More Proof that the Regime Has Not Given Up on Expulsion of Jews

For those who who think that, in light of the Winograd report and Olmert’s -minus popularity in the polls, convergence is no longer a possibility, check out the regime’s latest boasts, those of the “not corrupt” Tzipy Livni, further confirmation of this blog’s predictions;

After talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and her Egyptian and Jordanian counterparts in Cairo on Thursday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni described the forthcoming visit as “historic.”

The Arab League reaffirmed its peace initiative of 2002 at a meeting in Riyadh in March. It calls for full normalization in relations with Israel in return for a withdrawal to the pre-1967 Green Line and the return of Palestinian refugees and their descendents to Israel.

Peres said Israel was willing to enter into serious talks with the Arab League over the plan. Addressing a visiting American delegation on Friday, Peres suggested that Israel would make its own proposals in order to conduct serious talks and find common ground.

Livni pledged in comments published Saturday that Israel would make further withdrawals from the West Bank to facilitate the creation of a Palestinian state….

In an interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, Livni said the 2005 pullback from the Gaza Strip and four West Bank settlements would not be the last Israeli withdrawals…

“I can assure you that Gaza is not the last step. We are convinced that to establish a Palestinian state, we have to withdraw from additional areas,” she said. “We do not want to control the Palestinians.”

She did not detail the extent or timing of a future pullback.

As dismal and disastrous a leader as Olmert is, Livni, who now claims that “…it is untrue to say that their [the former residents of Gush Katif] presence there was a burden…The goal was to convey a message”, is at least his dismal match.

And don’t expect that Ehud Barak has turned over a new leaf and would be any different! He too craves the expulsions of more Jews. MB


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