Deputy PM of Moral Turpitude Pulls Realignment From “Freezer”

Ramon Proposes Small-Scale [Withdrawal from 70%] Realignment Plan, by Ronny Sofer (Ynet)

Olmert’s Trial-Balloon man?

For context, click on these previous posts; here and here.

Full Text:

Vice Premier Haim Ramon has initiated a new, smaller-scale realignment plan that would see Israel withdrawing from 70 percent of the West Bank territory and evacuating settlements, mainly isolated ones.

Ramon told Ynet that the new plan, which was first reported on Channel 10 Monday evening, “is still in its initial stages,” and that it represented his views, not those of the prime minister. read more

Tuesday War News: Kassams, Mortars and Stonings Continue


Devarim — Everyman a Leader in Applying Learning, Kiddush Hashem Outside Beit Medrash

by Moshe Burt

A few years ago, Rav Aba Wagensberg spoke out in a shiur that Sefer Devarim represents Moshe Rabbeinu’s Mussar to B’nai Yisrael as the time of his death drew near.

He explained that near the end of Sefer BaMidbar, we began to see indications, via the story of Zelafchad’s daughters, Reuven and Gad’s desire to settle east of the Jordan, etc., that the B’nai Yisrael finally desired to accept Moshe Rabbeinu’s teachings and his Mussar which was meant to bring about the perfection of the Jewish people in emulation of the ways of Hashem as they were about to enter Eretz Yisrael. read more

Government of Israel, Mainstream Media in Dreamland

A Palestinian Choice (Jerusalem Post-Opinion)

For related post to this blog, click here.

“Like true gluttons for punishment, we are trying the same tactic again, this time with the same discredited leader.”


Starting with Yasser Arafat following the 1993 Oslo Accords, Israel and the US have a long record of choosing “pragmatic” Palestinian leaders, attempting to prop them up, and watching with dismay as the guns and butter invested are squandered and turned against Israel. The latest disappointment has been Mahmoud Abbas, whose abundant Western-supplied weaponry was captured by the ton by Hamas, which easily overran Gaza, and sent Abbas’s forces packing. read more

Former Gush Katif Residents to Regime: Keep Your Compensation Promises!

Ex-Gaza [Former Gush Katif] Farmers Want Compensation, by Yaffi Spodek
(Jerusalem Post)

“‘The government is acting inhumanely toward the residents of Gush Katif,’ said MK Zevulun Orlev…”

For previous related posts on this blog, click here.


Former Gaza farmers rallied on Sunday to demand that the government fully reimburse them for the land and money that they lost when they were evacuated from their homes two years ago.

Saying the government has failed to keep promises to fully compensating them for the loss of their farms, hundreds of protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office in Jerusalem. read more


Bibi: Answering Iran Danger With Empty, Counterproductive Rhetoric

Report: Iranian Missiles Can Strike 600 Israeli Targets


“Iran claims… that it wouldn’t hesitate to use them in the wake of an attack by the United States or Israel.”

“On Saturday night, US troops in Iraq uncovered a field containing 50 Iranian-made rocket launchers, all aimed at a US army base.

The discovery came after the US claimed that an explosively formed penetrator – a high-tech device that the US military believes is smuggled from Iran – was used against US forces in the Baghdad area earlier Saturday.” read more

Regime Gearing up for Another Amona?

For context, click on these earlier posts.

IDF Gears Up to Stop Homesh March, byYaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)

Full Text;

The IDF and Israel Police are gearing up for violent clashes expected to break out Tuesday when thousands of right-wing activists are scheduled to try and march to the former northern Samaria settlement of Homesh, evacuated under the disengagement plan in 2005.

For the past month, posters appearing throughout the country have been calling on the public to purchase bricks and to bring them to Homesh on July 17. Organizers are expecting thousands of supporters to attempt to participate in the march and to assist in rebuilding the former settlement. read more


Antiquities Authority, Police Play Politics with Islamic Digs on Har HaBayit


Very interesting how the recent Mughrabi Gate construction and maintenance drew the virulent ire of the Arabs, the West and the Israeli left such that the weak-willed Olmert called in the Turks to be “impartial inspectors” and then shortly after, the project was ditched.

But, the unsupervised Arab digging on the Temple Mount, taking place for years, and Arab consolidation of their hold on Judaism’s Holiest Site continues to this day amidst the silent complicity and acquiesence of successive Israeli governments. MB read more
