The Yom Hatzma’ot Dilemma …

Beit El’s Rabbi: Independence Day – A Day for Expressing Joy

Independence Day Leaves Some in Religious Camp Bewildered


This author agrees that Eretz Yisrael, Mein ha Shemayim; that the Jewish State also (There is a quote somewhere that said basically that had a Jewish state been left to Chareidi Rabbonim, it would not have come into existence, Pikuach Nefesh — too dangerous).

But whichever regime is in power in recent years, , i.e. Barak, or Sharon or now Olmert. it has hijacked the Bracha and used it toward it’s own self- glorification seemingly proclaiming that it was them, Hashem out of the picture, who brought Medinat Yisrael into existence such that this author can’t and, presumably many more of us, cannot be seen as using this day as a sign of re-allegiance with an evil regime who equates itself with Divine formation of Medinat Yisrael. For that reason, this author cannot recite Hallel; cannot connect, nor can permit myself to be perceived as connecting the prevailing regime’s evil with the Kindness of Hashem. MB

More suitable expressions of HaKaras HaTov to HaKodosh Borchu are events such as that reported in the article below;

Atzmona Evacuees to Inaugurate New Synagogue on Independence Day
