Live Fire in Chevron Mitzpe Shalchevet Expulsion? Olmert Claims “No Further ‘Disengagement'”[Read Expulsions]

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Police Chief Not Ruling Out Live Fire in Hevron


“When asked if the police was prepared to use live weapons fire during the evictions, Karadi replied: ‘I hope not, but as the person responsible for professional operations, I cannot afford to rule out that assumption. From now on, there will be no more mixed messages. From now on, there will be unequivocal enforcement of the law.'”


And the shameful beating and arrest of Tzippy Shlissel was was an “equivocal, mixed message?” MB

Olmert: There Will Not be Another Disengagement


“In his address to the Herzliya Conference, Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated he does not plan a second disengagement, referring to the Gaza/northern Samaria Disengagement Plan.”


Right, and the next move would be called what it is; Expulsion of Jews at legalized gunpoint from parts of Eretz Yisrael! MB

MK Hendel: Transition Govt May Not Make Irreversible Decisions


“‘Hendel warned that statements made by Police Chief Karadi and the determined policies of Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will possibly lead to the “killing of Jews by their brothers,’ adding, ‘A transition government heading into national election is not permitted to implant irreversible policy decisions.’”

MK Yahalom: Karadi Provoking Civil War

MK Eldad: Karadi is Preparing the Groundwork for Use of Weapons Against Jews


“Eldad warned ‘We must stop this before it is too late,’ adding, ‘The state of Israel needs a police chief who is a professional, not a politician.’”


1 thought on “Live Fire in Chevron Mitzpe Shalchevet Expulsion? Olmert Claims “No Further ‘Disengagement'”[Read Expulsions]

  1. Moshe:

    You end by saying we cannot be silent. Exactly what is this to mean? That we write and fax and email and telephone the corrupt powers to be? Useless as has been proven.

    Can whoever rallied the 250,000 people who suddenly appeared at the Kotel just before the disengagement to pray that it not happen, rally them together again only this time in Hebron or the Knesset or threaten to storm the Mount to create a diversion to get them stinkin Nazi stormtroopers out of Hebron where all they do is pummel 13 year olds or mothers of 10 children. They are so pathetic and aggravating. Can anyone remember when these big, tough “cops” fought the enemy of the Jewish People? Can anyone remember when they gathered in huge numbers to pummel terrorists from Jenin, Ramallah, Tulkarm or Shechem? Of course not….they are no doubt frightened to do that so they displace their aggression against good, young Jews who only want to live in peace and study torah.

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