Israel’s War vs Islamic Wild Beast Terrorists in a Minute

Israel’s War vs Islamic Wild Beast Terrorists in a Minute

by Moshe Burt

Negotiations leading to partial return of some, or for that matter all, of the hostages in exchange for hundreds of terrorists = Surrender and Appeasement. Israel’s victory is ONLY defined as eradication of Hamas and All other Gazan Terror groups as well as IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Liberation of All hostages, as they did at Entebbe on July 4, 1976.

And accusations of Israel “murdering” “innocent” Gaza civilians: It is a time of war which Israel did not start, nor did Israel instigate. Israel could in no way even conceive of the barbaric atrocities of Hamas. Nor would they intentionally seize, murder, rape and behead an adversary’s civilians, as Hamas did to Jewish civilians.

Did Churchill, FDR, Truman worry about civilians in fighting WW2 vs Nazi Germany, Japan? What about Allied Carpet Bombing of Germany and Nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Did Ike have concerns over civilians during the Korean War? Did LBJ or Nixon worry about civilians, aka Vietcong? Did the Bushs’, Clinton or Obama worry about civilians during either of the Gulf Wars or in Afghanistan? The point is: Israel is held to an immoral, prejudicial double-standard by the US, the UN, the EU, etc. — a standard that not one of the world’s other nations, including the US, would hold themselves to in a time of a war of survival.