State Controller Socks It To The Regime, SELA …

Comptroller’s Report Scathes Disengagement Executors


Now it’s official: “The State and its institutions failed in their treatment of the expelled citizens of Gush Katif,” according to the State Comptroller’s just-released detailed report.

State Comptroller and former Judge Micha Lindenstrauss concluded that the Sela (Aid for the Expellees) Administration, the Prime Minister’s Office, the State Service Commission and the Finance Ministry were all at fault.

In sharp language, Lindenstrauss described the culture of decision-making that led to the crisis: “One thing dragged along another, and things got stuck. Everyone worked with the approach of ‘Trust me, it will be OK’ – until it was too late… The Prime Minister [Ariel Sharon] and Finance Minister [Binyamin Netanyahu] did not steer their workers properly. The relevant ministers should have used all their influence to push things forward…

“We are aware of the fact,” Lindenstrauss writes, “that the bodies that were established for the evacuation and absorption of the residents had to work in non-routine conditions, but this report shows that there were grave mistakes in their preparation, which caused harm to the evacuees and caused them unnecessary and very painful suffering.”

Continue reading Comptroller’s Report Scathes Disengagement Executors.

One Third of Gaza Evacuees are Still Unemployed


Some 36 percent of the Gaza strip evacuees remain unemployed six months after the disengagement, according to figures from the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry.

The article below was received by email this morning;

Seeing is Believing

Anyone who has not yet visited the new Gush Katif communities scattered around the country – Lachish, Amatzia, Ain Tzurim, Yivul, … must see them to even begin to comprehend the tragedy caused by the expulsion from Gush Katif.

Large families so grateful to be out of their tiny hotel rooms or guest house bedrooms with the communal frig (as in Ain Tzurim) are moving into their new unimproved temporary cardboard homes that are plagued with a wide variety of technical problems.

The areas are for the most part still construction sites- a disgrace and a danger for
the kids wandering about. And with all the grandeur of moving into four bedroom caravans, there is no room for most of the family’s belongings.

This is the present fate of about 9000 individuals.

This is the intended destiny of over 100,000 more if the government gets its act together better and faster than the good people who really care about Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

And if we’re taking tours, come and visit our beautiful yishuvim and hilltops in the Yehudah and Shomron areas- synogogues, educational complexes, community centers, parks and homes. If you see it, and internalize the pain of what we could lose, G-d
forbid, we may awaken in time. And the nation may not have to suffer the pain of further pogroms (as in Amona) and expulsions within our Jewish homeland.

…. Perhaps [we] can undertake to organize bus tours/guides to educate and activate those willing to stand up for the Jewish homeland.

Isn’t that a big part of why we all made aliya,
