Mercaz HaRav Terrorist: Arrested by IDF, Released After 2 Months



The file on the Olmert regime’s malfeasance, nonfeasance, irresponsibility and abject neglect of the nation’s security is bulging in the case of the Islamic murderer who perpetrated the Thursday night pogrom at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva.

Here is what we know to date;

1/ Barak of IRIS cites a Jerusalem Post report that the terrorist;

Alaa Abu Dhein was arrested by defense forces four months ago and then released two months later.

The [His] family say that he used to work as a driver at the institution. read more

Mercaz HaRav Pogrom: Arab With Weapon “President Peres Authorized”


Once again, as has often been spoken about in the past, the point is made by the young Yeshiva student who shot the Arab terrorist when he was later interviewed by the BBC regarding the origination of killer’s Kalatchnikov automatic weapon. As reported below by David Bedein, the student spoke out that;

The Arab whom he had helped to kill was carrying a weapon that “President Peres had authorized” reminding the Israeli public that Mr. Peres, as foreign minister and prime minister, had authorized automatic weapons for Fatah members who were loyal to PLO leaders Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. read more

Shabbos War News: Kassam, Mortar Attack on Negev; Symbolic Egyptian Destruction of Smuggling Tunnels; Attempted Kidnapping Foiled, Police Chief: “Not 3rd Intifada”, Dichter: “We Know How to Put Down Intifada”


The Nations’ Inevitable Compassion: Only Epitaphs for Murdered Jews



Israel must use and depend on ONLY her military and spiritual strength to defend herself, regardless of world opinion, for the world only shows compassion for Jewish gravestones, if even then. The superpower is NO substitute for Shemayim. Israel must act on her own behalf at ALL times; “If not for one’s self, who else will be?” MB

Bush: Jerusalem Attack `Barbaric, Vicious’


US President George W. Bush told Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday that the United States stands with Israel, hours after a gunman’s attack on Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav Yeshiva that killed eight and wounded 11. read more


Friday War News: Aftermath — Mercaz HaRav Pogrom; IDF Offs 6 Gaza Terrorists, 4 Killed While Planting Explosives; IDF Follows Politicians to Gaza Multi-National Force


Barak Refuses Yeshiva Exemptions, Terror Murders at Mercaz HaRav


A day which began with Ehud Barak’s repeat of his late 90s political circus on the heads of the religious, ends with a murderous Islamic terror pogrom on the heart of religious zionism. MB

An Assault on the Heart of Zionism, by Calev Ben-David (Jerusalem Post)

Full Text;

Rarely have terrorists chosen their target with so much malicious care as in Thursday night’s attack on Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav Yeshiva.

In striking the flagship institution of the religious Zionist movement, a Jerusalem landmark whose history is linked with the founding and fulfillment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel, the gunman aimed his weapon at the heart of the Zionist enterprise. read more


UPDATE: Thursday Night War News; Islamic Pogrom at Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva; Kassam Slams Into Sderot Home; Arabs Attack Jews in Yesha

Mercaz Harav Hit by Worst Terror Attack Since April 2006, by Etgar Lefkovits (Jerusalem Post)


A Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a central Jerusalem yeshiva late Thursday night, killing eight students and wounding 10 others, police and rescue officials said.

The 8:45 p.m. shooting at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood broke a two-year lull in terror in the capital and sent students scurrying for cover from a hail of gunfire – a reported 500-600 bullets – that lasted for several minutes. read more


Dual Standard: Protexia Olmert Sends Others to Fight While Sons Evade


While nearly every other previous Israeli prime minister, defense minister, etc. who had sons sent them to fight the nation’s wars alongside their fellow Jews, Ehud Olmert is truly the paradigm protexia-class leader who sends his sons to evade their national duty. How dare he therefore refer to those who settle the land and who are willing to fight for it a disgrace! We have a prime minister who is an abject disgrace — boastful, incompetent leadership and total lack of moral leadership. He psychologically projects his own disgrace onto those of the governed who oppose him. MB read more


Olmert: Another Spineless, National Humiliating Backdown


The reports and commentaries below prove conclusively this blog’s assertion of a hodge-podge, hit-or-miss set of aims and goals regarding the elimination of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza. They prove conclusively that the regime’s true aims and goals fall far beneath TOTAL Victory and vanquishment of an enemy sworn to vanquish, decimate and eradicate us. MB

Olmert: IDF Will Halt Ops if Hamas Does [Hudna Until Next Time — A Few Day, Few Weeks Until Re-Stocked with Contraband], by Herb Keinon (Jerusalem Post) read more