A week ago, this author asked about the possibility of Pollard’s lawyers filing suit against Rafi Eitan for withholding of evidence regarding the Pollard case.

HCJ Temporarily Denies Pollard Petition
Convicted Spy Jonathan Pollard: Israel Abandoned Me Out of Fear
Jailed American spy Jonathan Pollard said in an interview published Tuesday that Israel meekly handed him over to U.S. counterespionage agents in a panicked attempt to salvage relations battered by his sale of secret American documents to the Mossad intelligence agency.
Pollard told the Yedioth Ahronoth daily that Eitan, now slated for a cabinet post, was also fulfilling an earlier threat to pay him back for refusing to pass on U.S. files on Israeli politicians to be used for political gain.
Eitan, 79, now heads the Pensioners’ party that won a surprise seven Knesset in the March elections.
Pollard said that after he started to pass Israel classified papers on potential Middle East terror threats, he was summoned to a secret meeting in Paris where Eitan asked him to get U.S. files on the financial and sexual foibles of Israeli political figures. Pollard did not name the targets.
“I refused, of course,” Pollard told the paper. “Eitan looked at me and said, ‘You’ll be sorry’.”
Pollard’s lawyers filed a suit Monday with the Israeli Supreme Court, seeking to block Eitan’s appointment as minister of pensioners’ affairs in the new government, set to be sworn in Thursday.
Eitan told Haaretz in response that the petition was groundless.
Eitan: No Basis to Pollard Petition
Pollard To Supreme Court: State Has No Right to Forfeit My Life to Appoint Rafi Eitan
Lawyers for Jonathan Pollard will file an appeal in Israel’s Supreme Court today to block the appointment of Rafi Eitan, Pollard’s former handler and control officer, as an Israeli Government Minister.
Inter alia, Pollard’s petition to the High Court of Justice states:
Rafi Eitan is not suited to be a Minister because he corrupt both as an official and as a commander. The facts are:
1) Rafi Eitan singlehandedly deflected all responsiibility for the Pollard affair away from the Government of Israel and from the politcal and military echelon by falsely claiming that he had acted alone without their knowledge EVEN THOUGH this lie was untenable and the Americans knew it was a lie.
2) For 21 years Eitan has remained silent about official Israeli Government involvement and allowed Pollard, an official Israeli agent , to rot in jail in America.
3) Rafi Eitan not only deflected blame from the Govt of Israel, he gave false testimony to the Americans blaming Pollard for the whole affair, as if Pollard had acted on his own. For 21 years Eitan never corrected this false version of events, even though he knew that it might cost an Israeli agent his life.
4) For 21 years Eitan has withheld a critcial document and refused to
release it to the Americans – or to provide it to the appropriate
authorities in Israel so that they might use it in order to save the life of an Israeli agent.The document shows clearly exactly what information Pollard DID supply to Israel, and by contrast, what information Pollard DID NOT supply. This document would have allowed the Americans to close the case years ago. It would also have PREVENTED all the false accusations against Pollard, from which he has suffered for 21 years. For 21 years Eitan has hidden this document and withheld it from the Americans, knowing full well that he was sacrificing the life of Pollard, an Israeli agent by doing so.