Parsha Mishpatim 5767 — The Importance of Honesty, Principle and Unity Among Jewish Brethren

by, Moshe Burt

Parsha Yithro concludes with the high moment to date in world history; The Asseret HaDibrot (The 10 Statements) on the 6th day of the month of Sivan.

In our parsha Mishpatim, many basic laws of civilized existence are enunciated for B’nai Yisrael. The purpose of the Mishpatim, the civil laws, are to protect the moral fiber of society by regulating relationships between men, ecouraging truthfulness, sincerity and kindness while condemning immorality and deceit.

I often think of discussions back in the “old country” with friends where the suggestion is made that the Arabs, the Islamics view the Jews as hypocrites who are totally lacking in principles. What is suggested is that the Arabs view and perceive an Israeli derech of total lack of modesty (tz’niyut), rampant promiscuity, the presence of irreverence as well as a lack of ethics and morality in dealings between Jews themselves. And before the world, we gain discredit by scandals such as those of Haim Ramon and Moshe Katzav as well as by Ehud Olmert’s alleged less than straight and above-board property deals. read more

Supreme Court to Rule on Migron: Impact on Olmert, Peretz Planned Dismantlements?

Supreme Court Rules on Fate of 43 Families in Heart of Israel, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)

“We are a continuation of the Zionist enterprise and the Zionist dream – just like all the pioneers who came to the Land of Israel over the centuries, starting with the students of the Gaon of Vilna [early 19th century], and later the First Aliyah [1882-1903], and the Second Aliyah [1904 – 1914], etc. – there is no difference. If anything, we are more in the heart of the Land of Israel than Tel Aviv is.” read more


Regime Weak-Kneed on Assertion of Eternal Jewish Rights; Strong-Men Only for Expulsion, Persecution and Dismantlement of Jews

Temple Mount Gate Bridge Work Suspended, by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz (Israel National News)

Full Text;

The construction of the new bridge to the Temple Mount’s Rambam (Mughrabi) Gate, which led to widespread Muslim violence, is to be suspended. The archaeological dig in the area will continue.

Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski announced Sunday night that completion of the bridge will be postponed to allow opponents to file formal objections to the construction work. To that end, the bridge building plans will be made public, giving all citizens the right to examine them. The city planning committee will provide a complete and organized urban construction plan for the bridge and environs. read more

Half of Sderot’s Residents in Danger Due to Regime Dire Neglect

Study: Half of Sderot Residents Have no Shelters

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Over 50 percent of Sderot residents do not have reinforced security rooms in their homes, Army Radio reported Monday.

A survey conducted by the city’s engineering department discovered that Sderot was short of 3,113 security rooms.

According to MK Shai Hermesh [Kadima], 4,500 of such rooms are needed in the area surrounding the West Bank.

Hermesh conditioned his backing of the government budget with the erection of these rooms. According to him, permission to execute plans to start building the rooms had yet to be given, despite knowledge of how many were needed. read more

Monday War News


What Jews in Chutz L’Aretz Can Do for Israel Short of Aliyah

Joint Statement by Mattot Arim, Professors for a Strong Israel and Women in Green: Calls for Jews in Diaspora to Lobby Against Creating Terror State in Judea and Samaria


By publishing this joint statement, this blog does not for a mili-second seek to diminsh the effect an impact of making Aliyah and being on the front lines of the struggle against an unpopular and utterly corrupt prime minister, government and its anti-Jewish, anti-Torah platform and policies.

But Jews living outside Israel who have not as yet committed to making Aliyah can still act to undermine the efforts of the Israeli government to self-destruct Jewish presence on Jewish Land — the Land of Israel. MB read more

Motsei Shabbos and Sunday War News


On the Precipice of a New War

Column One: As We Bumble Into War, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“Defense Minister Amir Peretz is preparing to renew his hostilities against his greatest foes – the Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria. As to the Palestinians, Hezbollah and their state sponsors, Peretz has nothing constructive to say.”

“As is her practice, Livni ignored the fact that her ‘moderate’ friend Abbas stands at the center of those “extremists” inciting for war.” read more


Erev Shabbos, Shabbos War News


The Threat From Within: Far Worse than External Threats

Like Lambs to the Slaughter, Silently, by Arlene Peck (Israel National News)

For context, click here.

“Where is the spirit that is needed to spur the Israelis to action?”

“When are the people going to take to the streets, marching in protest at their government and its idiotic policies? Where is their resentment at having missiles and rockets sent into their midst on a daily basis by their Arab neighbors? Where is the fire in the belly? Where is the will to survive and where is the will to win?” read more
