Parsha Re’eh 5767 — Collective Consequences of Lacking Chesed


By, Moshe Burt

According to Rashi, Moshe Rabbeinu begins our Parsha Re’eh by informing the B’nei Yisrael about the blessing and the curse to be pronounced to them upon their entry to Eretz Yisrael from Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval.

Moshe Rabbeinu continues his mussar saying, “Behold, I set before you … a blessing and a curse; the blessing if you heed the commandments of Hashem, and the curse, if you will not observe his commandments.(Sefer Devarim, Perek 11, posukim 26-27) read more


Etrogization: Israel’s Newest Political Institution



Etrogization has become more than political strategy, it has become political institution in Israel. When in trouble; with the police, the attorney general, the state comptroller, a commission of investigation of a poorly fought, poorly managed war, and more — all breathing down your throat, it’s no time for biting the bullet, for taking your medicine, for doin’ your time. It’s no time for facing true justice.

When in heap big trouble, coddle up to those with the power to pursue or quash any investigation — the Left, who controls all bureaucracy, all media and all institutions in Israel. read more

Religious Soldiers Refusing to Expel Jews in Hevron


For a sampling of previous posts to this blog regarding expulsions in Hevron, click here and here.

Soldiers Refusing to Expel Jews From Hebron Marketplace

Full Text;

Soldiers serving in the Dukifat brigade received orders this morning to carry out operations in Judea and Samaria. Prior to boarding the bus, it became clear to the soldiers that they were to be involved in carrying out the expulsion of two Jewish families from the marketplace in Hebron, at which point, a number of soldiers refused to board the bus. read more


Haaretz’s Apparent Pre-Meditated Inaccuracies, Misrepresentations Regarding Compensation to Former Gush Katif Residents

For previous posts to this blog regarding the mistreeatment and persecution of the former Gush Katif residents by the Sharon/Olmert regimes and by the Disengagement Authority, click here.


Haaretz published a scathing editorial attacking the already repeatedly put-upon former Gush Katif residents. The editorial was, in the opinion of this author, chock full of deliberate, pre-meditated lies, misrepresentations and inaccuracies.

As a former resident of Gush Katif who is active within the community of Katif expellees and in a position to know the true facts, Dror Vanunu explains that the “claim in left-wing paper Haaretz that each former Katif residents had received $500,000 was completely inaccurate.” read more

Sunday War News; Or Lack Thereof on Eve of Olmert, Abbas Yericho Meeting


It never ceases to amaze this author how, on the eve of an Olmert, Abbas meeting, this time on Monday in Yericho, things suddenly become peaceful — no Kassams launched from Gaza, no IAF raids, no arrests, no snipping or stoning attacks on roads in Yehuda and Shomron, no infiltrations into Israel, no explosive devices thrown at IDF soldiers near Shechem; nothing, absolute quiet since Saturday night.

As Olmert is about to offer further “gestures (sic)” = appeasement or further surrender to Abbas by way of opening Israel’s borders including; read more


The Dissimilarity of Feiglin to Olmert and Barak

Caroline Glick, who has written so well about the imperative for political and governmental change in Israel, has a problem.

Her problem seems to be an inability to take a leap of faith, a leap towards emunah in Our Creator, the leap which she, herself, again and again and again in her previous writings deems essential, imperative to Israel’s continued security and well-being.

Time and again, Ms. Glick regales us with prose like this;

Rather than direct our attention at Olmert, Israelis must turn our attention to his enablers. Yisrael Beiteinu head and Minister of Non-Existent Strategy Avigdor Lieberman and his buddy, Shas leader and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Something or Other Eli Yishai, as well as Shas’s religious leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef should become the objects of public pressure. They must be made to understand that if they desire a political future of any kind, they must abandon Olmert and allow the nation to elect a new government. read more

Shabbos War News; Kassam Blitz, 2 Islamic Jihadis Killed, Arab Infiltrations


Shabbos War News; Kassam Blitz, 2 Islamic Jihadis Killed, Arab Infiltrations
