Month: June 2006
Olmert Plodding Doggedly Toward Surrender …
Olmert in Paris: ‘Convergence is Unstoppable’
“Convergence is unstoppable,” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday after meeting with French President Jacques Chirac in Paris. “It will be implemented. I hope with negotiations, but also without [negotiations],” the prime minister emphasized.
PA At War Til Bitter End; Israeli Public Is In Denial
Glick was quick to label Olmert’s convergence or re-alignment plan an Israeli surrender, “It’s surrender. It’s the transfer of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem to Hamas and Al-Qaeda. He’s pushing an Israeli surrender; he’s pushing the national destruction of Israel, that’s what he’s pushing.”
“Palestinian (sic)” Recognition: What About Jewish Self-Respect and Memory?
Olmert Lays Down Condition for Talks with PA
Full Text;
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, speaking at a press conference with French President Jacques Chirac, said Wednesday that the Palestinian Authority (PA) must recognize Israel before negotiations can start.
He added that the PA also must end all terror and fulfill obligations of previous agreements. The PA and Israel announced an agreement in February 2005 at the Sharm El-Sheikh summit but it quickly fell apart. The PA was to receive control of five major urban centers on condition it end incitement and terror. Suicide bombers from the first city where the PA took control carried out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv shortly after the accord.
Israel MSM Defeatism Places Higher Value on Arab Lives Than on Jewish Lives …
Analysis: Bad Timing for the IDF’s PR Battle
Sometimes in life it is all a question of timing and on Tuesday it didn’t work right for the IDF. Just hours before the military planned to exonerate itself as a result of the investigation into the explosion that killed seven Palestinians on a Gaza beach on Friday, two Palestinian children were killed alongside six other innocent civilians. This time the responsibility fell directly on Israel’s shoulders.
This is a Perfect Example of how Israel’s MSM Places higher Value on lives of “Palestinian(sic)” civilians, as “the brave freedom fighters” exploit them, hiding among them for cover; rather than on the lives of Jewish civilians living in the south who are subjected to the daily Kassam and shelling blitz.
Repeating The Past Mistakes; Giving the “PA(sic)” More Arms …
Olmert Approves Strategy of Arming Abbas to Fight Hamas
Olmert’s decision effectively positions Israel on the side of Fatah in its conflict with the Hamas, the Islamic terrorist organization which governs the Palestinian Authority. That conflict over control of the PA has brought the two groups to the brink of civil war.
Fatah’s new weapons will be supplied by Egypt and Jordan and shipped to Fatah forces, including Abbas’s presidential guard, via Israel.
An aide to Olmert quoted by Reuters said, “He approved the delivery of a certain amount of weaponry to Abu Mazen’s (Abbas’s) presidential guard in order to bolster him so he can fulfil his obligations.” The aide did not specify which obligations the weapons would help Abbas fulfill.
Peretz: One Day of Quiet Does Not Equal an End to the Blitz – No Great Victory! Other War News…
Qassam Lands Near Strategic Facility
Kassam Rocket Fired at Jewish Community
Peretz: One Day of Quiet Proves Terrorists Got the Message
Peretz: Hamas Halted Qassams Due to Threat of IDF Operation
Gaza Violence: One Dead, Senior Fatah Guard Wounded
IDF Arrests 13 Tanzim, Jihad Terrorists
IDF Kills Al Aqsa Terrorist in Jenin
IDF Nabs 13 Fugitives in West Bank
Parsha Shelach 5766: Qualities of a Real Jewish Leader — Revisited …
Prior to the Miraglim setting out on their mission to Eretz Yisrael, Moshe Rabbeinu prayed for Hoshea, that he should gain the strength, conviction and principle to stand against the false testimony of the other spies and to eventually lead B’nei Yisrael. Moshe blessed him before the mission and changed his name to Yehoshua which conveys the above attributes.
This prayer and blessing of Moshe Rabbeinu to Yehoshua begs the definition of the qualities which make a Real Jewish Leader.
Olmert keeps Plotting Separation: Of Israelis From Jewish Land; Keep the Surrender Genie Inside the Bottle …

IMRA Excerpts;
The fundamental difference between withdrawal within the framework of the Road Map and Olmert’s proposed retreat is that Israel wants to retreat while leaving open the question as to what happens in the void the retreat creates. It would appear that the “solution” the Olmert team is working on is to strip the Road Map of any requirement for Palestinian compliance.
The Land of Israel: Ours for Always …
This Land is Our Land, by MK (NU-NRP) Arieh Eldad
“It wasn’t the 20th century creation called Tel Aviv that inspired the world to recognize the Jewish rights to the entire Land of Israel, including both banks of the Jordan River. Rather, it was Jerusalem and Hebron and Bethlehem and Beit El.”
Many of us say today: We believe that Jews have rights to the entire Land of Israel, but “reality” forces us to make concessions. They believe that foregoing our rights to live in Hebron and Beit El and Nablus will bring peace. They apparently can’t see that they are pulling the rug out from any claim of rights over this land – moral, historical or legal.
Israel’s Shelling NOT Responsible for Arab Family Deaths …
For context, click More Facts on Gaza Beach Explosion as well as here.
Report: IDF Didn’t Shell Gaza Beach
According to the findings, expected to be formally released on Tuesday, shrapnel taken from two wounded Palestinians who were evacuated to Israeli hospitals showed that the explosives were not made in Israel, IDF officials said.
Moreover, the investigation noted the absence of a large enough crater at the site of the explosion, as would be expected if an IDF shell had landed there.