabbed — Arab Weapons, Ammo Cache Seized by IDF, 7 Terrorists Nabbed, Islamics Toss Rocks Near Hevron, Kalkilya

‘Accident’ Was Attack, Injured Family Says


“Ilan Epstein, his wife Tamar, and their two young children were driving near the town of Eli in Samaria when a car driven by a local Arab swerved into their lane. Tamar managed to avoid a collision by veering to the right, hitting the guardrail.”

IDF Seizes Rifles, Ammunition Near Bethlehem; 2 Palestinians Arrested

Palestinians Hurl Rocks at Israeli Car in Hebron; No Wounded

IDF Arrests 7 Palestinian Terror Suspects [in Hevron, Shechem] read more


Parsha Vayeilech 5769: Hakhel and Leadership by Example


by, Moshe Burt

It has been said that our Parsha Vayeilech is the among the shortest and often the most overlooked Parsha in Torah. It rarely stands for leyning on its own.

Most often it is leyned with Parsha Nitzavim and so, when it is read on its own, the are machklosim as to where certain of the aliyot end.

But our Parsha comes to speak at length about the Mitzvah of Hakhel — the communal gathering which took place every seven years; that is at the beginning of the year following the end of the Sh’mittah year. read more


Thursday War News: 18 Arabs Nabbed, 9 Rock-Throwing Suspects as Numerous Stonings Incidents Wednesday Night, Thursday


Erev Rosh Hashana War News: Gaza Kassam Lands in Gaza, Palestinian Infiltrates Israel Thru Gaza Waters; IDF Fears Hezbollah Infiltration, Terror Attack; IDF Nabs 10 Terrorists, Molotov Attacks on Jews, Terrorists Practice Kidnapping Soldiers


Shabbos War News: Hamas — Israel’s List of 450 Prisoners Proves Case; Arab Attacks at Ma’arat Hamachpela, Peduel, Alei Zahav

Hamas: Israel’s Willingness to Free [450] Prisoners [for Shalit] Shows Legitimacy of Demands [for 1,000 Prisoners]

Palestinians Attack Students Near [Cave of Patriarchs] Hebron, by Tova Lazaroff (Jerusalem Post)


A group of Palestinians assaulted visiting students from the Nir Yeshiva and broke the nose of one of the students at about 5 p.m. on Saturday in the area of the Cave of the Patriarchs…

The Palestinians also threw stones at the soldiers who responded to the incident… read more


Rosh Hashana 5769: Unesaneh Tokef: Al Kiddush Shaim Shemayim vs Mental Coercion


by Moshe Burt

Each Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we daven the Unesaneh Tokef as part of the Mussaf tefillah.

The story behind the Unesaneh Tokef tefillah (expressing the seriousness of the day): relates the Gezeira Rah (evil decree) faced by R’ Amnon of Mainz and his Kehilla of forced conversion to Christianity dating back about 1,000 years.

R’ Amnon who, with his Kehilla, faced dread coercion as well as mortal, imminent threat of death, gave the perception of consideration of possible compliance with the demand to convert to Christianity and, as a result, became distraught at even having given the impression that he could betray Hashem. read more


Friday War News: IDF Nabs 3 Terrorists, Palestinians Toss Molotovs Near Shechem, Auto Terrorist 3rd Recent Terrorist From Jabel Mukabar, Terrorist Nabbed Near Shechem, 1,000’s of Arabs Cheat Israel – Draw PA Pay, 6 Arabs Nabbed in Weapons Ring
