Soldier Sues Defense Ministry for Trauma Disability Compensation …

Soldier Seeks Compensation for Disengagement Trauma


A soldier has filed a claim for compensation against the Defense Ministry due to trauma suffered as a result of being part of the disengagement from Gaza last year. According to Ynet News, the unidentified soldier wrote to the Defense Ministry claiming “Currently I am suffering from flashbacks, nightmares, panic, depressions, and I’m being treated daily at an institute.”

The soldier was released from the army a number of months ago. read more


Overnight and Tuesday War Reports …


Parsha Beha’aloscha 5766 — Showing Proper HaKaras HaTov

Parsha Beha’aloscha 5766 — Showing Proper HaKaras HaTov

by, Moshe Burt

Our Parsha speaks about the reasons for the separate section delineated by the inverted “nuns” — “When the Aron (the Ark) would journey, Moshe said, ‘Arise Hashem, and let your foes be scattered, let those who hate you flee from before you.’ And when it rested, he would say, ‘Reside tranquilly, O, Hashem, among the myriad thousands of Israel.'” (Sefer Bamidbar, Perek 10, posukim 35-36) read more


A MUST READ: How to Win the Battle for the Land of Israel …

How to Win the Battle for the Land of Israel


The Judea, Samaria and Gaza (Yesha) Council heads who failed in the struggle for Gush Katif must not be allowed to continue in their positions. It’s unconscionable that people who have been proven incompetent will be allowed to bring about a second tragedy.

People who are not willing to pay a personal price to defend the Land of Israel do not deserve to represent us. In truth, people who receive their salaries from the government cannot be expected to fight against it. Only those who were willing to sit in jail to protect the Land of Israel deserve to lead the struggle. read more


Inevitable: Regime Foot-dragging and Deep-Sixing of Their Responsibilities to Gush Katif Refugees…

Gov’t Has Built Homes for Less Than Half of Expulsion Victims

Full Text;

The government has built only 803 new housing units for citizens expelled from their homes in the Gaza and northern Samaria regions last summer, according to Housing Ministry figures. More than 900 families have been forced into temporary housing.

Most of the new housing units were built on relatively small plots of land, of about 90 square meters compared to the 150 square meters most of the families enjoyed before the government demolished their communities. read more


Where’s Rafi Eitan As Pensioner Provisions Absent from Budget?

Provision for Raising Old Age Pensions Absent from Budget Bill

Full Text;

Labor party representatives on the Knesset Finance Committee were astonished to learn that a provision for raising old age pensions was excluded from the state budget bill.

According to its coalition agreement with the Kadima party, the government was supposed to allocate NIS 330 million to raise old age pensions.

A government official said that in the case of old age pensions, the Knesset would need to pass separate legislation. read more


Why is Regime and it’s MSM Hiding War News from Us?

Sharon Area Placed on Alert

Two Explosives Used Against IDF Forces in Jenin

W. Bank: IDF Arrests 11 Fugitives Overnight

Tel Aviv Police Arrest 81 Illegal Arab Aliens

Arab from Gaza Works as Burglar in Sharon Area

Dichter: Stop Kassams at Any Cost. Olmert: Continue Restraint


Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter demanded that the IDF stop Kassam attacks on southern Israel at any cost, even if it means reconquering territory in Gaza to widen the security buffer zone.

Dichter was adamant that the defense establishment take steps to put an end to the constant rocket fire launched from northern Gaza into the western Negev, “as the IDF paralyzed Hezbollah this week.” read more


In Israel, Vested Interests Trumps Caring for Fellow Jews …

In the tradition of Malcolm Hoenlein who sat on the truth regarding William Tenet’s position on Jonathan Pollard for 6 years, Jonathan Bassi and Major General Giora Eiland have now denounced the Sharon/Olmert government actions “disengagement” from Gush Katif as well as, in Eiland’s case, Olmert’s, convergence (or is that consolidation, or perhaps realignment) plan. MB

First: On Bassi;

Official: Jews Expelled From Gaza ‘Victims’ Withdrawal Authority Says Israel Owes Them ‘Almost Anything’ read more

Almost Doesn’t Matter: COS Dan Halutz

COS Halutz: Classroom of Kids Almost Murdered by Rocket Doesn’t Matter Since No Deaths?

For Context, click here.


IMRA: A week ago a classroom full of kids in Sderot were not killed when a rocket made a direct hit on the classroom because the kid’s morning prayers, held in another room, ran a minute late.

Dan Halutz used to be in the Air Force. In the IAF a near miss is treated with the same severity as the real thing. A pilot who recklessly almost hits another jet can find himself facing the same investigation and consequences as a pilot who crashes. read more
